State of Survival tbh

Survival was alot more engaging with Kill Shot being active during Coordinated Assault. Being forced to use Kill Command all the time (Which doesn’t even hit for good damage) feels bad. It hits like a ball of cotton candy and it’s depressing.

Idk maybe it’s because we don’t have hero talents yet for Kill Command to actually reach potential. I guess my ask is that Kill Command receives a buff.


Why are you focused on Kill Command and not the abilities that are actually doing a ton of damage? You may not like SV, but it isn’t lacking for damage in any way.


Tip of the spear

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EDIT: Before replying please read the post carefully, I replied to “Damage isnt lacking in anyway” which is false we lack damage in melee and no i didn’t ask for old spammy MB to be back i asked for it to be more useful!!!

Our melee ability damage is really low, most of the damage of being in melee comes from Serpent Sting and when TWW season 1 launches we are going to notice that even more because DF S4 tier set is gone.
Since Sic’ Em, Sulfur-Lined Pockets, Wildfire Infusion, Tip of the Spear are tied to Kill Command we are going to press Kill Command more than we should all they have to do is make Sic’ Em and Quickshot to proc off Raptor Strike and maybe add Serpent Sting back as a button alongside the passive version.


You’re both missing the point, SV has been doing extremely well on beta. You’re missing the forest for the trees.


it has been doing great because mixing KC before skill give +15% to 30% dmg (depending on crit chance) to next spell with tip of the spear

I think the real problem here is Kill Command being the root node of the talent tree (which is probably something that a lot SV loathe).

For every spec, it’s a good design to have lot of talents linked to the root node.
Here’s the list of 13 nodes mentionning KC for SV:
Quick Shot, Wildfire Infusion, Exposed Flank, Fury of the Eagle, Tip of the Spear, Flanker’s Advantage, Bloody Claws, Alpha Predator, Bloodseeker, Sic’Em, Killer Companion, Coordinated Assault, Relentless Primal Ferocity

For MM, root is Aimed Shot and it’s mentionned in 20 nodes.
For BM, root is Kill Command (same as SV ? weird ?) and it’s mentionned in 19 nodes.

See the difference ? Maybe SV design is still incomplete ? Maybe they don’t really know in which direction it should go ? Maybe they even failed giving the Dark Ranger hero talent with Black Arrow to SV even if it was one of there old keystone (lk/mop/wod) ?

So yes i can understand why ppl are feeling force to play into KC/too much reliance on pet for anything but with low pet/pet abilities damage …

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Right now the changes are fresh and the spec is playable, Yes we are Performing very well and Grenade Juggler is extremely fun, TotS is good. but they could’ve done better with the rework, it feels like they just wanted to add Grenade Juggler and TotS and move on. some of the talents feel like they are placeholders and they shifted their focus into reworking Mongoose Bite instead of Fury of the Eagle or replacing the boring % damage talents with something else. they tied every proc to Kill Command and left us without telling us what’s going to happen next or if we are done with the changes

Look at the recent changes to Survival:

Sounds familiar? that’s literally one of our talents!

Our hero talents are boring and we lost some of our cool visuals and sound effects with this rework. we don’t know what is next and still waiting to see what they are going to do.


Man if they made everything that us proccing off KC, now proc off of Mongoose Bite and they added back ranged Serpent sting, the spec would feel incredible!

I do enjoy the rework, but I have always hated KC and now I find myself pressing it a lot more.

Surv should have very limited interaction with their pet. Instead Blizz doubled down on KC and even though it feels different right now, I think after the first few month of expansion, it will feel bad.

In short, even when the spec is doing well there are people who will whine and complain. Thank lord the devs don’t venture into class forums.


Naa, the new build plays a lot better than Dragonflight. Sic 'Em is also very good if you enjoy Kill Shot.


Even with the S4 tier in ST situations or top damage abilities are explosive shot and Wildfire bombs.

Our current tier despite the bonus dont really do that much for our dps because survival no longer revolves around Raptor strike/Mongoose bite and butchery.

Also you aren’t suppose to be spamming kill command, you work it into your rotation for the purposes of empowering our abilities that matter by way of priority, with raptor strike and mongoose bite being on the lowest part of that totem pole.

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That’s exactly what designers are missing

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This is my favorite iteration of SV so far. Before, could only directly power up Mongoose Bite/Raptor strike–now it feels like there is a lot more flexibility. Also, proccing back to back Explosive shots is so satisfying!!


Yes, and I don’t have any problem with that and this makes MB feel way better I believe the original post was made because we used to have a build variety to choose between Kill Shots and Bombs. Kill Shot is now a bonus not a build same as Exposed Flanks and Quick Shot they are just bonuses and you can’t rely on them anymore. all I’m saying it would be cool if at least our filler ability gave us the procs and our generator was not this important and being in melee had more benefit

Yes I’m familiar with that i was just making a point of MB and RS being useless now sometimes its way better to use Kill Command because of all the buffs and procs it provides.

as sv on tww

you damage going to revolve around kill. command, explosive shot, bombs, kill shot.

mongoose or raptor strike is taking a back seat.

so make sure you explosive, bomb and kill shot every proc it’s up.

explosive shot should be the bulk of your damage.

wait. for hero talents as well, then you will see. that only maybe fury warrior will outrage you.

If ES is your top damage and not wfb something has gone horribly wrong.

Depends on the length of the fight, shorter fights, especially with bombardier have ES as top damage. As the fight progresses WFB does get ahead.

ES shouldn’t even be among SV skills tbh…

Yeah, it doesn’t fit the theme of someone chucking grenades at all…


The only time that worked was 9.2., and it looks like that Macbethan crown isn’t moving.

I’d rather spam KC resets because I’d rather be :bomb:ing it. Anyone know a good SL private server(that’s a joke)?

Real talk, Mad Bombardier still remains the best SV itineration of all post-Legion. TWW could still eclipse it, especially when Microsoft’s people start to look at this harder…