Steady Flying

I’d rather use ground mounts if the content was designed for it than Sky Riding is my point.


That’s the reason I didn’t buy TWW. The content isn’t designed for ground mounts the same as dragonflight wasn’t designed for ground mounts.

the news zone are ground friendly.

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  1. one can choose to go with ground mounts in TWW
  2. Blizzard and others have stated it is gound mount friendly
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Intend to complete all of this within the first hour next thursday. Can’t wait!

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This is a lie. There is no renown requirement tied to pathfinder.

If that is true, I’ll be one of those odd people you see riding around on my tiger.

that certainly is a mature response…

I do not think that word means what you think it means.

If it’s designed the same way as Dragonflight, and I assume it is, you will have a blast - not.

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if you want something, you got to earn it.

I agree with this but I feel like some context should be added. when leveling through the next expansion, you’d think you’d want to take more time actually slowing down, enjoying the quests and the scenery. Having Steady Flying just makes more sense. Having only Dragon Riding made sense for Dragon Flight but for this expansion it just makes more sense to have Steady Flying as a main choice.


is this game your job?

Sort of. I quit my job to go on government assistance so I could focus more on WoW.

I don’t think you know what it means. Flying is flying - the ability to avoid ground mobs, fly around mountains or obstacles that obstruct you on the ground, or to get into crevasses that you can’t jump your way into.

Now explain to me what you are being gatekept from, exactly? Slower flying and hovering in the air?

You don’t want to put up with some slight inconvenience? That’s just childish. It’s a game. You may not like the little inconveniences, but you put up with them in other games, or you stop playing. If you’d puts you off so much, speak with your wallet - end your sub.

If not, then your opinion means nothing to Blizz. You complain, but still give them your money. Does that mean your argument holds no water? No. Do I personally think it’s a bad argument? Sure do. Dragon riding was never that bad. Sky riding is no different.

Put up with it for a short time. You’ll get over it, I assure you. Or stop paying Blizzard your sub to protest. Cuz they won’t listen until the middle or last patch.

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I have to look into how to get it, then, though I likely won’t use it much.

So long as I can herb/ore without disruption I don’t care. If I run out of Vigor to farm, yeah not a fan.

They should have made it the other way then. You fly slow while leveling, see and explore the new zones. Then you do all the requirements and get dragon flying


for raiding yes.

It is spiteful to gate Steady Flying at the start of TWW but allow Dragon Flying or whatever bloody name it is this week to be used …thus making those with disability issues with Dragon Flying being treated like Second Class Citizens of Azeroth…