Steady Flying

nobody cares about being stuck to the ground before that. You legit have a group of people at an advantage because they can make use of something. You’re being dense.

Everyone was equally stuck to the ground.
Now you have a group of people who can fly much earlier than the others, this is the problem you somehow are not understanding.


What problems? Other than seeing some people using Dragonriding.

Talk about being disingenuous.

Again, being grounded back in the day was never described as being an accessibility issue.

I understand that Dragonriding can be an issue for some, and Blizzard said they are keeping static flying around as an accessibility alternative.

Zero people ever said running around on ground mounts was an accessibility issue before.

Please understand the distinction.

It’s almost as if we aren’t back in the days anymore. We’re talking about today and what will come. This is a new issue.
Are you being serious right now?

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Regarding accessibility? Yes correct. Nobody cared because it wasn’t an accessibility issue.

People did very much care about being grounded though. A huge number of people petitioned Blizzard to stop gating flying as they had been doing.

I really love how you try painting me as disingenuous while you’re constantly trying to use the past where everyone was at equal footing as an argument to keeping some people grounded while others can fly.


Does it not strike anyone as wildly wrong to lock steady flight behind a pathfinder, when it is so wildly popular for persons with disabilities and people who struggle to use dynamic flying. Everyone needs to be able to choose which form of flying they prefer from the start. Not hindered because their choice is not the popular one.


Which won’t unlock till end game once you completed the expansion so it really isn’t a accessibility option. Dragonriding is open right off the bat. Everyone is treating TBC flight as a mortal enemy people keep saying every expansion that it hurts the game and kills the game and ruins the game. But you can basically do the exact same garbage with DR only thing that is different is your mount has stamina. But no one every talks about how it hurts the game cause your literally blasting off at 850% flight speed almost Mach 1 or 2 and everyone is fine with it.

This is favoritism.


100% serious. Being grounded on its own merits was not an accessibility issue then, as it isn’t now.

It didn’t just go poof and become a problem overnight. What is happening is people are feeling jealous or left out because the two flights aren’t being treated the same.

That position has merit, because it is true.

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I hope with the 3 day early access i can get all this done on day 1 :slight_smile: since ill just be speeding threw the quests

You’re close to getting the point. When people were on equal footing nobody complained that being grounded was an accessibility issue.

You could play the game, complete all the content just fine. Flying is a convenience, not a requirement to play the game.

It is only when steady flight has an unlock requirement, and not both forms of flight, that being grounded is now being spun as an accessibility problem.

Ok, I can show you right now and even invite you to follow me with a 40 players multiboxx collecting here in Dragonflight.

I challenge you to do the same showing me they doing it with dragonriding.

Again with some misguided argument.

While you will fly around and skip encounters, those other people you are not considering or respecting enough will be stuck fighting more stuff and taking much much longer to do the same thing.

This is SO very wrong and you know it. Many areas in the game are MUCH, MUCH more easily accessible with flying. To argue the opposite is literally lying.

Why do they not deserve the same convenience as you do?

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Right. So it’s a fairness issue, “they get while I don’t”. Not an accessibility issue.

That said, Blizzard should just keep us all grounded until the campaign is completed.

they fixed the ashes of alar spectral trail in skyriding form. they nerfed the length though

It’s really funny. People who complain about dragonriding are awful players that can’t handle a simple mechanic. Never seen a good player hating on getting around faster. Seen a lot of people unable to go to a second platform on tswift while doing 30k dps in LFR.

Almost like everyone who hates dragonriding is terrible.


Agree 100% Whether intentionally or not it stinks of discrimination. Disadvantaging one group of players, who pay just like everyone else, over the rest.

And for those that want to say the pathfinding is no big deal, then everyone should do it.


Believe me you can just as well get to a ore node with DR as you can with TBC flight. Though more complicated yes but it still doable. The arguement one is hurting the game and the other is not is invalid cause I can say DR is hurting the game by saying the dragonriding can go at Mach 1 speeds and bypass all the content going 1000 mile per hour across the continent.

Accept quest jump on dragonriding go Mach 1 complete quest go Mach 1 speed back turn in quest accept next quest and rinse and repeat.

The word you’re looking for is convenient. Accessible in the sense that you can conveniently fly over things to save time.

Not “Accessible” in the sense that it applies to disabilities and the ability to complete content.

The entire game is designed to be completed from the ground, (save for things like flying races). It has always been designed this way.

Correct me if I’m wrong but they deserve the same convenience as anyone else, this isn’t a good argument.

That’s fine, and it would be fair to do so.