Steady Flying

Hearthstones and ports do more to bypass most of the game world but they exist in WoW. TBC normal flying is very well balanced in comparison to ports and DR.

If anyone argues that hovering is OP then they obviously have never played a stealth class.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


See, you are still advocating for TBC flying to be gated in some way, what most simply want is both forms of flying to be treated equally, whether that means, both locked by gold or achievement, or both opened from the start. Why does one have to be gated in some way? Honestly they can keep Pathfinder as some kind of achievement for all I care, but don’t lock TBC flying behind it because this current Dev team is still butthurt over WoD.


So even a gold cost that you can pay RIGHT AT THE START OF TWW, no leveling up, no exploring, no anything, is not enough for you?

The gold cost would not even have to be much of a lock, it could be like say 1000 gold so you can have it at the same time the rest of us are getting dynamic.

Do you honestly think they would make it a small gold cost, look at Warband Banks and how much the later tabs cost, they would just make it an unreasonable gold sink cost.


Keep in mind keeping PF is BlizZard’s last ditch attempt before they have to give up their crusade against TBC normal flight.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I’d say it would be more like 10-50k, but there is likely no amount they can make it, outside of close to/at gold cap, that would hurt anyone but new players.

This is Ion and Co, they wouldn’t make it any reasonable amount of gold, they are gating it behind Pathfinder still. They obviously want to try and discourage the use of it, so they would make the gold cost reflect that. They would probably make it 1 million gold just to encourage you to do Pathfinder instead. That’s how this current Dev team works, anything they don’t like, they do anything in their power to discourage it, be it annoying achievements, or outrageous gold costs.


One Mill in a game where that could be considered middle class? Keep in mind, we have those players that 1m gold is pocket change. I am not one of them (have 11m combined across 13+ toons). However, your argument would be better if you threw in something about token sales, as long as those are around, there is practically ZERO cost they could make flying that people would not pay for if they were that desperate to get it.

But I’d be doing PF anyway, as that is my style, I won’t pay for anything I am willing and able to get myself through work/what I’d be doing anyway.

Not everyone farms gold or is a AH goblin, 1 million gold would be prohibitive enough to keep Pathfinder. Point is, Ion and Co would make the cost so prohibitive that the only realistic way to get it for most players would be to do Pathfinder, then I bet they would say they are keeping it because people didn’t like the gold cost so Pathfinder is preferred.

Sorry but that is the way this current Dev team is, they want people to play their vision and make anything that isn’t that way annoying and tedious.


I get motion sickness too. I hope customers will do the Pathfinder in TWW and continue with Steady Flight. Wow does not need to lose more customers! Search General Discussion for motion sickness for a post from me. Hope it helps!

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imagine having to do extra work to get the inferior flying mode. lols

Maybe, for account wide unlock, but for 1 toon, I’d still say 10-50k. This opens the door for those that have few alts/toons/character on account to get it at a reasonable cost where as those with a lot of toons might have to weigh the cost of the account unlock vs. PF for same, and no one said they could not do 1 character buy and then earn PF to unlock it for all others.

The way some talk, steady flight is the SUPERIOR mode.

Except they wouldn’t make the per toon cost reasonable, they would make it prohibitive regardless. It’s Ion and Co, they would make it 1mil per toon and probably half of gold cap for account wide. They don’t want people using TBC flying, they want everyone using their cool new dynamic flying.

Nice to know who lives in your head rent free to the point you refuse to see possibilities.

It is for me, I get no motion sickness from steady fly. Skyriding makes me want to vomit, now that’s fun!


I know, I was just using it as if some say it is overall the superior form, would it not make sense to have it locked in some way?


I believe this silliness is just an effort by the Blizz dev that tried to do away with flying completely back in WoD to bring misery to the game where flying is involved. Perhaps they believe that if enough players get worked up over one type of flight being locked while the other is not, they will have the opportunity to remove them both from the game permanently.

What we’re seeing with this unjustifiable decision is the result of the bruised ego of a single dev who didn’t get their way.


Just being realistic about how Ion and Co work. They want everyone to play their vision, and anyone who doesn’t has to jump through massive hoops. They only do good things for the players if they need good PR.

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As I said, as a tin foil at time: Distract players so they don’t notice us removing any form of flight . An example could be we are fighting over a large piece of cake but as we are distracted by our fight, they come in and take the whole cake, possibly including the piece we are fighting over.

Well, it might be more realistic if you said they COULD put it at a lower cost but I DOUBT they will.