Our guild has been working on the Stay Classy achievement this year. We were down to only needing a Troll Rogue, and BE Rogue and a BE Monk. After the patch, it is now showing we need the Troll Rogue (correct), but the Blood Elves are screwed up. It’s showing we need a hunter and priest, which are my two mains and have been max level from very early in the expansion, plus the BE Rogue (correct) but the Monk is checked as completed even though we do not have one at max level (currently working on it). Since the patch has dropped, I’ve logged into the characters that were counted complete before patch but it did not correct the problem. Everyone in the guild sees the same thing I do, so it’s not a UI issue.
Update: We now show we need the Troll Druid and BE Pally as well as the others mentioned (though here in a minute the BE and Troll Rogues should be competed as they are about the hit max level). For some reason the completed characters are being removed from the achievement after we log into those characters. These latest changes happened directly after we logged into a BE Pally and a Troll Druid.
So to test it, I had the achievement pulled up then had my daughter log in to one of her Blood Elves and I saw it drop off the achievement as soon as her character loaded.
I can confirm this issue. Our guild is trying to complete some of the classy achievements while the level cap is still 50 now that the leveling time is lower, but it is clearly bugged. Several class/race combinations we needed are now showing as completed, and others that we have and play are showing as not completed. I also tried leveling a character to max level (with exalted guild status) and it does not grant progress towards this achievement.
I’m also having the same problem. Each level 50 character I’ve logged in on has dropped off the achievement. It seems like the achievement thinks 60 is max level now but obviously we can’t get to that.
This is really upsetting because there was money spent on our end for race changing to help complete some of these. I put in a ticket and got a canned answer of “try resetting your UI”. The whole guild, plus others responding here, sees this problem… it is NOT a UI issue. Furthermore, the problem doesn’t just need to be fixed, the progress we made on these achievements needs to be restored.
Can confirm this is happening for my guild as well. Real bummer considering most of us were planning on making the classy grind our pre-patch endgame until Shadowlands. Hope it’s fixed soon.
edit: strangely, the armory version of the achievement tracker seems to be showing some race/class combos as complete that shouldn’t be but is largely a more accurate representation of the combos we have completed.
Having the same problems. Doesn’t show 2 race and class combinations that hit max level after the squish as being complete and lost credit on a couple that were completed before the level squish. Also getting credit on some that aren’t max level.
Just had to say, love the guild name lol
Our guild is also having the same problems here. I’ve met the honored requirement, but human priest is still showing as incomplete. I’m uncertain if this is because we need level 60 at this point, or if this is just a bug right now, but posting this here to show that this issue is still relevant.
Hopefully we’ll hear something soon.
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It’s not because we need level 60 because the achievement says “max level” and right now 50 is still our max level. Wednesday we leveled 2 toons to 50, the class/race combos were marked off the achievement but then disappeared immediately because we were still on the character. It’s definitely a bug.
We are having the same issue, We were focusing on getting it done in our guild in prepatch.
Its a real bummer
It was obvious to anyone who has played a pre-patch before that the ‘max level’ achievements would change at the pre-patch, not at the launch of the full expansion. I rushed and leveled 5 characters last week because I knew this was coming. Sorry you guys didn’t get it done in time. Better luck this expansion.
guild achievements arent working, classy gnome monk is honored but not showing, classy worgen druid not showing, classy worgen death knight also no credit. we have these classes , our gnome monk is dorinka and our worgen druids name is monira, our deathknight is millona all in bloodhoof and all at least honored.
also shown missing is a night elf demon hunter, my main charactor mikealina is a night elf demon hunter who is exaulted with the guild.
two is night elf death knight
fjp is a night elf druid
kadaya is a panda shamon
all are at least honored, and level 50 and missing from stay classy
read the post above.
max level is now 60
classes which are marked as complete will remain credited.
any new class additions will need to wait until they can level to 60
I dont think it’s because of the max level. My guild is now missing our whole Undead portion of the stay classy, even though before pre-patch all we had left was undead hunter. Same with our goblin and panda achieves.
Incorrect. The achievement was not reset at pre-patch during either Legion or BfA, it reset when the actual expansion opened and our max level went up. I kept a close eye on it to see exactly when they reset, and it did not do the same thing that it is doing now by removing them as you log in.
I can concur with what Zensitive has said. The stay classy achievement has never reset like that. We actually lost our troll achievement which was done but now shows only 3 classes complete. This has to be a bug.
After pre patch I had a character hit 50. It was given credit on the achievement immediately. It correctly worked with 50 as the current max level. Since logging back in the credit has dropped off.
In past xpacs any incomplete achievements totally cleared once the max level changed. The max level isn’t yet 60 and these aren’t clearing, they’re dropping off one by one.
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I have had characters that were marked complete before the pre-patch. They became unmarked the moment I logged them into the game after pre-patch. That’s kind of part of the reason we’re reporting this. It’s not that we leveled a character up after the pre-patch and it’s not showing up. It’s that we had them greened out before the pre-patch and now they’re showing up as grayed out again.
Yes, some of the people here leveled up after the pre-patch and are having the same problem, but those of us that had those achieves before the pre-patch and don’t have them now are also seeing the issue.
If this were simply a matter of, “If the achievement wasn’t completed before pre-patch, it’s all wiped,” that’s fine, too. But I expect most of us feel that isn’t/shouldn’t be the case and that this is more likely a bug–especially since that’s never been the case before (that I know of,) in past expansions.
That is the part I am objecting to, by the way–and my explanation above is the reasoning.
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Also adding my story here. My guild had most of classy orc and tauren filled BEFORE PREPATCH and now its empty.
has anyone used a script to confirm that it’s not just an in-game display error?
it’s expected that fresh 50s won’t give credit towards the achievement, and the guild tab in the armory still shows previously earned classes as being credited.