Working on “A Class Act” is providing the same issues. With only two classes remaining to complete the achievement in my guild (though both have now hit 50–without credit toward the achievement), all the other previously credited classes are dropping from the achievement if they log in. In addition, one of the previously mentioned characters that hadn’t hit 120 before the pre-patch, and had just joined the guild, showed as exalted guild rep without doing anything for guild rep. Hmmmm…
Personally, I think this is a bug relating to the level squish. Technically, the max level for currently available content is 50. As 50 is equivalent to 120, and there is no further you can go until the expansion actually releases, it is max level. There shouldn’t be any degradation to these guild achievements just because they pushed the pre-patch out.
The most frustrating thing for me is that I paid not only to transfer one of the classes from a different realm, but also to re-sub another account of mine to get her into my guild. I also worked very hard to get a few of the contributing characters to 120 before pre-patch, only to have them drop from the achievement.
Interestingly enough, under Achievements > Character, you’ll find Level 60 (Reach level 60.) listed and is grayed out. Guess the achievements lists are for Shadowlands and not pre-patch/earlier.
Agreed! Level 60 is currently unobtainable, and the achievement stating “max level” should be giving us credit at 50 until the expansion actually drops, since that is the actual change in max level.
My guild had several people who did this as well, and it is definitely frustrating to have paid money for services just to have this bug happen and rob us of our achievement! Let’s hope this gets fixed soon and credit is given for what we have accomplished. As of right now, we are truly only lacking one toon to hit max level (which will be max level within another day or two), and we would have been finished.
Submitted a ticket and they just referred me back to the forums… I’m hoping this is a bug due to having our missing classes almost maxed out right before patch.
Considering how many generic responses people are getting for the various bug reports on this patch, I have to wonder if Blizzard is even paying for any real, knowledgeable support people at this point or if the support process is now all automated.
Came to state the same thing. Our Guild had maxed level, Honored, class/race combos that were counted before the patch, now they don’t reflect that at 50 (can’t go higher, 60 is not attainable at the moment, not gaining XP, so don’t come in with the “you need to get to 60 now” BS). Further, combinations are being credited we do not have in the Guild (or ever had).
Yep. We’re hoping it gets fixed soon. We’re trying to get ready for Shadowlands and that extra tab would be very helpful. It’s not like we’re asking for anything crazy, just to get the credit for the work we’ve all done as it was before this patch.
I just got a response to my second ticket for this issue.
“The maximum level in Shadowlands is level 60. During the pre-patch, characters can only reach level 50, so the achievement cannot be completed. This is intended.”
If this actually is intended i doubt we would be getting partial credit for classes the guild doesn’t even have.
The lack of communication on this issue is disheartening.
Considering the answer to my ticket said “this is a bug, please fill out a bug report”… yeah.
it hasn’t been like this in any previous expansion, I find that to be pure trash. And you are correct, this is really disheartening that they just do nothing to correct the situation they’ve created. There are many people who put in too much work and/or spent money for this to have happened.
Same problem in the guild for my druid. She was 120 and never ticked the box, even at revered. I had her booted, rejoined, leveled to exalted, still won’t clear. They also had a priest and a monk max level, and they won’t check off. I think the consensus is that the achievement is looking for 60 now.
Update: I logged in today to find our BE’s back to where it should be, which is only needing the monk. Before the patch hit, we needed rogue and monk. Rogue hit 50 the day after patch went live, credit has been given for that now.
BUT, the trolls are still messed up. While it did give us credit for the rogue that just hit 50, which should have completed the achievement, it’s now showing we need a Troll Warlock which was my husband’s toon. He just now logged into the toon, figuring it would complete the achievement but it did not. He is level 50 and exalted with our guild, and it was the character that completed that portion of the Troll achievement earlier.
Same problem as everyone else - WE LOST CREDIT FOR CHARACTERS ALREADY AT MAX LEVEL BEFORE PRE-PATCH. That’s not a “feature” of pre-patch, it’s a bug. It’s not dependent on Shadowlands, or an “awww, poor you” thing. It’s someone screwing up the coding for how these are credited for the achieve when they dropped the patch. C’mon Blizz, I know the bug problem is epic this go round, but really?
i already explained this as being the case, and it has worked this way since achievements have existed… but there are 2 issues being discussed here.
yeah, because your issue is different.
Your issue, is that characters which were already credited, are being removed from the tracker.
This has nothing to do with the standard inability for additional characters to gain credit towards the achievement during a period when no characters are eligible.
Update for my guild. Hit max level on 3 toons since the pre-patch and all 3 are now registering as complete, one of which was the last orc needed and gave the achievement. Classes that weren’t max level but were getting the credit for it are now showing correctly as not being complete. And like Zensitive the guild lost credit for the Troll warlock which was finished before the pre-patch.
Oh so that’s not just us then, good to know. We are now done with all the requirements for completing this achievement, just waiting for the bugs to be worked out.