Steady Flying

Oh, pulling that card, eh. Just proves you, and your side, don’t care about logic, facts, or anythign else unless it supports your arguments.

DR is flight, as a bird or any non-insect flies. The truth, and basic logic, is that DR is just a different kind of flight, no better or worse then TBC, just different. It might be this difference that Blizzard is using to separate the 2 while giving those that can’t use DR an option to earn TBC flight and fly in their preferred method.

On another note, anyone know if there are different pilot’s licenses for helicopters and planes?

That makes me want to sinister strike some clouds and eviscerate the sound barrier.

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It is a worse version of Rogue game play and for that reason boring. It is also a poor copy pasta from the Guild Wars version. I rather log in and play the Guild wars version to be honest.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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:bird: :dragon:

By this logic airplanes aren’t flying.

Do you understand what flying even is? It’s literally powered gliding.


You started with a false equivalency and showed your position very well, so thank you. DR is a gliding mechanic taking from vehicles and just sped up.

That is how they made DR and that is the truth.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Not only that, there are different licenses for different types of planes and different types of flying in general:

Sport pilots can only fly small airplanes and ultralights
Private pilots can only fly single engine with a lot of restrictions (but fewer than sport pilots)
Multi-engine is its own rating.
Then there’s Visual Flight Rules (VFR) vs IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) which is another rating
And of course, Airline Transport Pilot if you wanna be a big wig and fly for airlines. If not, you can just get a commercial license and be a charter pilot instead.

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I thought you started the false equivalency of Skyriding and TBC Air walking…

:bird: :dragon:

Again . . . this is how birds and airplanes both work . . .


So, logically speaking, could it not be said Blizzard is giving us one “license” from the get go and enaabling us to earn another for a different type of flight?

That is the truth according to you, the only ones that know the real truth is Blizzard. I stated how DR is form of flight, and have often said that TBC flight is helicopter/insect flight where as DR is how flying animals and planes do it.

In the world of Azeroth there is flying aka TBC normal flying and then gliding which is DR.

That is the matter at hand. That is why goblin gliders glide like DR and both are not like TBC normal flying aka air swimming.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Great, so Flying is gated behind Pathfinder.

Gliding is free and available from the get-go.

Thanks for clarifying why they shouldn’t be treated equally!!!

I.E. Mafic got played because of his stances.

If DR is not flight, then no one has flight from the get go, if it is flight, like TBC flight, then both forms should be available at the same time.

Simple logic, using the stance of one who is arguing that both should be unlocked at the start.


Hmm no one is the default and the other we have to unlock

Not really. I can skip content with Skyriding as well with Steady flight. Flight mode is irrelevant. At this point people are just trolling now repeating the same defense punchlines over and over for Skyriding cause it is like a new car all new and shining while the other isn’t.

Nether flight actually breaks the game. People are just over reaching to try make a case against a flight mode almost as old as WoW itself. If it was actually a problem they would have nerfed it in TBC.

It wasn’t till Ion started fumbling with it people started getting worked up about it. Ion shook the wasp nest and people been beating this horse to atomized powder. Every expansion forth is always the same garbage. “GET RID OF FLIGHT IT RUINS GAME.” not really.


No I do not agree because DR is gliding and TBC normal flying is flying that is why PF must be removed from TBC normal flying. But thanks for agreeing that PF must go.

My opinion is that both should be available no strings attached. That is the simpler solution because locking TBC normal flying causes more game play issues.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


100% correct. It’s why I hardly contributing to this topic anymore.

Over reaching is correct.


I do not agree.

Why is gliding considered less OP than TBC normal flying? In fact DR invalidates more of the game world than TBC normal flying.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I am okay with continuing the discussion because I didn’t start the thread. I was considering starting a new thread of my own. However, I decided that it is best to stick to existing topics.

That would be reasonable in that increased visibility is more important than padding any metrics on my end. I do not care about post counts or likes. What I like the most is being able to chill and play WoW without feeling like I am gas lit into one system to another like a treadmill or hamster on a wheel.

That is what made MMORPGs so fun in that the choice of what to do and how do that in the game world made it revolutionary. So when Everquest came out it was a huge step forward for online gaming. It could be argued Lineage 1 and UO were also pioneers for this as well.

But then WoW came along and then BC introduced flying and it changed the MMORPG world forever. That is why many other MMORPGs and MMOs since then try to copy TBC normal flying the most and that was over a decade ago.

The zen like nature of TBC normal flying is what makes it balanced between precision and speed. Not too fast but not too slow like a ground mount. Never as fast as a portal, flight whistle or DR. But also more calculated in how you explore, quest and discover the open world.

That is what makes TBC normal flying special as it provides replay value beyond the standard set of quests that are finite. While the possibilities of how to enjoy the game world using TBC normal flying are endless. So restriction on a feature that offers endless possibilities is a huge step back and always has been.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Out more than 2000 posts, you’re the only one fighting for PF. You’re being rude to people and antagonistic.

If you love PF so much why don’t you lobby for it for skyriding.