Steady Flying

They do but they have lost the narrative that players do not like TBC normal flying.

But at this point PF is there last chance to throw mud into player’s faces. But we will prevail and the shackles of PF will be no more.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


So to be clear they (Blizz) hate flying and players do not like TBC flying?
And Blizz lost the narrative by giving us flying out of the gate and Day 1 Pathfinder?

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This is their last attempt to throw mud into players face for defying them since WoD. If they really cared they would remove patchfinder.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Because the speed isn’t the part that actually causes the problems for game design, it’s the part that lets you move around like you’re in creative mode of a survival crafting game.

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Ion does, sad isn’t it?


Weird that the lead dev would hate flying yet we get it within 5 min in the new zone….or that Parhfinder isn’t time gated and can be banged out Day 1.


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Not so fast.

Stealth does that way better though.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


They are so evil to give us the flying WITHOUT the previous requirements or making us wait a year.

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If you are happy for scraps by all means be happy.

But what we ae asking for is the entire enchilada!

NO more PF shenanigans! Liberate TBC normal flying.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Stealth is accounted for already, you can get spotted if you get too close, there are things that will see through stealth at a longer range etc. Unless you want a ton of quest areas to have mobs that’ll shoot you down if you linger over the quest area.

And if we’re going for class features, druid flight form beat stealth by a mile for quests that involve interacting with objects in the world.

We’re getting the enchalada after doing what’s required.

Eat up!

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Careful, what you may get is the entire enchilada but it is too hot or spicy for normal people to eat because you wanted it it fast (did not have tome to cool down) and do not care if it is a bugges mess (no chance to counter/fix the mistakes made(

I paid for my :burrito: over the last 20 years.

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And if you are too close to flying birds you can be dismounted.

Stealth also is easily upgradeable to a better version aka vanish if you are popped out of stealth. With TBC normal flying once dismounted you are dropping to your doom!

Stealth is more powerful than TBC normal flying hover.

It did not go the way you though it would did it?

Next thing you know we will construct kelp apparatus and spell it out for the devs. No more patchfinder for TBC normal flying!

You are happy for a single bite. We want the entire meal! NO! No means no! Holy flying wars are just heating up. And it is going to be spicy.

:surfing_man: :surfing_man:


generally takes a lot more to break mounting than to break stealth.

And tell me, can stealth gather quest items without dropping?

And oh no, how horrible, you have to play through the quests once as intended before the cheat mode flying opens up for you. What a struggle.

But you have stealth, so you’re all good right?

No, it isn’t. The expac drops in days.
It will be a while before you get your enchilada it seems, but if you want it, there’s only one way to get it.

No it does not.

Yes with subterfuge easy.

If it is a cheat mode then why don’t you use it over DR?

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Mainly because it’s boring and tedious.

If it is boring and it is not cheating then it is balanced.

TBC normal flying is a balanced evergreen system that rivals achievement and transmog systems!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Nah. they were too lazy to make a proper flight system for TBC that took design considerations into account and just slapped a mount onto a free camera mode and made a problem for themselves down the line.