Steady Flying

You can use the dragon flying mounts as regular mounts after you change your preferred style. Just remember that you can’t steady fly at the start of the next one.

I’m not throwing shade, this is just a reminder.

Are you shocked, it’s Ion and Co, the same ones who tried to remove flying altogether in WoD, didn’t get their way.

So now they create this cool new form of flying and want everyone to embrace it and praise it, sadly that isn’t happening so they are going to try force it on everyone hoping those that don’t see the light, will and they can finally kill off that wretched TBC flying.

I honestly hope this damages their reputation again and they are finally taken out of their current positions, and a group of Developers who actually want to do right by the players is put in charge.


Exactly. It’s toxic behavior and adds nothing to the game.


Do you want them to do right by the players, right by the game/company or right by both?

Just asking as what is “right by players” may be wrong by the company, who they work for (I.E. gets them fired), but at the same time, what is right by the game/company can be wrong by the players.

I have seen the game get changed, not always for the best, because players complained, one of the times it was not for the best, in the eyes of some, is when Cata heroics were nerfed because people were complaining about them being “too hard”. This one change now has people thinking that “too hard” just means “I can’t zerg it” . Keep in mind, this was, if not before Ions time, before he was lead developer.

It can be a fine line between doing right by the players and right by the game/company, but “doing right by the players” shoudl not mean kowtowing to every thing players want.

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Ironically it is having the opposite effect.

People want to use DR when needed but I don’t see many people want to use DR 100% of the time.

It just like a hearthstone which is faster than flight paths or TBC normal flying but I am not using a hearthstone 100% of the time every time it is off cool down.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Not shocked at all at Ion’s behavior, however I think his sadism over the player base is something Microsoft should look into.


You are also missing “right by me, the complainer”

Something else that can be touched on iteration on concepts. People liked and hated Dragon/Sky riding. All forms of flight have their ups and downs, that I fully admit. Flying in general is bad for world pvp, for example. That’s why in BFA, there was the net gun.

There are medical or mental reasons people don’t like dragon flying, and those I get. Since people don’t like how the “stamina” system works, and I agree that the Vigor system needs a little more work. Still others like to afk fly, and that takes some set up with dragon flying. And still others don’t like the choice being taken away, or even just straight can’t say why they don’t like dragon flying. These are just the complaints I’ve run into.

Steady flying is fine for what it is, but I’m playing the game to play it, not start flying somewhere and to just get up and go away. Some element of danger is fine for the very start, especially while leveling imo.

I did not put that for the simple reason that “right by me, the complainer” opens the door for “what is right by the complainer is wrong by x% of other players, the game and the company”

Using the nerfing of cata heroics, I like the harder heroics, you hate them, which one of us should Blizzard cater to?

You are at least reasonable in what you say, but so many seem to think the game should cater to them and possibly them alone by how they come across.

drug addiction. I live in the fentanyl OD capital in the US.

I have played WoW for 20 years, played Blizzard games long before that. I don’t feel punished in the least little way.

I did put forth some effort.

After reading these forums about this situation, I unsubbed and requested a refund for the WWI Epic edition I purchased.

I’ve been playing off and on since a couple of weeks after release.

It’s not that I don’t want to put forth the effort. I Can Not. Fibro, Athritis and Motion Sickness.

It’s been a good run but I’m done now.

One I prefer is “What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander”

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If you want “lazy players” to not get loot for “AFKing” in events, why should you be able to get steady flight without pathfinder?

Two of my favorite sayings are:

  1. people who live in glass houses should not throw stones and
  2. remove the plank in your own eye begore trying to remove the spec in your neighbor’s/brother’s/etc. eye

I wish that ground would be enough for you, but if that is too much for you to handle, you should get an option that enables you to get it.

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I got my Taivan achievement today and will enjoy this ground mount in TWW.
make sure to find your own way to enjoy next expansion~!


Why would making the game appeal to as wide a playerbase as possible be bad for the game? The shareholders want to make money, so doing things that bring more players means more money. Cataclysm heroics were a great example, how many players left because Blizz initially stuck to their guns? Look at Wrath, some consider it to be the peak of casual friendly, and it had the highest player numbers.

So shouldn’t the goal of the developers be to make the game have as broad an appeal as possible, which would mean those who can’t do dynamic flying, or don’t like it have TBC flying available to them as an option.

Also, when Ion mentioned for accessibility reasons, that means he and the rest of the team are admitting that they cool new form of flying has accessibility issues. Rather than giving TBC flying right from the start, they keep talking about all the stuff they have done or plan to do to make dynamic flying more accessible. They have an accessibility option already available, but refuse to make use of it.

To me that really makes it feel like Ion and Co are determined to eventually make dynamic the only form of flying, and when that time comes and they try to pull another WoD, I hope it backfires just as badly again and they finally get put in their place by the higher ups.

People say Ion and Co aren’t petty and showing spite towards the players, the sheer fact that they are still using Pathfinder to gate TBC flying says otherwise to me. They need to let it go and realize some players prefer different things and playing different ways, by trying to railroad them into their way, they will only make the players resent them more and eventually leave, but hey, if they want to drive small amounts of players away here and there and cause this game to die from a thousand cuts, then go for it. Players will find other games that appeal to them and it will be harder to lure them back each time they drive them away.


I’m one of those people and nothing you wrote has changed my mind. There are handicapped people who are getting screwed Crown Royally over this and people are out there attempting to justify Ion, which I personally find to be utterly disgusting.


Oh I fully agree with you, I was just saying there are people who believe that there is no spite or any such behavior and that people like you and I are the ones who are believing it in our minds.


Very well said. I’ve been playing wow every day for nearly 19 years, and I’m so fed up and disgusted with how I’m being treated as a customer that I will leave the game this year. I’m not going to pay for a service that doesn’t respect me, even when I make it known that what they’re doing makes me physically ill. They have ruined my “entertainment” experience. That’s no way for a subscription service (or anyone) to treat people.


WoW was at its best with wide appeal.

When you have narrow appeal you end up with WoD and systemlands.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Oh, I’m sorry, it looks like my point went over your head. The game should appeal to as wide a palyer base as possible, but in appealing to some others are left out in the cold or feeling like the game/devs are not doing right by them. Some, like me, liked the harder cata heroics, some did not, they got nerfed and the ones that enjoyed challenging dungeon content were SOL till mythics/M+ were added.

This is what is getting me, you could be arguing for something like a gold cost to unlock steady flight, on 1 toon or account wide, and those of us that want to do pathfinder could do it anyway with the tools provided. But instead you are arguing for the removal of pathfinder, and possible the sense of being rewarded for some of us, just because you can’t et things go.

To really appeal to a wide base, you can’t just remove things, you should, if not have to, provide options that appeal to the widest section.

If “doing right” by you means removing pathfinder, then I could say that Blizzard is “doing wrong” by me, if “doing right” by you includes leaving pathfinder be, or possibly changing it to cosmetic rewards, and allowing steady to be purchased at the/close to the start of the expansion, then we can both say Blizzard “dis right by us”