Steady Flying

Haven’t you been using ground mounts until max level or pathfinder for the greater part of the game’s existence?


I was going to ask howuch you charge to post … It was it that you were being charged to post? But I marvelled at Mafics ability to take something that has nothing to do with anything and make no point and talk with themselves. It really is an art!

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People blindly follow blizzard and defend everything they do even when they make horrible mistakes. I don’t see anyone other then a couple select folks including myself challenging blizzards dreams and visions for WoW. What blizzard is doing is actually hurting WoW but only a few see’s it which is sad.

Right now WoW just feels like a Arcade game you put a quarter in. Only exception is you get infinite lives and you grind mindlessly. Put everything in a Slot machine mechanic and lock flying behind a achievement --EXCEPT-- DR flight because of reasons¿?¿?

I wonder if we can lock out original Mario Brothers power up mushroom’s behind a achievement as well. Sorry bro no fire balls yet. Oh wait got to summon a slot machine first before we can get the turtle shell to kick around. Opps better luck next time. :slot_machine:


TBC Flying

lol, it’s waaaaaaay more boring. If you are going to argue for TBC air-swimming at least use a legit one like it’s convenient for AFKing and hovering.

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Well done on pointing out something even I hadn’t considered. Unlike their current attitude towards standard flight, your comment is superbly logical. And it makes me even more confused as to why they would enable an immediate form of flight and then delay another.

Come on Blizz, tell us why you’ve done this and be honest about it. I think we are entitled to that at least.


That is why people keep screaming for options and choices. Some like myself prefer TBC flight while others like yourself prefer DR. Locking one and not the other is favoritism. Both flight modes should be behind Path Finder or both available at start.

Call it air swimming as you like but everyone has there own play styles and preferences.


Blizzard released options for people with motion sickness to overcome that.

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Yeah they want us to go slow but failed to look at the 850% flight speed for DR. Your basically going Mach 1 everywhere. Making this entire argument on this thread invalid about flying hurting hard work by the design team.

People will get realm first even faster cause you know were literally almost traveling at Mach 1 speed. Push a couple speed buttons and your already across the continent.


I think I died a little reading that “sentence”.

BlizZard let the toxicity spread on their forums over a year during DF with people calling those that wanted TBC normal flying bots for example. What if someone like TBC normal flying or they can handle it better? That doesn’t mean they are a bot.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Just another attack on people like myself who like’s TBC flying. They can’t stand other people having options they want to force their playstyle on others. They call it names like air swimming or cloud floating just to insult TBC flying.

That like hardcore players insulting casual’s for wanting to play casually and wanting to play to have fun and relax instead of being at the edge your seat 24/7 with max difficulty.

Not everyone wants to play on the same game settings. Every game that I ever played has options to play however you like. Want it hard then it is hard want it easy then it is easy.


I’m like 99% sure this is exactly who I’m thinking of on MMOC and their logic was “Because the logo capitalizes the Z which means it’s how it should be spelled”.

Despite, ya know, Blizzard spelling themselves “Blizzard” in every single legal statement to ever exist about them, and the fact that logos are often more as artwork rather than a company title.

And I don’t think I need to explain how that bodes for trying to convince them of anything outside of their own viewpoints.

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With dynamic flying, I have no need for steady flying and will probably never use it again. I think its fantastic and is everything I wanted in flying.

That being said, I also acknowledge that others might not feel the same, so I am totally fine with offering the other right away and without restriction. Blizzard seems to be understanding that people want to play the game their own way, which varies between people. Lately, they’ve been offering multiple routes to progression and many ways to play. This is fantastic. I hope they keep this moving forward.


Offering people options and choices is how video games should be played. Which is something Blizzard has yet to understand.


MMOC is the absolute worst forum that is WoW related. I’ve never seen so many jaded, cynical, judgmental crybabies in my life. I think a lot of them came over from Castersrealm of back in the day, which makes sense. And posters from allakzahm seemed to have flocked to the wowhead forums. ElitistJerks basically run the wow subreddit. And WoW General is still a steady cesspool of whine and cheeziness, but at least it’s consistent.

I mean they need to pick a lane. Allow flying, or don’t. Stop this “Oh you can have it but you gotta do chores first…”

All it’s doing is patronizing players


They really do. Every expansion is the same nonsense. “You can TBC fly but you have to do the path finding chore first. But we will call it accessibility option but you won’t access it till later.”


which they change it that you get to unlock Steady riding on day 1 by doing 4 campaigns and explore all the new zone.

They have picked a lane? The trend line has been moving towards universal flight. They have said flight is here to stay.

Stop trying to spin 8 or so hours as a massive huge gigantic problem that when boiled down to a binary “allow flight or don’t” mindset, would fall into the “don’t allow” pile.

They are allowing steady flight significantly faster than at any point in the past 10 years. If you all weren’t so jealous about DR you would be celebrating this.

Flying fans have asked for a decade for flight to be able to be unlocked at the start of an expansion, upon hitting max level or similar, as an alternative to the time gated pathfinder system.

They literally have what they were asking for, but instead of being happy that they no longer need to unnecessarily wait 6 or 9 months for a patch that allows them to fly, it’s coveting thy neighbor and doom and gloom and threats of discrimination lawsuits, attempts to shame blizzard for their lack of morals and ethics. Totally blown out of proportion. 6-9 months wait reduced to 8 hours or so.

Might I recommend calmly and civilly asking for DR to be similarly locked behind the campaign as steady flight now is. Because that would be fair, and makes sense.


They might call this “Pathfinder” in TWW but it really isn’t the same thing as pathfinders over the past 10 years. Doing the campaign in 8 hours or whatever is very different than needing to additionally farm all the reps up and wait 6-9 months for a major content patch to add a new zone, and then grind the new rep in that zone before you could fly.

What you’re calling “nonsense” in TWW is literally what people were asking for as an alternative to waiting 6-9 months to fly.

Let’s not lose perspective here.