Steady Flying

Get in trouble with who?

Also, please recall back when all flight was restricted by many many months of Pathfinder. Literally not possible to be completed until a future content patch was added to the game.

Everyone was grounded for a looong time. Zero people were complaining that being grounded was an accessibility issue.


This is a new phenomenon that arose out of a jealousy or FOMO or however you want to phrase it.

If it wasn’t an accessibility issue when everyone was grounded for 6-9 months, it isn’t an accessibility issue to be grounded for the short while until the campaign is completed, with no time gate.

Note that I am not defending having dragon riding available when static flying is unlocked a short time later.

Let’s talk about that on its own merits. Fairness, Blizzards design intent.

Let’s not try to pretend this is some sort of discrimination issue with legal and or moral implications.

That is a ridiculous, disingenuous position to take.

Just say what you really think, that it’s not fair. I agree with that, because on some level it is true.

Congrats! You hit the nail on the head here.

The outrage is due to the injustice in game management where players who CAN use Dragon Riding will be able to fly around the moment they start the expansion. However, players who NEED the accommodation afforded with the use of TBC flying is locked behind a lengthy Pathfinder ordeal while grounded. The two treatments are not equal.

To me, that all smacks of discrimination, and it’s possibly an ADA violation. Blizzard has been told by MANY players on their own forums, and on fan-sites all over the internet, that many payers cannot tolerate the mechanics of Dragonflight due to their physical issues. The fact that Development thinks its ok to force SOME player to do extra work in order to use a critical game design is outrageous!



Nope. Stop it.


When everyone was at the same footing, sure, but this isn’t the same situation. You can’t sit here and tell me it’s the same situation when people can fly around from the start while telling others “No I don’t care if you can’t use X, you must use an inferior method until we say so”.

A swing and a miss


Thank to the higher powers that we only have to listen to this for another month.


No, I’m hitting the nail on the head.

This is all about fairness as you said yourself

If people were just honest and said they feel it is unfair, that would be one thing. But most of these complaints are trying to pretend it’s some kind of discrimination.

Being grounded for half a year or more waiting to be able to unlock flying was never considered an accessibility issue or “discrimination”.

You all are only saying that now in a disingenuous attempt to get your way, because you think if you make this a moral and ethical issue, Blizzard surely will change course!

Just be honest and say it’s not fair or equitable, because on some level that is correct. The two modes are being treated differently, and as far as I know we don’t have a stated reason for why they are doing this.


I’m sorry you clearly don’t know anyone with disabilities. The mental gymnastics required to truly believe flying is equal to walking is certainly an activity.

The whole point of pointing this out is to demonstrate it isn’t fair to a portion of the userbase. I don’t know why this is a problem to you.


Just delete all flight both of them. Increase ground mount speed to 200% and call it good. Everyone will be happy being grounded like they always wanted.

I do care. That is why I’m glad they have added many features to help people with disabilities to use Skyriding.

And they’re allowing you to get the TBC flying once you complete a certain tasks.

It is not that hard and it doesn’t even take that much, you don’t need flying to level or go through the campaign, or you don’t need TBC flying at all.

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They should delete TBC flying from the game. Worst feature ever added.
Skyriding is the real flying.


People didn’t complain about accessibility issues because there are none with the old TBC form of flying. Also, remember, ALL players were grounded until they completed Pathfinder and it was time-gated. The uproar now because those who can use Dragon riding (what ever its called) can do so on day one with zero effort, while the players who NEED to use TBC flying are forced to go thru a Pathfinder achievement. Both forms of flight should be available on day one with NO achievement criteria.


This isn’t about TBC or Dragonriding this is about wanting to be grounded cause you know people claim it ruins exploration and ruins pvp to be able to fly.

Zero people complained about discrimination while being grounded for 18 years before Dragonriding was invented.

Because it is not.


Hasn’t been a thing for a long time since they killed off PVP servers. Warmode blows and a very small portion of users engage in it.

PvP is off the table now.
Unlimited flying is damaging to the game.

Skyriding is the only way.

Yeah okay you clearly don’t get the point lmao
You’re being intentionally disingenuous and dense if you still want to argue that before dragonfight was added “nobody complained” as leverage to argue against the problems people will face being forced behind pathfinder while you will fly around them.


Damaging how? People are making stuff up.

Multiboxxing with gathering will be back heavily now. Just watch out.

Like they can’t do that already with DR.

Yes correct. And somehow being grounded was not an accessibility issue back then, but it is today.

What you’re trying to say is that it’s not fair to have one flight available before the other.

Again, that is true. Just stick with that. It’s not fair because they are being treated differently.

Being grounded on its own merits was never an accessibility issue.