State of Survival tbh

Major offensive cds being on gcd is better for the game tbh.

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No reason they couldn’t just lower the CD on Harpoon. It should be 10 seconds max anyway.

A no DR root for 3 seconds every 10 seconds sounds pretty busted. Don’t fix what ain’t broke. The charge on Coordinated Assault is great.


The root is irrelevant for PVE, the only content that actually matters.

Oh you’re one of those, got it. Safe to disregard your opinion then lol


Lol :clown_face:

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If you are a Retail Rob[-ot?], you’re automatically one of those. As much as I want Hunters to be successful at all in anything, there has to be actual PvP worth talking about first before they might be either a success or failure in PvP.

Furvival isn’t wrong; the Retail community at large wanted this Hello Kitty Azeroth Adventure for YEARS now. So yes, what’s important for PvE needs to be looked at harder, because common sense dictates that’s what you’re going to end up doing after max level as a Retail Rob.

If you want to PvP in WoW, it’s going on over there -->. -->>, or -->>>.

This is a pretty dumb take considering pvp in WoW has been arenas and bgs for most of its existence, and those are still in the game. Unless you’re deluded enough to think open world pvp was anything but ganking, please tell me you’re one of those…


Yeah, he is a world pvp guy


Surprisingly so, yes. We haven’t gotten a new BG in 10 years and Arena is blamed for how PvP got trashed in the first place.

I don’t think any one in Retail would be. They know, and they hate it. They’d rather have ALL PvP gone. You don’t need to go far to hear how jacked BGs are, how they favor one faction over the other, and how some classes are underrepresented in Arena…

And that’s cool, that’s cool. Not cool for those REAL PvPers.

The real ulterior reason why we often hear why Blizzard can’t balance classes around 1v1. It’s not really because Blizzard can’t, it’s because the Hello Kitties don’t want what they never asked.

Given these, as long as SV gets a guaranteed spot for dungeon slice, that’s all that matters. Except it better not steal BM’s thunder or there’s Fel to pay.

People have been saying this since launch, and it’s untrue. Back when this was tracked by a lot of people, it was literally almost 50/50 and likely still is.

There isn’t a single mmo, and likely never will be that is balanced around 1v1. It would be absolutely idiotic to even try.

You may have trapped yourself.

If it’s possible to have an almost 50/50 by the faction dynamics, it’s the same possible for 1v1.

The only logical reason is because WoW, or any MMO for that matter, pigeonholes class/specs into niche roles. What would it matter since we all wanted a PvE-centric co-op game?

Hey, that’s okay that your class is not the best damager/healer/tanker, it has a nice utility that makes up for it! Except that’s not even the case anymore, because of, largely, “Bring the player, not the class”.

I just think that it comes from the idea that you have to be in groups to “really” play the game, to do anything at all, and that comes from the failed philosophy of a failed genre. Since nobody expects any class/spec to do it all, they just don’t press that issue. What ultimately happened was that it watered down the gamer aspect to concentrate the social aspect.

So if your friends or “friends” weren’t on, and you still want to play and get stuff done, you’re just scat out of luck. Where’s the self-reliance? Where’s the self-making?

This has got to be one of the dumbest things I think I’ve ever read on the forums. The mental gymnastics it takes to take faction balance as far as winning bg’s to meaning 1v1 should be balanced is astounding.

Maybe an mmo isn’t for you. There’s literally thousands of single player games. Not to mention they’ve even added solo shuffle. Touch grass.

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If it’s good enough for a 40v40, it ought to be good enough for a 1v1. Easy.

Note that I said 1v1. That’s not the same as 1v2, 1v3, etc… We’ve seen DKs and DHs take as many as 2-4 people to bring down. You should be able to hold your own against one person regardless of class/spec. When it’s set up that you’re not equal with the other guy in damage, healing, tanking, etc, it’s a problem of the outcome already being decided.

This is then what leads to more and more dishonest and dishonorable play that attracts the worst and disenfranchises the best of gamers.

“Hey, but that’s cool; I’m here online with all of my “friends”! They like me, and type/say sweet nothings. I’m also now an officer in my guild! I have influence, privileges, and authority over people!”


Get that crap outta here (

You saying that there’s thousands of single-player games just supports my argument about what’s actually SUCCESSFUL in video gaming. It’s not whether MMOs are for me or not if it’s not a matter of what’s actually a REAL VIDEO GAME and what is not one but may pretend to be.

I’ve touched the pixelated grass of MANY actual video games before I came upon WoW, to include vanilla Diablo 2 as one of the greats in online gaming.

I’m not just arguing just to argue; MMORPGs had their day in the sun a LONG time ago. It’s not the 1990’s and 2000’s anymore. Not unlike Dr. Malcolm’s take on dinosaurs, they had their shot and nature selected them for extinction. Even RTS as a genre lived longer. WoW had negative zero choice but to evolve or face extinction.

Idk what these dudes deal is tbh… survival is way more fun now than it’s been in quite a while after the rework.


Everyone’s physical damage is lacking right now because of armor being super high on live for whatever reason it’s not like that on beta survivals mongoose bites can hit a mill or more when it crits.

all i said was literally being in Melee is useless and it feels like it is for applying Serpent Sting and our Generator Kill Command does too much and i was concerend about the rework feeling unfinished compared to other reworks like mage. How hard is it for people to understand? after a big Disclaimer on my first post and 3 other people telling me RS and MB are taking no longer the focus of the spec or armor is high.
Again my opinion is I liked it more when being in melee was useful, I had other generators and serpent sting was also a button. to me it’s only matter of time with adapting and getting used to the new survival which again i Have said it is FUN with grenade juggler …
English is my 3rd language and if am i making a English mistake and there is a language barrier please let me know

God forbid if someone says something against what they want to do with the spec and point out an issue related to how the spec feels even if you add 10 disclaimers and praise the parts they have done a good job on still some people jump to say stop crying or just send copy pastas I have respect for people who try to correct or teach but stop jumping on the You are wrong wagon and if feels like gatekeeping

your logic is damage number is high so the rework is great and the spec is fun omg survival is the best. I really want to see the reaction of the people when survival becomes irrelevant again
good luck spreading Serpent Sting in the worst way possible while a paladin or a DK one shots everything in first 5 seconds of their CDs

But manually pressing serpent sting was the worse way possible to spread it

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Before it was on good on low target or prio targets and it did way more damage i liked it more when it was like that in DF it became passive and TWW poison build is dead, it just extra damage if you do your rotation correctly and only applied with RS and MB they cost 30 focus…

raptrot strike applies serpent sting to main target, butchery, next raptor hits 3 targets so two more serpents spread, plus the talent that applies serpent to two more targets. And unlike green bomb it’s spammable part of rotation. Feels like better application than just a simple green bomb throw

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