Steady Flying

My mom plays and she is an excellent DF flyer. I have seen her fly and fly for ages at a time. That is not anymore engaging with the world than tbc flying. This discussion is not about more engagement with the game. And tbc keeps me plenty engaged with the world. If you want DF to be more percise, share your concerns with Blizzard.

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But you have to get the achievement first and that’s the argument. Stop yelling at me.

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She is touching the keyboard instead of floating in the air. It is more engaging.

And getting the stupid achievement is not that hard. Just do the main leveling campaign and uncover the four zones and there you have it TBC flight is yours to use. Plus, the new zones are ground mount friendly (repeated for the 200th time)

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Sure, PF was more difficult to achieve in the past. Also there was no DF in the past. So by that reasoning why would DF not be behind a PF as well?


No, she’s just using her keyboard and mouse more. Has nothing to do with how much she is or isn’t interacting with the game. Is using keys rather than buttons to play more engaging…they are both irrelavant.

Skyriding is not flying anyways and even if It did exist it would be so much more slower than it is now.

The thought process in this thread has devolved to using your keyboard and mouse to interact with the game isn’t interacting with the game.


That doesn’t work since part of the difficulty of those encounters is your skill in Sky Riding.

For Tindral it’s at minimum to be able to make it to the next platform fast enough while avoiding the obstacles and for the Dawnbreaker each of the three Bosses requires some basic Sky Riding skills.

If you could use Steady Flight it would negate that difficulty.

The problem is every time Blizz adds content that requires Sky Riding going forward these types of threads will pop up. Imagine if the Mega Dungeon in TWW had a section that required SKy Riding like the Dawn Breaker. I can just picture the forums.

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I mean that’s how flying works ion the real world. That’s how planes and birds “fly”. Maybe when we crack UFO tech we’ll have intertia-less, anti-grav type flying akin to Steady Flight some day.

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Great now I want a UFO as a mount now thanks.

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Something doesn’t add up here.

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This topic is not even a dead horse at this point, it s nothing but finely ground dust that might have the shape of a horse if some kind of wind has not blown it away.

I can get those that can’t use skyriding needing or wanting an option for flight that is different from that, but at the same time I am applaud at the pettiness of the anti-pathfinder crowd.

Current pathfinder is just explore the zones and do the mainline quests in each. The zones are ground mount friendly, as in no need to use any flying mount if you don’t want to, This is the bare minimum, and what a lot of us that were trying to get Blizzard to make a pathfinder that could satisfy the bulk of the player base back when it was being discussed were after.

However, things like

Just come across as “If I can’t have my way of doing thigns, no one can without similar”

I would not mind having to do similar to unlock skyriding as what is being required for normal/TBC flight, but keep in mind, this is Blizzard we are talking about, and Ion in particular, so what are the chances if people keep complaining he might do something like remove TBC entirely or make the current pathfinder for skyriding but add rep, treasure, etc, some of which could require skyriding to get TBC flight?

At this point, some just need to think on things and quit while they are ahead and we still have a choice of flight after certain requirements are met.

Is the current situation ideal? likely not, is it fair? debatable, as for something to be fair it should take both players and Blizzard into account (not ion per se) but it is the best we will likley get under current management? sad to say YES.


That’s a great way to waste hours camping something that is going to be dead before you land and get a tag. Sounds like you’ve never camped anything in the game.

It’s degenerate behavior being able to answer the door when the pizza arrives or changing the baby’s diaper. You would never do that, you leave your household responsibilities until somebody else gets exasperated at your laziness and does it for you, right? Grandma should have let you know an hour in advance before she fell down the stairs and needed an ambulance, right?

Translation: “I hate people and want to hurt them. The best thing for the future of wow is lots of forced PvP.”


There should be no content that can only be done with DF. You exclude people from being able to do it. At the very least, campaigns and Meta achievements should not do this. And why would anyone want to make any of the game difficult or inpossible for other players?All of you in oposition to putting all flight on a level playing field for all already will be able to use your preferred method of flying right out of the gate.


The campaign and meta achievements don’t require it.

A World Awoken requires doing every dragon race. Otherwise I wouldn’t have given it up.

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The waiting till the last moment to try and tag is risky, but camping a spot by hovering until the thing you arc camping spawns is a thing.

There are reason that make TBC flight convenient, and these short issues are among them

This is not a hover in place issuer, this is a get your rear end off the game NOW issue.

Some might say TBC flight is an accessibility issue, like Arachnophobia. thing is TBC flight is also a convenience issue, it is like the handicapped automated doors (the ones you push a button to open) sure they are more for the ones in wheelchairs but what is to stop one who is not in one but has arms full or something from using it to make things easier on themselves? This might be why the Arachnophobia filter is not locked behind anything (pure accessibility) but TBC flight is (accessibility mixed with convenience).

Sad to say, the idea you quoted for this could easily be how Ion monkey paws unlocking TBC flight at the same time as Skyriding

and get bronze, which means you cold be as slow as molasses as long as you completed the race. However maybe what Kiyoko should have said is “from here on, the campaign and Meta Achievements will not reqire it”

That limits game design which is my only concern with Blizz keeping Steady Flight. Every time Blizz adds another Tindral or Dawn breaker we’ll have these threads.

You could just log out. It’s like 10 additional seconds.