State of Survival tbh

who cares about serpent sting lol… it’s literally irrelevant damage that hits for nothing. It’s just there to be there now basically no latent poison nothing so why do you care so much???

why i hate that they also removed it from spearhead.

garbage take.

Garbo direction. I’m already not a happy camper about it.

That’s the problem. When you make it its own stand-alone ability, you can THEN give it more impactful talents instead of it being more or less a tacked-on DoT. However, since we’re talking about SV, only what happens to WFB matters so all non-WFB damage abilities can pretty much go take a hike. It’s the superstar of the show, ya know.

I hear Sin Rogues are hiring, just in case anyone here REALLY wants to get into poisons.

WFB would just hog up all the attention away from boring vegetables on the plate like Strikes/Bites.

It is a fair amount of damage in both ST and AoE and if you are not applying it or don’t care about applying it and keeping it up you are playing incorrectly

Serpent Sting used to be part of Survival, in SL we had old Viper Venom and in DF Latent Poison (In SL too) and they made it matter and you could do your rotation when you had nothing you would consume the stacks on priority targets or you could just take Hydra’s Bite and just forget it. now it’s just do your rotation it ticks faster and has a lower duration and only talents supporting it is for spreading and no longer a button.

it really shows some people just see Big numbers and jump in the air and anything that has low number now is irrelevant so if you disagree you are a CRY BABY LOL

Sure the rework is good right now and i like the bomb talents but we definitely need more attention in the future and some people call this crying or whining

Ya with mongoose bite lol

Except it was basically always trolling to pick this over latent

What is blud waffling about

Again it is really hard for some people to understand i guess but i will say explain it. in SL which i liked with Viper Venom you kept Serpent Sting on your main 2-3 targets but in DF with latent poison it happened passively on so many targets and you had to snipe stacks dying targets or priority targets especially when you had nothing, and if an important target didn’t have SS you applied it via Serpent Sting as a button! now in AoE and ST you have to press RS at start you can’t play without SS and you can’t apply it from range and spread it later with RS during your new rotation. you need to keep it up actively every build has it and not playing that way is actual trolling and it costs 60 focus to apply to 3 targets at the start and it falls off fast Which means you have to keep your rotation going which is fair.

I liked Serpent Sting on less targets when it does more damage over Serpent Sting on more target but it does less damage if you can’t understand this idk what to tell you its my opinion and this is a game where it has rules and sometimes those rules don’t work the way you want but they could fix that during Beta now it’s too late.

it was noob the friendly option and did more damage in some scenarios

See it for yourself:

It is so fun that nobody takes Fury of the Eagle now, the single ability that carried no CA build which was fun and the damage was really good especially during S3 it was great, but nobody cares i guess.

you can disagree but please don’t just say random stuff just to say “omg you are so wrong lol xd”.

I hate to say this, but pumping is everything in the DPS buiz. You want to see the big numbers; worse than this, your M+ group and your raid leader want to see the big numbers. Dotting is not it, and it hasn’t been the meta for YEARS now. If you want that, I can show you how “Gucci” it is in Cata, maybe SoD. Even still back then, it was virtually almost always a burst meta.

Not to mention that for too long in post-Leg history, SV doesn’t have Barrow and didn’t have Expshots either, much less L&L Expshots. SV used to be one of the best dotters. Goodness knows that Bepples preached about this for eons beyond remembrance.

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Huh? I was pointing out that pressing serpent sting as a button was literally not even on the prio list and if you wanted to pop latent poison you can do it with mb

But you wouldn’t always get Green Bombs at start of a pull and your starting bomb was blue, sometimes your targets were too far away from each other the button was good for those scenarios.

I definitely think its weird that its gone kinda feel like they could’ve just baked latent into it and kept it or something similiar.

Now we know why spamming WFB was important back then. Because you would be cycling through the colors fast enough to reliably get green nades.

Mad Bombardier is going to be tough to beat. :slightly_frowning_face:

That’s a cool story bro but nah you’re the one crying and we have none of what you just stated tied to serpent soooo again I’ll ask who tf cares?? I have serpent sting just to have it but I’m not bawling my eyes out like you to wanna press it instead of it just going on from mongoose bite. It does so little damage it’s not even worth pressing as its own button so thank god it’s tied to mongoose bite.

It’s the core fantasy, my dude, and the metrics as well. Feedbacks just wants Sting to be better and more important in a rotation rather than just a passive existence. When Blizz could have chosen to buff and expand Sting, they did the opposite.

I mean that’s true but I’m saying right now it’s useless and I’m glad I don’t have to press the button alone to do it. If it was buffed and served a purpose it would obviously be ok but it isn’t now it’s just irrelevant pad damage basically. It sucks they made it irrelevant but classic clueless blizzard doesn’t care to listen :person_shrugging:t2:

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They would, but it’s hard to do that when they have a :gun: pressed to their side and a kind word from our “friendly neighborhood protection agency”.

Honestly I don’t care about this conversation anymore since it is really hard for some people to read the Bold text in the first place and process basic information. you didn’t read anything of what was said before and not reading what is said now and i have never said i want MB/RS passive SS gone and if i mention another flaw in Survival rework you will just with reply NOOO BOMBS DO TON OF DAMAGE SO THAT DOESN’T MATTER. whatever…

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