State of Survival tbh

I 100 % agree with this. Our AOE is decent, I guess; I’m not too concerned with it now. But I think our Raptor Strike/ Mongoose Byte is not doing enough. I like spreading serpent sting and nuking mobs with explosive shots and wildfire bombs, but at the end of the day, survival is a melee spec whether we like it or not, so our melee abilities should be more impactful.

Sure except one side makes up a far larger count of the total playerbase and I’m sure you can work out which it is

I understand, but that doesn’t mean they can’t balance both with the other in mind. They’ve done it in the past and when the PvE/PvP population wasn’t so lopsided and was more close to being even with one another.

It’s funny you say that because i don’t think I’ve mentioned bombs and tons of damage once but go off :rofl::person_shrugging:t2: