I lost my vision in my right eye about the same time that 10.1 dropped and it SIGNIFICANTLY impacted my ability to dragonfly there even more than I already had. I spent as LITTLE TIME as possible there, and often only when I had a friend available to ‘ride along.’
When 10.2 hit, and I found I only needed to be flown a few locations in Zaralek, and to be flown around the Emerald Dream to unlock Pathfinder, we did that, and I never looked back from steady flight again. I haven’t done dragonriding ever since.
For this expansion, it’s pretty much guaranteed that I will have to work with a friend to carry me through the campaign, before I unlock steady flight and go back to the zones for the side quests.
I actually agree with having the Steady Flight just being accessable to anyone and everyone. Some people have disabilitys or accessability issues, And even with the changes to being able to “Skyride” with keyboard inputs rather then mouse, i still feel like static flight would be easier for those.
Pathfinding should be left in the past at this point. Or just make it reward players with a mount or something styled around the expansion.
“force” is the word you used…
and you’re absolutely on the money.
they decided to “force” gliding upon
that’s why they gated traditional flight.
i don’t like it when they try to “force” their
will upon us…it just rubs me the wrong way.
i’m an i pay/you provide thinker.
To some means you have no other choice or option, one can always use ground mounts to complete the campaign. However, just because you have a choice/option does not mean you like it.
when the alternative is even more inconvenient…
that’s an essential ‘force’.
you and your gf get in an argument…
she’d rather not talk to you right now…
but she needs a ride home…she ‘could’ walk…
but it’s miles…so, she’s ‘forced’ to buckle-up.
Bad analogy, she can ride and not talk and I get her home in silence OR, if we are out with friends, she can catch a ride with someone else. Not to mention, “Buckling up” is more for safety.
As far as inconvenience? What is more inconvenient, having to deal with pain, motion sickness, , etc due to Dragonflight OR taking the ground mount with none of tose issues and getting by? Seems to me the way to go with that choice is the latter, as while it might not be as fast, you do away with the issues that the other has.
You can complete the campaign without flying of any sort, so the only thing that is different from previous expansions is that you can do everything for pathfinder day one, and everything for pathfinder now includes doing the campaign and exploring the four zones that the campaign takes you through.
Umm… They said that they couldn’t use skyriding, I told them they could do the campaign without needing it, they don’t need their friend to carry them around places they can do it on their own
TWW doesn’t have any reputation requirement tied to pathfinder. And plus, even they themselves have discontinued with tying stuff to reputation but to questlines and or time.
So get rid of all pathfinder is? do you know how petty that sounds? Ask for it to be disconnected from flight, ask that it provides a unique mount. Would anyone really complain about PF if it was not required for any flight?