Sadly truth :<
It’ll likely get a buff and it’ll be insanely toxic for everyone and complained about all the time. It’s sort of like ret/enhance, only actually good because of overtuned abilities which is really unforch.
True. If anything is gunna happen, this is kinda what I’m expecting - some sort of flat % increase to our healing, and/or a flat % decrease to mana costs. I’m doubting they’ll undo the nerfs to Fort Brew and Cocoon… bc that’d just make too much sense; and they def won’t be adding or tweaking the functionality of any abilities any time soon.
At any rate, if this is all they’re gunna do, it better be more than “Here’s your token 5% buff”
This is also a possibility… bc merely tacking on % buffs isn’t always the right way to addressing a class/specs issues, but we all know how Blizzard rolls.
Being really really fair here, I’d accept a slight % decrease in mana costs, paired with undoing the nerfs to Fort Brew and Cocoon. Done. It’s not over the top, it’s not OP. That’d be a good hotfix (not a rework - we all know they’re not gunna do a rework rn) and we go from there, we see how it plays out in the Arenas. We don’t need a knee-jerk mega buff like, “Whoops! Here’s 50% more healing”
Thanks for your time,
^ Good input. I’ve put in hundreds of games across all three PvP brackets. I’m officially rerolling WW until MW (hopefully) gets a buff.
gonna head to the store for some irl nimble brews cause we suck in game
Wanted to contribute with my thread very similar
Just wanted to provide my thoughts on the state of Mistweaver Monk thus far in the expansion.
STATE OF 3v3 Overall – I want to start by saying Shadowlands 3v3 arena pacing feels great and much faster paced. Health bars quickly move down and up (Like WOTLK and MOP) and I think this is a great thing for the state of the game, because it allows for more comp diversity (I.E. WOD/Legion/BFA being very comp dependent like tons of Turbo cleave, RMP, Fire mage/WW monk, etc. compared to a much more diverse set of comps now)
MISTWEAVER Starts Here – I want to provide my thoughts on Mistweaver Monk thus far through the season. I know there are many more shake ups in the meta to come as item level increases and soulbind talent tree options open up.
Strengths – I feel Mistweaver monk is in a state with great overall mobility and strong overall healing throughput for 3v3 (I cannot speak much on behalf of pve).
Weaknesses / My concerns – MW Monk seems to lag behind the rest of the healers in regards to mana preservation and has an overall glaring weakness with stuns. Now I know weaknesses to a spec are important for the overall health of balancing the game.
Mana Preservation Issues – I have found Mistweaver certainly struggles more than other healers (Namely Holy Paladin, Resto Shaman, and Disc Priests) with mana preservation over long 3v3 games. I believe there is 1 " Achilles Heel " for this and it’s the mana cost on Enveloping Mist. Enveloping mist has a 3,000 mana cost (2nd highest of all MW monk spells behind Essence Font) and is one of the most regularly used abilities in our healing rotation. This is because of the GRAVE Importance of the 40% healing bonus while Enveloping mist is active. This is a necessary element to reach the healing throughput needed to sustain fast moving health bars in this new Arena meta.
Stuns – In the past, Mistweaver monk has always had some kind of answer outside of trinket for being stunned itself. Dematerialize was an EXCELLENT option and I think would make a great Honor Talent Option (Especially if it was a 45 second to 1 min cooldown that had to be manually pressed while stunned only, to make it a higher skill capped ability to use. I will copy paste this ability in the next post below. Also in the past, MW Monk had a talent available to make Life Cocoon usable while stunned (With a much shorter CD as well). I will also make a side note – that the Fistweaver legendary seems to help remedy some mana issues.
Anyways thanks for the lead on a longer post here, but I wanted to provide my overall consensus on this spec. My background in arena is 2.5+ XP with 2.4+ in most expansions throughout WoW. Thanks for the read and add your thoughts below if I missed something!
Requires Monk
Requires level 20
When you are stunned, you phase out of existence temporarily causing all melee, ranged and spell attacks to miss you for 2 sec. This effect has a 10 sec cooldown.
My idea – is to make this activatable when you press it, ONLY while stunned (So you can time it). As an honor talent choice with a 45 sec - 1min cd
Agree this would be a nice addition.
