Steady Flying

One of my lvl 13 alts accidentally used skyriding and the toggle to disable it isn’t there after talking to Chromie for Chromie time. I’m rediscovering quite a few lowbie alts that I forgot I had through the warband menu.

I moved all the skyriding abilities off my hotbars to make sure that I don’t accidentally activate it, but double jump for skyward ascent still works and I jumped into the air. How can I disable double jump to activate skyriding? I want to keep using my favorite mounts, all of which are flying mounts, but I can’t if it’ll trigger skyriding; I’d be limited to ground mounts that I don’t want to use until I can toggle off skyriding.

When can I disable skyriding on lowbie alts?

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You and I are not going to agree on this topic, and that is ok. Have a good day. :slight_smile:

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Question that just occurred to me. I know with skyriding they get to fly in the new expansion right away (without doing pathfinder) but do they need to collect all the Glyphs like we had to do in Dragonflight expansion?

Yes, and some of them are easy, some are not.

What I am seeing on the Skyriding menu on my lvl 13 alt is “you will get additional skyriding power as you level”. Whatever glyphs I had already learned during DF stayed, but there’s a couple that I never bothered to get that I can’t buy on that toon.

EDIT: I haven’t tried Skyriding in the new content, this is just based on me looking at the skyriding menu on lowbie alts. It may be different in the new content.


There will be some to collect, but they will not be required for the skills. As from the WoWhead article on it:

So to answer the question, why should I go after Skyriding Glyphs in the War Within? We currently do not have an answer, and it is entirely possible this is simply a system that has not been fully implemented for testing as of the time of this post. We shall see in the future, though! For now, it does seem to only be a task to do if you’re after more Achievement Points, if you have at least completed the Glyph Hunting stuff in Dragonflight.

Now that might have changed since that was published, but if not, the glyphs will likely only be for achievements or rewards

That’s what I’m wondering - will there be glyphs in the new content that people will need to collect in order to unlock all the skywriting abilities - just like we needed to do for the Dragonisles. Personally, to collect all the glyphs in the dragons isles took me a couple weeks because of anxiety attacks and extreme nausea - not the kind of experience I want from a “game”, ya know?


I hear ya. That’s a good question. I can’t skyride either. I just gave up on skyriding personally when it was still called dragonriding and disable it ASAP.


There are glyphs but they do not unlock any abilities. They are simply for an achievement, and I think some kind of reward. Can’t remember what it is, but no Skyriding abilities are locked behind it.

The reward looks to be Swarmite Skyhunte,r so I am suspecting a mount, likely bug based. If anyone needs to collect the glyphs in TWW, it is likely because they missed the ones in DF and Blizzard does not want to force people to go back to DF in order to cap flying.

BlizZard has the data on how many people completed and found all the glyphs in DF. Based on the data we are privy to from third party web sites it is not pretty.

It must be defcon 5 because they are trying to force TBC normal flying users to use DR in TWW.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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My guy please do not talk to me with your fake crusade nonsense. I’m not interested. I offered information to others. That’s it.

Too late you are fully immersed in the holy flying wars.

The sleeper has awakened.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I just cannot understand WHY it’s so bloody important to them that everyone use Skyriding vs Steady Flight. Let the people use what they want, and enjoy the game the way that’s comfortable for THEM (not the developers). The point is to make the game fun and comfortable for EVERYONE so they stay subscribed!

It’s like as if you go to Disneyland and they FORCE you to ride the teacups even thou

A. You dont want to ride the teacups
B. the teacups make you sick
C. because my reason to not ride them is none of their dang business!

Its a stupid business practice NOT to gleefully give your customers what they want and need.


Blizzard can you just make all flying the same speed, I prefer regular flying especially when gathering (mining, herbs) just give both types the super fast flying plz, getting across continents takes way to long. btw 420% flying feels exactly like 310% just changed a number from what I can tell.

TBC normal flying doesn’t really NEED anymore speed adjustments as it is the most balanced travel mechanics in the game.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


TBC air swimming needs to be slowed down to help people for accessibility.
Also, it shouldn’t be modified to allow mining while mounted. This is not TBC flying, ain’t it.

It wasn’t flying tbc steady flight that allowed mining while mounted that was the new Mining thing within Dragon Flight…

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Exactly, it shouldn’t have it.

WoD had it first, w garrisons, if i remember right. then there was the stirrups in BFA. so it’s been a thing for a while now.

edit; the people against steady flight make no sense at all. you will get to everything faster than me with your skyriding/dragonriding/dynamic flight/whatever we’re calling it this week. you’ll get that rare or that node and i am not competition to you. why do you hate this? me going slower only benefits you.