State of Mistweaver PVP - Shadowlands (Week 1)

Blizzard probably looking at the “time played in pvp” metric and thinks PvP is in a good spot.

Doesn’t matter that the metric is high because loot is absolute garbage everywhere else in the game.

Hi Devs, please communicate.

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we. out. here. tho.

I’m concerned that we’re focusing on hpal nerfs more than bringing up specs like MW. Leave hpals where they are and bring other healers up to that level (though please add mana costs to WoG and nerf ult sac). If off-healing was tuned (including fire mage healing), I think you’d see a really healthy balance of specs and classes.


  • Utility that can be used while stunned (Life Cocoon, Fortifying Brew)
  • At least a 15% mana cost reduction to Enveloping Mist
  • Perhaps something like Dematerialize or Nimble Brew; we’re too vulnerable in stuns and our mobility is matched by most classes
  • Stagger mechanic that Brewmasters have
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Tbh, I think Priest/Rsha are in a pretty good place. Hpal needs nerfs regardless.

MW/Rdru need to be lifted up.

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Priests are only competitively viable because of rogue/mage control, and Rshams are extremely vulnerable to cleaves. That might change as other DPS specs are tuned, but that seems unlikely given the current pace of changes.

Rdruids just aren’t doing well b/c of current levels of burst. They’re solid healers in 2s, for example. MWs on the other hand are fundamentally lacking the utility to survive burst or rotate through CC chains. It’ll take a major patch to see MWs played at higher levels again.

Generally, healers outside of Hpals are weaker than they’ve ever been relative to DPS. They have less individual agency to survive being trained. Off-healing from specs like Ret can out-heal an actual healer. If you were to bring Hpals down and leave all other healing specs the same, you’d see an extremely heavy melee cleave meta emerge.


I wouldn’t say by far. Rdruid is pretty damn low too

Stagger on MW is a really interesting idea!


can’t wait for the changes after the tourney we just witnessed


bumping bump

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good job keeping the thread alive for a month through the holidays, world first race and now AWC.

What is the next excuse we’re going to make for the developers? the MDI? most likely another 0 MW representation in the MDI

I’d also like to mention that we have to expose our nature school to do any significant amount of healing. We’re completely dependent on the Zen Focus Tea, and once that is gone it’s just running away. Having mobility is cool, but we actually can’t do any significant healing on the run anymore.

Another huge QoL change I’d like to see is Renewing Mist not breaking Soothing Mist. This just feels super clunky.

Mistweavers also have no instant heal. We actually have to stop, (no flying off your mount or anything, plant your feet first) spend a global to channel Soothing Mist and open your nature school… then you can use an instant heal. This is a huge problem in PVP where reactive healing is absolutely necessary, and getting kicked to do anything is your only option.

I really like the fistweaving identity, but I know not everyone does… So my thought is to roll up a nice fistweaving talent at the end of the tree. Opt in or opt out. It would resemble the current effects of Chi-Ji, Rising Mist, and Ancient Teachings of the Monastery rolled into one. I think Chi-Ji’s effect of Rising Sun Kick causing instant Enveloping Mist should be happening all the time. Fistweaving is dangerous enough without gating it behind a huge cooldown. It also feels very awkward to have to choose beween kicks, EMs, keeping essence font up for ATOTM, keeping renewing mists off cooldown, and god forbid you have to vivify during this. The cooldown wants you to cast EMs, but you have so many conditions to juggle for your overall effectiveness that you’re lucky to get 3 out. Every component of fistweaving feels like a prerequisite to effectiveness, leading to situations where if you aren’t prepared 7 globals ahead of time, you just aren’t effective at all. Who has time for 7 globals in PVP? As for ATOTM, it absolutely needs to be a smart heal or you’re just gambling every time you try to get some value out of it. The prerequisite of Essence Font being casted also needs to be removed. I can’t imagine the rationale behind it. The one way that we can instantly heal without opening our nature school is gated behind a nature channel that at minimum (as with everything else mistweaver) spends a global and opens your nature school. Also, I think it should be based on pre-mitigation damage. Requiring a squishy target nearby to do something defensive like healing is backwards.

I feel like Revival (I know, I’ve been saying there is no instant heal… But lets be realistic about Revival’s usefulness) also could use some consideration towards dispel protected abilities. Using your Revival to get one shot by all the dispel protection in a battleground really doesn’t make it feel like a powerful ability. I’m not sure what the solution here would be. Thoughts are welcome.

Lastly, I’d like to mention the huge amount of room that’s available in the talent tree for injecting some life back into the class. For example, Upwelling; the longer you forgot to use the thing, the longer you can forget about using anything else. Does anyone really get excited about a talent like this? And a 4 second extension on a HOT that heals for 0.3% of someone’s health? I was thinking about writing out each of the lackluster talents here, but that would be pretty time consuming and most of it is self-evident. The talents could literally ALL be given baseline and it would hardly improve the state of mistweaver. These talents are barely choices, and those that we do “choose” are necessities for any semblance of viability (which we still do not achieve).

Well, those are my thoughts off the top of my head regarding mistweaver… To summarize:

The effectiveness of healing output is all very conditional, requiring many globals of setup and exposure to kicks for acceptable healing. None of the spells stand strong on their own, so if you have to react to a situation or if you come out of CC, or even if anyone bothers your rotation at all, you just don’t have any options.

All of this, is of course in addition to frequently discussed issues of walls, stuns, damage reduction abilities, mana, etc.


stagger on mistweaver spec would actually be amazing. They have always inherently died in stuns and after the removal of dematerialize this has been a massive problem even more so with cocoon and wall not being usable while stunned and now being a joke of a cd. Adding stagger almost completely resolves the short comings without being too powerful as you could still die and still need to heal the dmg just not up front 100-0.

Blizzard, your ineptitude is showing!

Hi Devs, how’s 2021 going?


Why do I (on my paladin) have so many more buttons to react to situations than a MW?

It’s like 1/3 of the class is just… missing

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Blizzard please make some real change

Because it pretty much is 1/3rd of the class from its original incarnation, MW was also propped up alot in BfA with PvE gear and corruptions/azerite traits and essences. While other classes like arms and hpal got some pretty solid reworks in SL, MWer got next to nothing.

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Oh didn’t you know, the devs are actually on vacation…indefinitely. So tired of being subpar for no other reason than Blizzard’s inaction on changes that should have been made weeks ago.

I just came back to beat this dead horse. Bump.

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