They are a meta player.
They are a meta player.
It is a bit strange to be honest…
Who cares if someone wants to use dynamic or steady flying or even a ground mount - use what you want.
Liberate TBC normal flying aka steady flying aka normal riding.
It makes no difference to any of those that are against removing silly dumb pathfinder now…they just argue to argue against those players that get physical sick aka motion sickness still from Dragon Flying or against those that have physical issues trying to dragon fly…where as for those players steady flight is much easier on them…but as noted its stuck behind a dang Pathfinder again…
they just argue to argue, it’s pointless trying to talk to them.
language as a weapon, just use forum Aikido and watch the fun.
The key is that the message remains pure; pathfinder locking steady flying really disrupts game play flow for so many, many players IMVHO.
I choose to use the forum version of the Mikiri Counter from Sekiro, aka Old Reliable “no u”.
Many of us may not agree with many WoW topics but we form a unique friendship when we are bound by the oath to end pathfinder as it exists in WoW currently.
I can smell the end of pathfinder around the corner.
most honorable, sensei…
We may not agree much but that is a master sensei right there.
I removed it the old fashion way a few hours ago, I just simply completed the requirement and poof I have Steady Flying again already. That simple and easy.
Indeed which is why pathfinder is going to be removed a lot faster than most think.
Maybe it will be faster, if people start framing it for what it is: an accessibility issue. Players who want steady flying have an awful time with dragonflying, and it ruins their experience of the game.
I guess the devs are too proud of their gw2-ripoff to make the game more accessible.
Did all that at 77. I don’t have steady flying. Do you have to be 80?
Apparently not.
Nope I was steady flying at 77 today…so it would seem blizzard and many others put out wrong stuff and made up facts you had to be 80 to use steady flying…if you have Pathfinder done and explorer done in your achievements just change you flying style to steady and go for it…
Yes the bad faith actors try to run quick one like quick change artists do all the time. But truth and logic prevailed.
Funny how you claimed you were so disabled and in pain that you can barely play two hours a day, yet, you’re already a 78…
AND you have flight unlocked… Just like people told you…it was easy.
And as for your insane tinfoil theory that Blizzard lied… maybe they listened to your crying and changed it. Be grateful.
Blizzard knows this Ion has to shoot the players the finger every now and then.
Thank you for sharing your point of view.