Steady Flying

Sadly, with Moused and most that come across like her, their entire argument tends to boil down to “whaaaa, I am not getting my way, it must be because the devs are spiteful”/ It does not matter what the devs have done or what they are not doing this time, as long as it is not the way they want it, they will claim spitefulness on a dev.


But that’s probably not their real motivation.

I assume they’re being honest about their issues with Sky Riding but it’s obvious they use both flight modes based on their complaints about the 5 sec toggle. That means Day 1 Pathfinder shouldn’t really an issue for them.

It’s clearly about wanting Steady Flight right away so they can farm on their Druid. (Just look at how often they tout Druids with Steady Flight as the best Herb farmer)

I don’t think they really do anything else in game but play a Bank Goblin based on their posts.

That just makes it all the worse for them then, as more people might care more if others were honest on why they want things, they might not agree with them, but giving honest reasons instead of trying to hide behind things, tends to put people more at ease.


its not fair that 1 flight mode is locked behind achievements but the other is not. either lock both or neither. make it fair and right.

edit to say: wasnt pathfinder introduced to “make us run across the land and see all the scenery they made”??? so why are we allowed skyriding without the achievements but oh no cant have your reg flying???

you know…skyriding…that mode where everyone blows by all that scenery you worked so hard to make. thats A ok to use but not that slow mode flying that would actually give you the time to enjoy the scenery as you fly by it. nooooo that 1 has to be locked. totally not fair and absolutely dumb in a ideology sense


That’s because Skyriding is great, everyone loves it, except 0,00001%, and the other that is locked trivialize the Campaign and leveling.

Just work for it.

the Achievement will be made once you clear all the quests out there…
not a big deal… stop crying baby~~ QQ

why do you keep asking just get the achievement

Yes that was the original reason, they recanted recently and said it was now in game for accessibility reasons which makes even less sense to have it in now.


Moused said this yet again today in a different topic, which is more to the truth as to why they are complaining so much about the status of flight…

I rest my case as to why I don’t believe a thing they have to say about all the disabled crying they are doing and saying that is why they are mad. They are mad because they can not herb nodes easy and quick on their druid.


In short, Moused might be the exact kind of player, not bot, they are trying to inhibit the activities of for the start of TWW. Once again my, “methinks they doth protest too much” alarm was right on the money.


Well you might be right but that is how the game is at this point. They could give better options to sort the ports better.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Eh, I use a multi-bar mod (bartender) and on my mage I have, or at least had, the bars with my teleports and portals (one bar each) hidden unless moused over under my mini-map.

You are on target with your evaluation of the situation. This is why it is integral for the topic to continue for a long period of time.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


More like to make it easier to have people at least once go through questing to get the intended experience and not cheese the mechanics. And that’s why SR isn’t blocked at first. While it is faster, it has a lot more restrictions on it than tbc.

You can’t just hover over a quest area and take your time figuring out where to land to get things done with the least effort, there’s vigor that while once you get the system isn’t a problem for travel, quickly runs out if you’re trying to keep taking off if you land in the wrong spot.

The devs keep saying that they don’t like flight because basically in BC those devs went least amount of effort possible and basically just used a mechanic not unlike free camera view instead of anything with actual mechanics. And I know my prior druid main self used to love how that flying let you hover over quest interactable objects and find just the right spot where you could use them but be high enough the mobs don’t attack you.

The systems are different, and SR has a lot more restrictions and a learning curve to it that make it easier to design content around than what is basically a step or two removed from being a cheat code. And shame with that curve, as I feel like there’s some categories of complaint that don’t make sense after you get the way it works, like I find most of the time there’s a bit of control to get to cruising level and then just letting it do its thing, but takes a bit of trial and error learning and that can be frustrating until you figure out the way this system got designed.

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LOL restrictions…what bloody restrictions…hoover is not a restriction now…and all you that keep yelling that Dragon flying is more superior all sudden claim its not and cause its harder to learn and use…and here I thought you were all yelling Dragon Flying is more superior in every aspect of flying and its Steady Flight that isn’t worth the time .

I thought all you DF pro’s could land on a tick now …you claim you can…so why is that being used as a restriction now by you…


I mean, old flying is basically the traversal of noclip cheats without the removal of collision with the world. That’s why it’s restricted, it makes it way too easy to pick and choose where you want to go with no limits.

And yeah, you can learn how to be accurate if you know where you want to land, but you can’t just hover over it at you leisure and decide exactly where to land without distraction. Or in the case of druids, do some quests without having to deal with any fighting.

I like the new riding, it’s something I’ve wanted since BC with my druid which was the only way I was affording flight in any reasonable time back then. But it is more restricted, and different, thus the different unlock that makes you play the quests once before like old school cheat modes, old flying is unlocked. Or would it be ok if there were limits on that, like only so many times you can lift off the ground in a certain time frame?

More claims from a rat that claims things were said that never were. If we really did say those things, can you provide proof?

If it is a cheat why would BlizZard buff the speed in TWW for TBC normal flying?

TBC normal flying would have not received a buff if it was deemed superior due to its hover ability.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


For someone who’s whole thing is ride the wave, you need to remember. Its Blizzard’s wave, you need to learn how to ride it or fall off and get wet.

I thought the devs hated TBC flying?