All this is Blizzard’s fault. This whole thing is just so stupid. People pay monthly to play this game. They should just be able to pick how they want to fly. It’s just flying it’s not some game-breaking thing that they needed to have. I have been rethinking if I even want to buy within. This kind of crap gets under my skin. It’s just so Ion or whoever can control something they know some players want. It’s an ego thing with them.
the level 80 These go to 11 realms are not representative of the experience from leveling, and have special rules with everything unlocked to facilitate max end game content level testing.
Personally, for the first time 18 years I will not buy the new expansion. I physically cannot tolerate dragon riding, and I won’t do another Pathfinder just so I can use the form of flight that does not make me sick. It’s beyond stupid that Blizzard is gating the form of flying that provides accessibility for players with physical issues.
Not really a surpise to see you mocking a person with a disability. Here’s hoping you get kicked.
Some of the player base literally CAN’T DO skyriding. It either makes them motion sick, or they have mobility issues, or they have vision impairments… in my case, all three. I get sick watching the screen, I only have use of one hand to do everything, and the one I do have is a tiny 5.5 inches, so too small for a gaming mouse. And I’m also completely blind in one eye and 20/100 in the other, so I count as 75% of the way to legally blind.
I can ‘ride along’ and tab out from place to place, but that requires me to ALWAYS quest with a friend, who then, must also depend on MY schedule of when I can play, and that ISN’T fair to them.
It wasn’t this way when I started in beta. When did it change?
I didn’t start on the 11 server though.
Our $15.00 is all the same. We are equals.
Ill be honest, I had a really hard time with that dungeon on release. I was hopping on someone else just to get thru. It took me awhile to get use to the new flight system. Once I figured it out I was good. But I can see why some might still hate it.
There is another one like it in TWW which will be more challenging.
Old thread but worth chiming in on.
Kill this Pathfinder requirement. It’s punishing and adds annoyance to the game for many (including myself and evidently many others here). You know what that get you, Blizz??? Lost subs. Lost revenue. To no purpose. TO. NO. PURPOSE.
Oh, and FFS!!!
I think it’s wild that people don’t play the game the exact same way as I do.
I mean, they used to gate steady flight for 6-9 months in each expansion over the past 10 years.
I don’t think reducing that wait time to… (checks notes)… day 1…. Is going to cause a loss of subs.
Exactly. Why even have the restriction anymore? It feels like it’s there solely out of spite because they resent finally caving in on the flying issue but are drawing the line at Pathfinder. I actually don’t even mind the decision that much but I just can’t stand the pettiness and borderline vindictiveness it exudes. It flies in the face of all the lip service about how things that no longer make sense will not continue to be the status quo just because they’ve been so in the past.
I understand their perspective on this and that they want the player to initially struggle a bit when exploring a brand new zone and also the desire to take it slow and really look at all the nooks and crannies they created but forcing people into it is not the right answer. If someone wants to explore they will do it regardless and at a time of their own choosing. Wanderlust is not something you can shove down people’s throats, they either have it or they don’t.
This thread irritates me so much. I’ve been skipping over this thread for a few days now and I can not come up with a joke that doesn’t lean towards Jar Jar Binks or turbulence.
very frustrating
The only time steady flight wasn’t restricted was cataclysm. For the 10 years that pathfinder existed, people were very vocal about disliking the 6-9 month wait time, and wanted to go back to something much shorter, like soon after hitting max level.
Well, Blizzard has now changed course and is doing what people asked. Day 1 we can unlock steady flying, as requested. Doing the campaign is effectively the same thing as reaching max level.
Let’s drop this whole “spite” thing. It’s been a decade hearing this, and now that the “flying war” is over, and there is no more long wait for flying, maybe we can choose to not be “sore winners” and be happy that we got the thing we have been requesting for a decade.
I like that you took time to eloquently point out what many of us have been feeling. Well done.
What are you talking about? When did what change?
Need more focus on the fact you can’t use regular flying and skyriding without toggling than this issue. All of the mounts that CANT skyride should let you just mount them and fly normally even with the skyriding toggle on. Need threads on this, it’s insane.
Many people on this thread who prefer or can only use steady flight don’t understand why skyriding is not locked behind a PF and for SF you have to finish a campaign. It does not make sense. I am not asking for Skyriding to be locked behind PF. I just wish both were treated the same. And the truth about when SF is available depends on when and how fast you can complete the campaign, which is not the same as saying it is available day one.