State of Mistweaver PVP - Shadowlands (Week 1)

No one here wants to see any healer in a bad state. Buff, don’t nerf. I have no problem with Rsham or Disc currently. I want to see other heal specs perform at that level given how high damage is in this meta.


can we revert the gcd change to our SM from bfa? maybe being able to cast something instantly when we begin channel would fix us

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bump because I care about the pvp MW community.
Did anyone try Surging Mist? I still like it a lot. Any success?

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Surging mist is only 150 less mana than vivify, does not cleave, does not benefit from mastery, and does not benefit from our strongest legendaries (tear of morning and escape from reality).

Given this plus the refreshing breeze pvp talent, vivify is the way to go.

It does benefit from Mastery, a common misconception. It is still the highest throughput single target hps non cooldown heal in the game, despite no legendary support. True that it does not cleave, so dont use it against rot, but everything else it feels pretty good.

This is the major problem with mw:

Notice how the ww did 70k less damage then my dh in a 2m game. Im also wearing the clouded focus legendary that buffs my enveloping/vivify healing and mana by 15% each stack (up to 3 times).

We won but I felt like we were losing all game and we did lose the game before where they killed my dh 100-0 through nether and then blur (notice they have a melee but it didn’t matter) so essentially mw’s have to heal their team a lot even when they press defensives. A mw will have to dump around 15% of their mana from the kyrian warrior ability even if my dh blurs at 100% or a ww walls at 100%. Also rsham doesn’t oom and can just spam purge a mw’s hots off all game which basically means you cannot heal and are on a timer which is why I usually lose most games to rsham/ww in under 3 mins or rsham/war unless you just run all game which is unfun. Rsham can be 100% mana while I’m at 70% mana a minute into a 2v2 with both dps doing the same damage.

Also when I queue into a warrior or ww in 2v2 if I don’t have the clouded focus legendary I oom in around a minute ( oomed in literally a min vs a dpriest/war today without it ).

A giant fix would to just nerf warrior/ww/ret and possibly spriest some which are the only things that really oom a mw right now. I usually win on mana vs everything else. Our HPS is extremely high but you just have to keep spamming heals as dps just rip through renewing/enveloping and most of ur effective healing has to come from vivify. I don’t think they should buff MW (maybe their survivability ) but just nerf the insanely op classes.

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Definitely need buffs. I’d like to see cocoon reach it’s true glory again as one of the best defensives

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MW healing is really high right now when they can cast but their hots (statue, renewing mostly) are really bad right now so essentially when ur cc’d you’re doing minimal healing on ur team as statue lasts for 7 seconds now and renewing can’t withstand the high dps right now. Yea they can buff cocoon though.

wrong this will lead to dampening just buff mw coco and make it a 45 second cd again gg

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You just don’t understand how Yu’lon works - it’s not a pop and forget cooldown. The majority of yu’lons healing comes from you using Enveloping Mist on targets, which yu’lon then casts enveloping breath on that heals players in an aoe around the target. It’s VERY strong, but I can see how in a PvP situation it might not be. Have a read of the passive talent ‘Enveloping Breath’ and it will explain it better.

But the way most people talk about Yu’lon in this thread shows that they don’t actually understand the cooldown at all. Yu’lon herself isn’t meant to be amazing hps without you controlling the output from Enveloping Mists.

Do you have a source for this? This is not displayed in the tooltip at all and I just tried it in a match where we all stayed really bunched up and I got 18k healing from yulon without casting enveloping.

I dont think this is true. Blizzard has taken feedback from the forums and various other places and it’s made huge changes in the game. Look at all the changes they made to PvP. That was due directly to player feedback.

I think this post is well written, and we should keep boosting it so blizzard sees it. Since MW is performing so poorly, I expect buffs will happen, even if blizzard doesn’t specifically acknowledge this post.

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Yes, it works off enveloping mists, which is frequently purged and/or way too mana intensive to be spamming 3s. Yu’lon is a PVE cooldown, not a PVP one. Most, if not all, other healer cooldowns work in both environments equally well.

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Yeah I see the updates with some of the stuff that is recommended within these forums, however, they don’t comment on anything…ever…unless it’s Raid related. So we have to sit here continuously PROVING to them why MW is the weakest healer, hoping they will do something about it. It would be nice if one of the forum moderates acknowledged what’s going on here. After all, we’re doing a huge portion of the work for them in regards to balancing. A post from them would be nice. This is where the detachment comes from.

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It’s the passive talent ‘Enveloping Breath’. Just have a look in your spell book.

It would be nice, but they don’t do that anymore. And for good reason. When they used to do that their forum moderators were attacked viciously, even sent death threats. I can think of two in particular, one woman had to completely change jobs because of the harassment and the other had a mental break down.

So since people can’t act right, Blizzard rarely comments on class changes before they happen, and they no longer interact with the community.

Best idea is to send a link to the original post in this thread through the official feedback forum, or contact them on their social media pages with a link to this thread. They may not respond but it doesn’t mean they are not looking.

But to assume they don’t care, they don’t know, and they don’t want to do anything about it, is a bit entitled, especially after they’ve already made massive changes recently that were directly influenced by community feedback.


What about holy priest?

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I feel bad for Mist Weavers. Imagine playing that spec as your main for years just to have it completely dumpstered when the most anticipated expansion releases in years. Blizzard should be ashamed… all they have to do is buff it slightly to make it viable. Just a slap in the face to monk healers


Thank you for those kind words sir :sweat_smile:

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the thing could be on a 1 minute cooldown and its impact would barely change on any match or pve activity