Steady Flying

We’ll just ignore the fact there is another form of flying opened from the start so there is no reason to lock the other. It really just feels like Ion and Co are determined to skew metrics towards their precious Skyriding in hopes they can eventually try to remove Steady Flying again. Honestly either both should be locked or available right away.


The problem is that you’re talking to a subsection of the playerbase that actively seek to be victimized. The picosecond that they cannot play the game exactly the way they want they will have a full blown melt down.

They know that in the first 5-7 days they’ll have static flight and this issue will be completely blown over, they just want to be fussy children.


How long did you have to wait for steady flight in every expansion from WoD through Dragonflight? Something like 6-9 months each time.

How long do you have to wait for steady flight in TWW? Available day 1, upon completion of the campaign.

Yeah, totally trying to remove it from the game.

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Unfortunately, you’re correct.

And I’ll also restate for people playing the home game that I’m not sure why the two are being treated differently. I have some ideas, but I’ve said quite a few times that they should just gate DR to campaign completion as well.

This is my preference as well IF this were actually a real issue worth caring about. But it’s not.



Or just unlock both and be done with it, that would also be fair

Nobody is “coveting” dragon riding. We all just see how ridiculous it is to lock one and not the other.


False. People are having a meltdown over this.

It’s boring to you, not to me and others, disabled or not. It seems hard for some to believe it’s preferred by some. I can’t play at the same level as those who are proficient at DF. I am not calling for an end to it. This is not only about disability concerns. I am more successful and have more fun using tbc flight. Why would anyone even care if I use it. I’m not competing with anyone. And if anyone thinks tbc flying is cheesey or more advantageous, you can still use it. So bottom line why should I or anyone else not be able to tbc fly out of the gate. And keep in mind the way things were in the past with flying are totally irrelevant to now. This whole thing comes down to equability…same for all.


There are a few having meltdowns, but it’s not conducive to generalize everyone.

Some people have legitimate concerns and questions.

Why is one locked and the other not? What’s with the inconsistency?

Why do some people lose their preferred method of flying next expansion (even temporarily) but others don’t?

These are all legitimate questions that blizzard has offered no explanation for


Because one requires no effort and no interaction at all for flying, it is unlimited.
The other is interactive, requires you to time your skills to keep flying and if you run out of juicy you have to wait until it recharges or ground mount up.

What I don’t understand is how people completely ignore this point.
Perhaps they do, but as disingenuous as they are they do not touch it.

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Seriously? What makes you think people who use tbc flying are jealous…we prefer tbc flying. Some of us strongly dislike DF. That does not equate with being jealous. What a bunch of nonesense.


So Blizzard is just not as discriminatory, or not quite using a double standard as much…


So what if tbc flying is easier? Some of us need it to be easier to more fully experience the game. You really want to make it harder for people who aren’t as adept or incapable of DF? Unless your at the highest levels this is not about competition.


This is not a competition.
The person asked why one is locked and the other isn’t.

There you have your answer.

You just have to work harder to get your easier way to fly, while us have free our harder way to fly.

And look, you can have the harder way to fly for free as well, which should be enough for you to complete the requirements to unlock your easy way to fly

What are you going to do as Blizz adds more encounters like Tindral or the Dawnbreaker that require Sky Riding?

You’re also spending more than double the time in the air to travel (sometimes like 5 times as long depending on how far you’re going), so it kinda cancels out the waiting for Dragon Riding energy recharge.

That’s if you even need to wait for recharge, if the DF skill tree is carried over that won’t even be an issue. Currently you can fly endlessly with dragon riding. Running out of energy was only an issue at the expansion start when you had like 3 charges and no recharge rate boosts

Not be able to do them.


Then instead of fixating on Steady Flight why not push Blizz to make Sky Riding better for you to not have to miss out on content?

Complaining and complaining!

And yet some of you are so insistent in thinking that somehow TWW zones will force players to use skyriding to traverse the zones and that the zones are not ground mount friendly. When in reality a YouTuber did an leveling experiment without any flying and the traversal of it all is that the new zones are ground mount friendly whether you believe it or not it’s true.

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