Steady Flying

This is a forum to discuss opinions. I believe it is a popular feature and I feel that this is important to point out.

Meanwhile PF has never been a popular feature in contrast.

Just my two copper pennies.

Me too.

High five

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Oh, so it was more of a “I think” rather than “statistically speaking”.

Good to know.

Also you gotta understand that Pathfinder is an incredible achievement earned by all kinds of players and it has stood the test of time because is a very popular feature for elite players, casual players and any other player.

We can’t remove it for TBC flying because players love it.

:bird: :dragon:

I disagree and here is why.

PF never existed before WoD and TBC normal flying was just fine without it.

Logically that makes sense to me.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


This is a forum to discuss opinions. I believe it is a popular feature and I feel that this is important to point out.

Meanwhile TBC Flying has never been a popular feature in contrast.

:bird: :dragon:

Oh, it did, it was just in a form players either understood or indifferent about, I.E. hit max level, pay a gold fee.

Flying has almost always (cata being the exception) been earned in some way, so maybe it would be better if both were locked behind PF, with PF being what it is now.


I disagree and this is my opinion.

Let me explain briefly why.

PF issues are the following:

  1. It segregates the player base as some people can’t play with their friends because they are further along than others whether they start early or late in the expansion cycle. This is more commonly an issue for returning players as well. Or, worse for new players because they have to catch up and they feel left behind. It was very apparent in BFA PF requirements which was very punishing to players that were new as they were forced into BFA content but no realistic way to unlock flying in a reasonable time frame. And BFA had a lot vertical scaling happening on all the zones Horde and Alliance.

  2. It creates a dichotomy of having players to spend money in the shop for mounts they can not use which makes no sense. That creates a moral and ethical conflict where people spend money on a mounts that they can not use in current content. That further makes it bad look for the company because it communicates a disjointed vision for the game where they want people to spend money on mounts with the in game shop but at the same time restrict people on how they want to use the mounts they just paid for. Doesn’t make sense.

  3. Requiring questing which is not very common how people play WoW in general. In fact most player focus is on raiding, M+, pet battles, PVP unrated and/or rated. And frankly forcing how people engage in a vast MMORPG like WoW has never worked. That is why children’s week where PVE players feel forced into PVP doesn’t sit right with the PVE or PVP community. That is why you have to give player choice.

  4. As we saw with covenant locking player choose to engage the game in a dynamic manner and linear. Linear game play by going from point A to B is only done by those that like to play that way. PF punishes players that explore or like to do side quests while not receiving credit for their efforts.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Pathfinder is a good feature and we need to fight with tooth and nails to keep it in the game!

It makes you enjoy more everything around you as you walk with your ground mount.

:bird: :dragon:

That isn’t PF and that is a false equivalency.

PF has never been popular and in fact the gold cost to unlock flying and just hitting max level were pretty straight forward.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It is actually true, you just started playing after PF was introduced so you never knew that.

If that was true it would be applied to DR as well.

Just my two cents.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


No, that’s different.

Because with Skyriding we can enjoy the new skies using our skyriding abilities, which allow us to compete in the Skyriding events that Blizzard added for Skyriding.

When you use the Lightning Rush, new Skyriding ability added to the Algarian Stormriders, you’ll get to the max speed and see the world from a different angle and perspective.

Everything new with Skyriding, and Blizzard want us to enjoy.

:bird: :dragon:

I disagree and here is why:

Sky gliding is too fast to interact with the world. Even with the speeds being the same as old world speeds on TWW maps it is still too fast.

And too fast means less world interaction and ability to enjoy the art the team has made and the effort put into the expansion.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Or maybe you’re too slow…

:snail: :snail:

My 2 cents

:bird: :dragon:

I am in agreement and here is why. If DR is more powerful why is the less powerful TBC normal flying gated? If DR is more interactive with the world than TBC normal flying than why is TBC normal flying gated? And to finally bring the point home if that makes TBC normal flying under powered then why is it gated in the first place?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Everyone has the same unlock and it will take everyone more or less the same amount of time to complete the content.

You can use ALL store mounts in ALL content. They are also ground mounts. It’s not like they can only fly. And most can fly via dynamic day 1. AND you can fly in old world content.
This is a very dishonest take.

It’s not forced or required. WoD set the precedent of pathfinder for unlocking TBC. Nothing has changed in 10 years. And for it not working for mmos, sub count is on the rise.

Another dishonest take.

As one of the requirements for pathfinder IS exploring…

Another dishonest take.

None of those were actual issues, just very hot takes. But at least you stated it was your opinion before listing this stuff out.

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According to some of the logic of those that want TBC flight from the get go, it is not.

Logic presented:
Both DR and TBC flight are ways of flying, both can take you out of the world/enable AFK flgiht in different ways, so why is one locked behind PF.

Same logic applied to max level+gold vs pathfinder:
Both pathfinder and max level+gold were ways of unlocking flight, in fact current PF is more or less the same as it was without the gold cost, though it does assume you are leveling via campaign. Yet one is panned as being hated yet the other is not.

Keep in mind, I was using this take to potentially lock BOTH TBC flight AND DR behind PF.

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DR is gliding and not flying

So for that reason and logic what you argued is a non starter.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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So birds glide and not fly? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Like I really… really… really want to try and understand, but when you say stuff like this. It’s so outlandish and doesn’t make sense at all.

I get it. You love TBC flying, but come on my guy…


Yeah I don’t think segregating the player base is logical at all.

In fact it shows how it hurts the community far more than anything else.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:



maintaining vigor is nothing like combo points, except maybe that the icons for both are somewhat circlish?

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