State of Survival tbh

Yea no survival now is a ton of a fun and a lot more fun than it’s been in a while.


Everyone’s physical damage is down right now they buffed armor. It will obviously balance out in TWW chill lol.

it’s even more so once hero talents get implemented.

if you aren’t firing off 3 to 4 explosives shots in a row, you are doing something wrong.

once hero talents get here,
your sentinel will bang huge, followed by explosive.

in beta my explosive shots average 750k a hit, and doing multiple shots in a row is where it’s at.

gone are the days when your mongoose dominates your damage profile.

this is tww, not DF.


TLDR for anyone who didn’t read my walls of texts(since i don’t read walls of texts myself):
Since RS and MB are fillers now they should also Proc Quickshot and Sic’ Em. I don’t want RS and MB one shot everything i want them to be useful so being in melee is not for applying Serpent Sting.


Same as Dark Arrow being in Dark Ranger Hero Tree but Explosive Shot origin is survival talent tree (since lich king)…

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Yeah survival is in alot better shape PVE-wise with the play around Bombardier build or bomb-weave spec. BUT survival was in alot better shape PVP-wise and alot burstier before the prepatch jumbled the whole spec up. We are now forced to use Kill Command pretty much after every spell we cast (which doesn’t hit for much). Alot more fun playing around wildfire infusions and chakram as your damage modifier with the addition of hitting a cleaving kill shot every 10 seconds during coordinated assault. They should’ve at least made a path down the spec tree to allow you to still play the old way.

That is all. I said what needed to be said. Not about the rest of the forum drama.

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I’ll just say it, measuring any class and/or spec’s performance during a pre-patch is rather silly.


I know it’s hardly scientific but my Survival Hunter is one of my lowest ilvl 70s yet is the only one my scrubby butt can get past Mother in Mythic Uldir after the recent scaling cranked up the hp. Seems pretty strong to me.

Survival hunter just feels so bad to play now. They need to keep it a melee-focused spec and now 85% of the damage is ranged and pet. Mongoose bite is so bad and they removed the 8 yrds range. Even in beta, 75% of the dmg is pet and bomb.

For pvp, it’s just not fun to play. It’s way more fun to harpoon in and start slamming big hits. Now, you just hide at range and throw bombs and explosive shots.

They keep trying to appeal to everyone with this spec, the old babies that are always saying to ‘bring back survival’ are never going to be satisfied even though it was originally a melee spec on release. Just keep it a melee focused build and not a monstrosity. The current bombs aren’t fun. The old bombs were fun because they enabled other interactions.

Tip of the spear management feels SOOOOO bad. Alternating GCDs in pvp is not a good feel.


Depends, Mongoose is still really close on pure single target. ES will still be third in your overall if you are doing your rotation correctly. My ES on beta hit for upwards of 1.3 million. Still coming in behind WFB, Mongoose with an ideal rotation. Thanks for the condescending reply though. It was super helpful.

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the reason why explosive will outpace mb is becasue you are contastly getting procs that alow you to spam 3-4 explosive shots in a row.

MB has become filler now–

not that i agree with it, but its the direction the devs have paved.

MB was filler in DF too to be fair


Maybe I’m just doing the rotation wrong then, because I’m not seeing this at all in my beta testing. Like, at all. The only time spamming ES happens is when CA ends with bombardier. That is every two min in the assumed current build. In between that it does not pop up like that. In every 5-7 min test I’ve done WFB is top in aoe, by a LOT and top just over mongoose in single. Never has it been my top damage in any test ever.

Have any references for what you are saying?

This is correct, the only time you’re able to spam ES is at the end of CA when bombardier procs, not sure what these ppl are talking about saying you can spam 3-4 ES’s in a row constantly, unless they are talking about the ES’s that proc from other talents.


bloody claws isn’t implemented on live so there’s going to be a big discrepancy in anecdotal takes of spec performance

why is raptor strike still not baseline


All I wanted was coordinated assault to get the charge strike removed and it to be a cooldown off the GCD damn it

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That would’ve been a horrible change to remove the charge… Speaking purely from a PvP point of view, Coordinated Assault charge serves as a great gap closer.


I have never once in PvP found myself lacking for a gap closer on a survival hunter and I primary want it off the GCD for PvP reasons.

But that’s just me.

No no, I agree with you here, it’d be nice to have it off the GCD. I just don’t think we should lose the charge on Coordinated Assault.

We already lost the charge on Spearhead. All we got is Harpoon and Disengage, and maybe Flanking Strike but that’s on a shorter range.

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