State of Mistweaver PVP - Shadowlands (Week 1)

maybe we should just buff the other healers? #5head

Bump! MW def need a buff

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Bring back Mistwalk.


how many were holy priests?

One day we’ll get meaningful hotfixes to address our below mediocre spec. Actually, probably not, just outcries on deaf ears.

Bump. #MakeMWGreatAgain


I just wanna Q. LFG y u bully me. my friends dont even want to queue with me :frowning: blozzrd plez gve meh summa dem roids. were in a melee cleave meta and were the worst healer… if that means anything to you. im sure id have moderate success climbing if i played arms/ret but id literally get outclassed by any other healer running the same comp

bumping for visibility

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If you’re playing anything other than rdruid and mw you have no idea how good you have it right now.


Admittedly haven’t read any of this thread but just wanted to vent my frustrations with the current design of the class while we have to most likely have to wait at least another week before we see any changes. Firstly, I think the biggest issue is the current meta, ironically a healer that is notorious for instant healing, what feels really bad right now is needing to ramp up our healing before we can do anything significant, this includes keeping Renewing Mist on the Healing target and Enveloping Mist before we can even think about using Vivify. In BFA this wasn’t an issue due to having higher health pools compared to damage and I do think when gear gets better MW will be better but this an issue with the core design of how MW heals.

Secondly our cooldowns are an absolute joke, I’m sure this has mentioned in this thread many times but compared to other healers, we have pretty much one cooldown. In MoP we were able to cocoon and fortifying brew out of stuns which left our trinket safe during cc’s or if we were getting trained. This was removed in future expansions due to pruning of other classes, slower pacing arena games, and the introduction of WoTC. Now with WoTC removed, our only option during stuns (especially while being trained) is to trinket and pop one of our CDs which are all above 2m CDs. Revival which is in my opinion our current best cooldown, is borderline useless versus shadowplay due to UA absolutely destroying you if you use it during pressure scenarios. Life cocoon while a good CDs feels like a crutch for the class that on a longer CD than it needs to be. I don’t like comparing us to other healers because there’s way too many factors, but looking at priest having rapture on top of all the other great CDs they have on a 1.5m CD feels really bad. Looking at our covenant choices are also really depressing. I don’t know about you guys but I landed on Venthyr not for the passives but because the class ability for the other 3 were way too situational but Fallen Order while an okay cooldown is so unreliable and the damage component of it is super underwhelming.

Lastly, the strengths of MW don’t outweigh it’s weaknesses. What makes unique MW is instant cc and mobility, both of which go hand and hand but put you at too great of a risk when going for it. In the current meta it feels way too all in for little reward. What I’d like to see changed is either WoTC back which seems very unlikely or huge buffs to Life Cocoon, like MoP levels. It feels like a lot of healers, baring Resto Druids, got a lot of cool things this expansion and we only lost.


Also with tsg and prob wwdk but ya u literally lose every mirror


I don’t understand how Mistweavers haven’t received any buffs. These aren’t new issues. They were present in the beta and are still here. Mistweavers have next to zero presence in the top arena standings and I don’t believe there is a single one in the race to world first castle nathria. We aren’t used in PVP or PVE. Another week goes by without addressing these issues.


Healer defensive cooldowns. Directly from Mysticall the Monk’s post- for those of you who didn’t see it or too lazy to check yourself…

Shamans – Astroshfit, 40% damage reduction, 1.5-minute cooldown

Paladins – Divine Protection, 1-minute cooldown, usable while stunned

Druids – Barskin, 1-minute cooldown, usable while stunned

Holy Priest – Spectral Guise, 30 second cooldown, usable while stunned

Disc Priest – Pain Supression, 40% damage reduction, usable while stunned AND on teammates, 3 minute cooldown

Mistweaver – Fortifying Brew, 15% dmg reduction/15% hp increase, 3 minute cooldown, not usable while stunned


a tuning is definitely needed - MW cds are so underwhelming compared to other classes, not to mention the mana issues


+1 got kicked out of mythics yesterday cause they wanted another healer (class)

Mana is defenitely an issue.
We also don’t have any extreme healing cds. In arena any other healing class can just go oh crap they are bursting me and be full hp again. Monk’s cant. Also why the x would they add a gcd onto soothing mist??? Now we have to wait a second to start healing? Is this a joke


I’m going to cross-post the Reddit Mistweaver post seeing how some people here don’t use Reddit, vice versa. Hopefully we can connect more people to get all the problems ironed out revolving around MW.


Quick bump on this, new to mistweaver as a priest main, my biggest concerns would be mana is a huge issue and i agree with the point someone made about feeling like you have to “ramp up” healing in this current meta, it’s crazy cause it feels like the healing is 100% there but takes 2-3 globals to do it so there’s almost some clunkiness to it. Also how the hell did the statue + Chiji being on the same talent row make it past beta? If chiji was ANOTHER CD instead of replacing Yulon it makes sense but it’s weirdly like losing a CD if you pick chi ji and chi ji rocks…but so does statue. Makes no sense. Also, does font essence feel clunky to anyone else? Maybe I don’t totally get how the spell works full circle but that middle last talent that gives you a long font essence just feels…weird


Bumping. MW needs a rework. Bad.

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Bumping this. My 2s partner is a MW main. They are supposed to be a very mobile class but I feel there is too big of a gap between their squishy-ness and their mobility. Crank up their survivability a bit and they’d be in a better place. Hardly anyone is playing MW right now =/

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True… I’m slowly migrating to playing Windwalker instead of Mistweaver until they get a little something something. When we have to play against 2 rogues in, 2v2 it’s immediately over before it even begins. By the time I trinket and teleport or stun, I’m at 20% HP or dead.

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