Steady Flying

Yeah I’d rather Putt Putt then Zoom Zoom with my flying.


Your a Voice of reason for many of us now that rather have slow flight cause of the negative effects to our bodies with Dragon flying…or whatever new name it is this week…

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There is a video by Blizzard that tells everyone why they do not want people to use steady flight in leveling the 1st time. It is a post Blizcon video. Its been posted a number of time in all the topics related to this subj.


are you capable of making an actual point?

whatever time was spent on your education was wasted.

I usually buy an x pac when it goes on sale as full price seems foolish for a game whose developers can’t get past personal bitterness…

there’s 50 cents of value daily for what I enjoy in game.

normal flying is not available without hoops while crash flying is, I don’t even mind crash flying and enjoy it on my low level alts.

your response is that it’s not that gated so grab the lube and comply…


I actually believe in a Guaranteed Annual Income.

we’re past the point of people living in the streets or starving. It’s the easiest way to solve a lot of problems with a falling population and increasing density in urban areas.

the systems we have are too complex, corrupt and judgmental.

if Boeing can get welfare, average people should have the option on a GAI until they find a path.

You need to insult me to look like a big person. Sounds to me like your the one who really wasted their time in school. Honestly, just because you don’t like my point doesn’t mean my point isn’t valid. Grow up.

Secondly, if you want to wait, go ahead. The game won’t go on sale until you’re little hissy fit issue is fixed or not. You’ll still need to explore the new zones, as usual with Pathfinder. If you don’t like it, stop playing. Get over your little ego.

Lastly, you have no point. You cry about any little inconvenience, and it’s the most immature thing. You appear, by your sad little arguments, to want everything just handed to you. I can guess you really don’t, but this “why can’t I do the thing from the start, I’m being gatekept” is whining on the order of a freaking 3 year old. If your old enough to buy the game and pay for the sub, you should be mature enough to have a little bit of patience.

My point is simple: get over your own ego. Everyone can use the flight we are given at the start, or we can go back to WoD where we don’t get any flying for half the expansion. My point is pretty clear - you just don’t like it because it clashes with your’s.

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I believe the biggest problem with homelessness is untreated mental health issues.

Previous expansions did not require flight. There is an entire TWW zone that cannot be walked across. The difference here is that steady flight/dragonflight used to be optional and not a requirement. It does not matter what you think of flight, you must SKYRIDE an entire zone worth of progression if you want to complete the content or get steady flight pathfinder completed. Until now, you could avoid steadyflight or skyflight if you didn’t/couldn’t do them.


If so, what zone is that?

This WHOLE debatable surrounding flight really feels like some sort of childish retaliation. Not a good look for a game company who wants to sell more game subscriptions. Unpopular gameplay limitations and restrictions are the opposite of FUN.


Coreway . . .

Thought so, the one area might always be a bit of a contention, but I have early access and be going by ground, so I might be able to report on that before worldwide release.

If there is a ferry or the ability to i=use something like levitate/glider/slowfall/etc it might not be as big a deal as some are making it out to be. If I have to swap to DR for that, I will be reporting it and asking for a change.

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… they literally are. A flightpath to a tower doesn’t claim “not ground mount friendly.” :rofl: What nonsense.

Literally streamers have leveled from 70-80 on the ground to show it’s ground mount friendly. Geebus.

Would be great if this forum would stop sending me notifications for people I have blocked.

Well that’s just false.

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Been banging this drum for the longest time. Really hate that there has been NO RESPONSE to this issue. Although really the only response worth bothering with is just eliminating Pathfinder. It’s a dead achieve now.


DR requires you to engage with itself and nothing else. That’s not the same as engaging with the game content. As far as I’m concerned it’s just busy work.


I agree, no need to punish the player base other than sadism.


The achievement would be fine if it awards a mount. But gating TBC normal flying is punitive at this point.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Exactly. If people like the Pathfinder achievement then make it a voluntary feature of the game that rewards a unique mount, or something. DO NOT use it as “punishment”, or a mandatory thing you need to do just to “earn” a form of flying. That’s disrespectful to your customers Blizzard, have some respect for the people who have supported WOW for 20 Years.

Like the old saying goes “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”. That’s customer service 101. You’re welcome.


It is indeed the principle.

If it is just “8 hours” of game play that is not respecting players time.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


You can switch all mounts to steady flight. I have already trashed the switch button and the dragon mount.