Steady Flying

They all have, they are all in my guild and are active. Thank you very much.

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Well that is good to hear.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Returning players, yes, as they might be from a time when TBC flying was the only player driven sky travel option available. New players? if they don’t know any different, how can they say what is better or how things can be different.

I.E. new players won’t be as affected as you say because the set up is they will see the standard as whatever it is when they join.

They definitely need flight paths for that sort of thing.

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Or the ability to use flying mounts, or in this case mounts that are locked from DR, as gliders/slow fall/etc to get safely down.

So, I’ve been active in a new player help server for just over 4 years now, and once they access the glyphs (which are going away as a functionality unlock), the new players haven’t really complained there.

Most of the complaints on GD are from long-time players who are still scared of the new thing.


Tomorrow everything that you knew will change as dragon isles will be default and how everything operates now will change in tomorrow update. New players and or old will feel the effect and if there are new players coming in they will be following a straight line (like a straight line) in their questing experience.

For skyriding new and old players don’t need to worry about the glyphs. Since those are moving to just achievement and not effect gameplay.

And overall a better experience than it is now on Monday (today).

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and ones like Mafic try to use “new players” as a reason to enable TBC flight from the get go, why should it matter to new players are is Mafic just trying to get more on his side or think that if new players had a choice, they would prefer TBC flight?

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Ideally they’d just let everyone choose their flight type from the get go and let you fly through it however you want alongside a flight path. imo.

They didn’t say that the requirements were onerous. They said they want to steady fly from the beginning. After completing the story isn’t the beginning. Personally I love dragonriding and don’t understand wanting to steady fly, but that doesn’t make someone else’s preference less valid.
Unlocking flying made sense when otherwise you were stuck on the ground. That’s a far different experience. But if people can dragonride from the beginning, then having access to the air isn’t breaking the game. I honestly don’t see the point of steady flying being unavailable if dragonriding is. I don’t see what gameplay advantage there could be that could possibly outweigh the strong preference of a sizable chunk of players.

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I have often been a fan of the idea of flying mounts serve as gliders/slow fall/etc in no-flight zones or before players unlock flight, however that is done.

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Keep in mind: Mafic doesn’t know what skyriding really is, as they have none of the glyphs collected.


I’m not against that at all. That sounds cool. Would have saved my butt in Wrath a couple times… lol

All they need to do is remove the old flights ability to hover for more than a couple seconds, if that’s what they are worried about.


Watch it, that is the kind of thing that might make then decide to just ad stamina to TBC flight like vigor is part of DR/SR.

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It’s not a bad idea, honestly.

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Brilliantly said.

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Glider down the coreway… that would be fun!

Oh, you mean mounts that could be converted to skyriding tomorrow? At most you could say they will be unable to use TBC flying mounts with TBC flight unless you point out specific ones. Just as a note, out of 516 mounts, 464 will be skyriders.

It’s probaby time to ignore the knuckhead. He just wants to twist your words and make distorted claims. You and I know it would be better for many with no PF. He’s just getting a kick out of bullying.