Steady Flying

I’m basing it off their general track record of making things they don’t like tedious and annoying to acquire.

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and I am basing off of their current pattern of reducing things like PF requirements.

You can believe that, but I refuse to believe they would do anything good in this situation because it’s them. They won’t remove Pathfinder ever unless they need to generate good PR, they wouldn’t put it behind a reasonable gold cost, because they want to discourage players using it.

Believe what you will, it just makes things that much sweeter when ones like me turn out to be right and ones like you, with your negative attitudes, wind up with egg on your face. Keep in mind though, few of us will outright say you are wrong, we are just the glass 1/2 full crowd and can see things go either way.

And I hope you are wrong for the same reason. Sorry but I live in the real world where people are creatures of habit and unlikely to change their ways.

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If all you see is negative, all you will get is negative. I don’t live in a world where everything is sunshine and rainbows and people will always do what is right/best or even change their habits.

We both live in the real world, you just tend to see things on the negative side, when it comes to certain people and such. I look at it as realistic as possible, I.E. yeah, they did that in the past, they are likely to do it again, but there is about as much chance of them doing that again as it is for them to change course even the smallest bit.

it is the glass argument personified:
Some see the glass 1/2 full
Some see it 1/2 empty, this could be you
some just see it as 1/2 a glass this is likely where I fall

Oh my engineer has so many ports it makes the game world laughable; I have an entire row dedicated to ports. Not to mention necklaces to Black Temple, and other places.

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To be honest, I do like the harder heroics. Feels like the gear is more earned, plus challenges force you to learn more about your class.

But as to who Blizzard sound listen to, I think we both know they have to cater to the more casual crowd that keeps their game funded. I’d rather not have them focus on more predatory in game real money things that other mmo’s have turned to when they go free to play.

Not that that was your argument.

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BlizZard’s favorite class aka mages have ports too so at this point who are they trying to fool?

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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To be fair, there are also toys that have portals or self teleport. Like the black temple slull (kill a critter, get a teleport to outside the black temple)

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Just as I did in WoD, if Blizz gets rid of TBC flight, I’ll unsub, and not return until TBC flight returns - even if that’s never.


Best part of waking up, is a cup of coffee and this stupid argument still going on. Sounds better than the Folgers Coffee tune.

My ports go nearly off the screen on my mage. I am going to need double columns or something soon.

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I feel like the main point has been derailed, but then again, that usually happens to long threads. :dracthyr_shrug:

But if this dev hates flying so much why can we fly in the first 5 min of hitting the new zone? And for that matter why is pathfinder available in the first day if this dev has a grudge like you say?

Sometimes I wonder if what we are seeing is the results of a dev that accepts he won’t ever be able to do what he wants and the bruised egos of players that can’t accept they might not ever get what they want fully.

It has, it seems some have an agenda to strike down any player that has an issue with it while they attempt to give feedback. :melting_face: Just like I am sure __________ respond to what I said.

I wonder how much they pay in mental rent to Ion? :wink:

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Cause Dragon Flying is the new flavor that was pushed by the Dev and they wanted everyone to love it and not complain about it.

But they soon found out many players couldn’t handle the dragon flying cause of motion sickness, so it took about 6 months or so before the introduced motion sickness buttons in game…well for some it worked for others it didn’t… then lets add it took over a bloody year before they would release Steady flight too Dragon Flight and of freaking course it came with a bloody pathfinder you had to have done in order to use steady flight…while many had most of it done there were many that didn’t cause of not being able to fly most of the time due to physical sickness or physical pain for those with hand and wrist and arm issues.

The pathfinder shouldn’t be in game for TWW…we had enough of it being forced on players base since WoD enough is enough…as I say What is good for the Goose is Good for the Gander…since TWW isn’t about Dragon like Dragon Flight was then Dragon Flying should be stuck behind that dang Pathfinder too…but it seems blizzard would rather only treat the Disabled players as second class citizens and have them do it if they want to have Steady Flight and be damn if it makes them sick or gives them real life pain.


At this point, I’d say this is all on you, you are not getting what you want so you are feeling like you are being treated as a second class citizen,

You can get your precious steady flight WITHOUT USING DYNAMIC FLIGHT. Others are disabled and dealing with it by doing such. The fact that you want steady flight and are not willing to get it in the way theat you can, without pain, is on you and you alone.

You could easily have more support if you at least acknowledged that moves Blizzard have made to accommodate disabled players and your argument took more the "they have made steps, but here are a few more steps they could make>

There is a bit of a mental game when it comes to disabled people, both on the part of the disabled and those that support them, and sadly Moused, you keep losing that.


What does that rambling post have anything to do with some mystery dev hating flying?

If there was actually some antagonistic, childish dev who hated flying why do we get a form of flying in the first 5 minutes in the new zone and why is pathfinder not time gated like in the past?