They oom fast and not being able to use a defensive in stun hurts.
Has anyone seen the number of PvP fixes each week? It’s non existent… there won’t be changes coming for a long time. The solution to this is roll Windwalker. This past week I got both conquest weapons and I haven’t looked back…it’s the only way.
Please send help.
It’s still possible to achieve Gladiator on mistweaver in its current state but it’s way harder than it should be. So playing WW isn’t the only way, it’s just the best.
hey hey hey why isnt prot paladin on your healer list?
Even if Blizzard didn’t intend to implement balance changes, they should at least be communicating their intent and plans to balance in the future. Any modern company would do this.
But what’s worse is that even if you tried to reroll after learning how unviable your class/spec are, you will perpetually be behind in gear on your new main. I am only 198 ilvl after opening my second Great Vault on my hpal. People at 1600s in 2s have more than 5k hp than me, and they’re back peddling.
I won’t be renewing my sub. I’m genuinely a bit mad that a friend of mine told me this expansion would be different. I think no small amount of the surge in players is driven by a pandemic that is only getting worse. Over 60% of nurses in the U.S. are REFUSING the vaccine too, lmao, even as the UK strain sweeps through our cities.
Hope you’re all taking care of yourselves and trying to stay healthy. Peace.
Gets easier as the season goes on since Conquest cap keeps going up.
Yes it will be painful for a while but your alt will get to a point where it has a fair amount of conquest gear. Also, while it takes a pretty large chunk of time to farm, honor gear can now be upgraded to ilvl 197 which helps bridge the gap.
Been waiting for a partner for my MW for the last 30 min, not a single person signed up in LFG to do games with my alt MW.
bump 10 charzards
bumping for the mw gang
Because playing against one is free wins unless one of the following are true
- MW’s rating is over 2500 and other team is less than 1400
- MW’s ilvl is at least 30 higher than the opposite team
- Your teammates are powerful enough to 2v3 the enemy team regardless
In either of those scenarios you might have a close match.
I seriously have never lost against a MW. I also haven’t touched my MW although it’s been my main since mop. Absolutely sad.
This is probably the worst state Mistweaver has ever been in since it was released in MoP. I mean compared to how mistweaver was in previous expansions, the PvP toolkit has just been hashed at and pruned while other healers have only gained. I mean even hex now (used to be a 45 second CD) has a shorter cool down than paralyze does. That doesn’t even make sense
I find it strange that leading up to SL Blizz made some pretty big, late class changes like the Shadow Priest re-work.
Then at the start of the arena season they nerfed Sub Rogue, Ret & MM fairly quickly and also nerfed Pelagos tree amongst other things.
When I saw that I had high hopes that Blizz were listening and would be making tuning changes fairly often…yet there’s been basically nothing since then. Not sure if due to holidays and then Mythic Raid World First and now AWC.
Plain for all to see that MW is trash right now…I don’t think it needs an overall and they won’t do that at this point, but there’s some fairly easy fixes i’d say they could do to make it competitive again like it has been since it’s inception.
the fact this thread has over 10k views and not a single mw change or tuning has been made…
what a great game.
Still radio silence but yesterday we had multiple blue posts hyping their low viewer tournament
Absolutely disgusting
Bump! I’ll keep bumping this as long as I’m playing SL. Give 'em some love please
Was watching a bunch of the AWC earlier, and didn’t see any Rdru or MW
Ridiculous for them to leave 2 traditionally good pvp healers in their current state…surely they’ll see some buffs after AWC…right?
meh, it’s difficult to say. It depends on how hard Hpal gets hit. I think resto shams and disc are in the same tier basically, with disc being easier to play. People are sleeping on resto shams, at least from what I’ve seen. Disc has the issue of being very easy to OOM and their throughput seems to be right around that of shamans currently, so idk.
I can’t believe we don’t even have a single blue post talking about it. Like why not say, “we understand MW is in a bad state. We promise we are working on some changes to address this”. Instead they make posts hyping AWC and ignore the sad imbalance in the tournament. Like seriously Bliz… let us know there is light at the end of the tunnel.