But if for whatever reason Blizz don’t want to add new abilities at this stage, there are some simple tweaks to existing abilities to help MW monks in stuns and in PvP in general…a lot of it is just giving them back things they have had previously:
Revert Jade Serpent channel back to 30 seconds - Now that it is only 8 seconds, it can easily drop off especially in a long CC chain…I mean HOJ and Kidney Shot are already 6 seconds by themselves. The short duration means it’s very easy for it not to be providing any healing while the MW is CC’d.
Revert Fortifying Brew back to a 1.5min CD - MW desperately needs more damage reduction and they doubled the CD of this ability going into SL…simply reverting it will help and MW’s can ‘pre-wall’ more.
Choose 2 of the following 4 buffs to Cocoon - Buff damage absorbed/reduce CD/allow use while stunned/make it heal once complete like the ‘Burst of Life’ azerite trait.
The above is basically simply giving MW’s back things that were taken away going into SL which really screwed the spec…it can’t be that hard or game-breaking to revert them back given the low representation of MW’s currently.
My experience as a MW in SL:
-My arena partner left me.
-I get constantly declined in LFG.
-I have fun a lot of fun SOMETIMES, but most of the times i feel miserable.
-That high of fun reminds me of how much I love the class, thus I keep trying.
- I realize how weak my class is. I alt+f4, a couple of days later I repeat the cycle.
this is my MW experience so far.
imgur .com/gallery/S0GM5nQ
imgur .com/gallery/EESp3ZW
If you’re running oom faster than a disc priest, that’s horrible
to be fair prot outheals pretty much all healing specs atm it just isnt playable into caster cleaves so u dont see many at really high rating
he still over doubled my healing and also out DPSed his own WW… im getting blown up in stuns and openers… fun times.
oh i know from experience but if people want a fast meta MW is going to suffer until they buff our defensives
Sounds about right. The guy I’ve always played with still will queue with me but I’m tanking his rating every time we play lol. I feel OK in 3s but in 2s I just feel bad playing with anyone.
BUMP. Mistweaver is beyond garbage this season. No one will even play with me because of how unviable we even are.
i played ret mw in 2s this season! it was actually pretty fun if only mw wasn’t complete garbo
I’m not against this, insofar as they don’t also revert the HPS in the process. Having Statue feel like it’s actually contributing heals bc they’ve bumped the HPS on the shorter channel is kinda nice, ngl. I mean, would a longer Statue channel with the higher HPS even be that game-breaking given the current meta? Likely not. People still gunna get gibbed through it if they misplay.
That said, I’m not super concerned about the performance of Statue when we’ve got so many other pressing issues - like, for instance, the fact that we’ve got all these wonderfully thematic melee attacks on our bars which we rarely get to use. There’s just no incentive to use them when we’re literally the squishiest Healer in the game rn. We die in a stun - even when we’re pre-walling. It’s all risk and no reward. I’d love to see that fixed ASAP.
Fort Brew needs to be stronger and on a shorter CD - kinda like it was before SL. Shortening it’s CD won’t do enough. It’s too weak as a defensive CD. It isn’t “Walling” anything in this bursty meta. MWs are getting globalled through Fort Brew rn.
Buff damage absorbed/reduce CD to begin w - again, kinda like it was before SL. Making it useable while stunned sounds great on paper, but I don’t wanna see Blizzard over-buff MWs one week, have people scream about MWs for a few days, and then see Blizzard re-nerf MWs the next week. Let’s make MWs stronger incrementally so MWs don’t instantly go from garbage-tier to unkillable gods that make ppl hate their life.
This pretty much sums up the MW experience rn. Same thing happened to me. Now I’m left queueing w LFG randos with little to no CR/XP - you know… the kind that tunnel the enemy Healer, go LoS behind a pillar, and die in a stun.
It does feel bad.
Can confirm this happens.
They musta been a lucky MW to be playin’ w a Ret that knows what they’re doing. A lot of Ret re-rolls are garbo, ngl
Edit for clarification: I know you’re not a re-roll… I’ve seen you before. I mean there’s a lot of Ret re-rolls out there rn. I’ve played w a bunch of them. They’re not too good.
Thanks for your time,
haha thanks i’m not very good tho but thanks
Interesting i haven’t played my MW this season tbh but would have thought they’d do better in 2s where most matches only 1 dps as opposed to 3s always getting smashed by 2 dps.