Steady Flying

I honestly don’t think there needs to be content that does not allow for both types. We have both, so let use use either. And don’t give access to one and not the other except if you complete an extra achievement.

Maybe think about it like this, for those who prefer DF there are no obstacles to flight, instead you have an immediate advantage. The rest of us have to go through hoops for tbc flying. All I want is for it to be the same for all…period.


Awesome, so everyone should start on a level playing field and have to use ground mounts until completing the pathfinder.

Yep, and I am curious as well, however compared to Dragonflight, steady flying will be available day 1, vs 6-9 months into the expansion. Sounds like a resounding win overall.

I have no issue with this, especially if it will stop the incessant complaining about having steady flying 6-9 months sooner than was ever possible in the past decade.

That is easy…just do the Dungeon or don’t do …you are not required to do any dungeon to level up to max level are you? Nope…I don’t like Dungeons esp if I can’t do them with guild mates …I just don’t do them and I am fine leveling up…what I did in Dragon Flight…

Now if the Campaign demands me to do a Dungeon I do it and move on …done that before too…and yes I did the Dungeon in DF that used Dragon Flying…I did that place twice and that was it for me…never again…your trying to equate having to use Dragon Flying for a very short time in one dungeon that doesn’t fly…

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What’s wild is that guild name…

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No, it will be available whenever you can finish the tasks required to get it. No way everyone has the time for that. I can’t simply play as long as I want. Please stop saying the use of both are the same. Unless you can use tbc flying at the onset, using DF is an advantage. Simple as that.


I wasn’t equating anything. I was asked what I would do in regards to content that required DF. I said I would skip it. I never said I was made to do it. In fact, I tried it many times to try and succeed at it. That did not happen.

While I thoroughly enjoy Dragonriding/skyriding, I don’t understand the point of locking regular flying behind anything at this point outside of maybe a gold cost? I do have a few friends who can’t enjoy dragonriding/skyriding due to motion sickness and accessibility issues and there isn’t always someone around to taxi them on their mount during times they would like to/be able to play.

If majority of the player base is going to have access to dragonriding/skyriding right away…Blizz is kind of really only creating a hurdle for people who would need the accessibility options to begin with. And doesn’t that directly go against the philosophy of the accessibility options they’ve added thus far?

If they really need some reason to have pathfinder be relevant still…maybe just let players choose what type of flying they want to start the expansion with…and then have pathfinder unlock the other one for them. Whichever one they didn’t choose at the start.


It is both.

When you personally are able to complete the campaign is not relevant. It will be possible to play for x hours straight and unlock steady flight on day 1. There is no time gate restriction in TWW like there used to be with the old pathfinders.

You don’t have to wait for a patch, or wait a week or two like people do for M+ and raids to become unlocked and available.

No. There was no steady flight available for like 6-9 months in Dragonflight. In TWW this is being significantly reduced to day 1, gated only by how quickly a person can complete the campaign.

Nobody ever complained that playing the game grounded was an accessibility issue back when everyone was equally grounded. This is only something people are saying now because of FOMO or jealousy or whatever.

That said, Blizzard should just lock DR behind the campaign as welll. It really isn’t a big deal to have to complete the campaign once on the ground. And it theoretically will stop the meltdowns.

Better yet, be nice to your devoted customers and remove Pathfinder all together, and allow BOTH forms of flying on day one with NO requirements. We all play the game to have FUN and de-stress from our complicated lives, that’s what gamers do. So, the kind thing for Blizzard to do it to give players what they NEED without forcing us to do work extra unnecessary work.


That would be nice but you know inb4 they add ground mount path finding cause reasons. Cause you know people ask for it so they keep claiming. Inb4 ground mount hate rises up and we get ground mounts with vigor. Cause they hate unlimited galloping.

Also inb4 having to have vigor for your character to run. Cause people hate unlimited running.

Also inb4 having to have vigor for swimming as well cause of reasons.

Anything to make the game more of a dumpster then it already is.

I love that idea!

Or, maybe, rather than rewarding a critical component of the game that should be given to ALL players on day one with no extra work (flying) , give us a cool mount for doing Pathfinder. That way, EVERYONE gets to fly on day one with ZERO effort, we ALL get to enjoy the new expansion at the same time, and the players are INCENTIVIZED to actually do Pathfinder!

Developers win! Payers win! Everyone is happy!!! :partying_face: :tada: :clinking_glasses: :balloon:


Pathfinder is literally to do the leveling story once. It doesn’t need incentive, it’s the thing that is available at launch, before the raid, rated PvP, mythic dungeons, etc.

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Then, why is TBC flying locked behind completing Pathfinder and dragonflight is not? All I’m saying is that ALL forms of flying should be available to all payers on day one. Pathfinder should NOT be a prerequisite for either flight forms.


I just can’t with you people. Everything is possible via the ground TWW zones didn’t make the mistakes like the dragonflight zones did creating terrain that is unfriendly towards ground mounts. But, fortunately TWW zones is all ground mounts friendly.

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Skyriding is not “flying” it’s moreso “gliding”

Blizzard dislikes steady flight because it encourages players to not engage with the game. Skyriding requires the player to still engage with the game while using it, therefore they allow Skyriding out of the gate.

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