Mistweavers need buffs to both mana efficiency and power of the heals. I can barely outheal 1 warrior while freecasting.
Big old omega bump
MW is fine. I got my first 2400 playing MW this xpac by rerolling Resto Shaman
Smart gnome but for most of us monks is thing we want to play so we are rolling WW
Definitely this. Damage numbers are waaaay too high right now, resulting in most matches lasting like, a minute, tops. Hell, when i played enhancement i basically just physical invulned the melee while my team instagibbed whoever was on me. The split second my defensive would drop i would be 100-0’d.
Absolute degenerate gameplay right now
With the level of damage output right now in 3’s and how outrageously fast the games are, Healing specs with impactful “life saving” cooldowns are doing quite well at a high level of play, whereas healing specs that lack impactful cooldowns are not doing well. Resto shammy for example having Link, and Ascendance; paladin with their plethora of CD’s, etc; translates to them doing well.
Resto druid and Mistweaver in particular have garbage for cooldowns to employ to save teammates that are taking a massive amount of damage, so they’re going to struggle. Slower 3v3 meta’s are a lot more conducive to their style of play.
Just give MW dematerialize back and adjust some of the mana costs. Thats all they need really.
mana cost adjustments would be great
holy priests say hello
yeah i have to agree. I have like 600 games played and seen like a handful of MW this whole time. They get melted too. Hope they get a buff to add more variety instead of playing discs every game.
My daily bump to this thread in the hopes that we get the usually absent pvp buffs before this spec is abandoned entirely.
youre a champ clapity
Mysticall the Monk is getting in on his take regarding what Mistweavers need changed to be viable in PvP - https://youtu.be/carsvMI80rY
How come u only q rbg with ocean.?
I literally queu with whoever asks. Why is it you and that brain dead warrior w key at me the whole game?
Because u die in a dr stormbolt, I feel bad sometimes but then I see ocean stream snipe my rogue so I just take the dub
Store mount sales getting tuned before my class does. Sick blizzard.
Ya me and the boys exchanging Christmas presents in store mounts. Giving my warrior bro the flying rat
They aren’t totally off base here. The logic I’m going with is id like to see the number of MW’s that did arena’s compared to the number of other healing classes that entered arena’s. look at it more of a percentage based. But even that’s skewed and there’s no perfect answer here.
My thoughts in the end are that they need look at it as a percentage base and nerf (small nerfs), and buff (small buffs) based on that. I would take the small tweak approach so we don’t over buff/nerf someone into non existence (and I think as a MW monk from what I understand here you can appreciate that).
Remember this is all coming from a Disc Priest POV (I haven’t leveled my MW Monk), so I can’t give an unbiased view.