Apologies if I came off a little harsh.
I know that Conquest gear can be bumped up as time goes on… the thing is, to bump it up requires the rating; and to get the rating requires winning - which is getting harder and harder as more and more FotM are gearing up and gate-keeping the lower brackets (not to mention the growing stigma and the problems it’s causing). This is causing MWs, who were already struggling, to fall more and more behind.
Will I get there “Eventually?” Yeah. I’m sure. But what that means is, for the time being, I don’t get to enjoy the part of the game that I enjoy the most bc Blizzard didn’t do a good job balancing before going off on vacation. So here I am, sitting on the sidelines, watching my friends have fun playing their fav classes/specs while asking myself, “Why am I playing this game?”
On the matter of Holy Preist: Holy Priest is sleeper good. Please don’t try to compare it to MWs. Please, please, please don’t be that guy who goes around saying, “Yeah, my class/spec sucks just as bad.” MWs are just getting dumpstered super hard rn. Holy Priests are not. Most of the ones I know have pushed 1800+ in <100 games.
Thanks for your time,
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I’ve played beta where we had the conduits and renown 30.
We will still die in a 3 second stun
We will still oom
We will still have no utility
We will still do no damage
We will still have no defensives
We will still have no buttons while stunned or CC’ed
We still only have 1 group recovery mechanic if we don’t queue into aff locks
It takes 4 globals to recover 1 player outside of Cocoon/Revival
SM EVM Vivify Vivify
Cocoon will still be weak outside of 2s
Yu’lon will still invoke nothing in arena
Touch of Death still has the delay before its useable in arena
Fortifying brew 3 minute cooldown for 15% reduction??
Chi-ji no longer breaks you out of roots unlike BFA
PVP trinket is our best ability but if Cocoon/Revival on is cooldown, good luck trying to recover SM EVM VIVIFY VIVIFY
Experience of a MW that started PVP in BFA because we contribute nothing to a raid group
highest XP
2471 2s
2598 3s
These days, I sit in lfg playing 1.8k - 2kcr arenas
Every game I lose feels it’s my fault, wondering what I could have done better
Queue 2s
Watch Hpal tank all damage and cast instants/divine favour with infinite mana
Watch shamans tank all damage and spam purge with infinite mana
Watch Disc tank all damage with 2 school of spells
let’s not forget these classes do 10000% more damage than a MW
Queue 3s
Watch Cocoon get broken in a global
Get trained down and die
Spam heals and lose on mana
Come out of CC and can’t recover without Cocoon/Revival
Hoping Yu’lon will eat a trap
Link to a recent 2s session
starts with 15 minute sitting in lfg
Roast me
There are over 1300 people at 2400+ rating in 3s right now, 10 of them are mistweavers. Should be pretty obvious how viable MWs are at higher rated arena currently.
Watched a few of your 2s games man, you make MW look fun and smooth although it’s still clear as day the issues with the class, your ROP’s are always great too
Playing MW in 2s right now is miserable. I’ve loved this class in PVP since MOP, and this is the first expansion I can honestly say that MW is in a complete dog!@#% state.
Yea, they just fall over… eat through the cocoon in a few hits, plus their output…
Just reroll man, I did and the expansion is loads more fun. There are only 3 viable healers atm and even at 2.4+ the priests and paladins are edging out shaman. Competitively speaking we are only looking at disc priest and holy pal.
In the meantime, keep providing feedback. I’ll swap back monk in a heartbeat when they are viable.
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bumping for the mw homies
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Unfortunately, some people are quite attached to their MW mains. Some people have invested a lot of time and effort into them. This is especially true where RP/PVPers are concerned. Re-rolling to be FotM, to fit in with the current meta, isn’t always an option. For RP/PVPers, re-rolling isn’t just dropping a toon - a bunch of numbers on a page, but a character we’ve grown to love. At any rate, we shouldn’t feel forced to re-roll just to have fun outside of RPing. It’d be nice to be at least marginally competitive in PVP; right now, it just feels like MWs are non-entities - and that’s not fun.
At any rate, I refuse to re-roll because the devs didn’t do their job. We shouldn’t be forced to adapt to their laziness; rather, they should be forced to adapt to us - the people who pay the bills.
Thanks for your time,
At what point does the developer not deserve your time and money? It’s perfectly reasonable to walk away from the game until it’s in a better state. I’ve already had friends unsub to wait for balance changes and all the time gating stuff to end.
Thing is i was quite excited that they did make some relatively quick hotfixes at the start of the season…eg to sub rogues, mm hunters and ret paladins in particular. They were making tuning changes quite often which gave some hope that MW would be in line for some buffs…but it hasn’t come.
The buffs wouldn’t be hard to implement for pvp only I dont think.
MW is feel is one of those specs where I think since the legion class reworks, blizzard really just hasen’t known what to do with the spec.
TBH havin played MW fairly high, Im not sure how blizzard can make them viable without a massive rework.
In its current state though, the only way i could see them making MW viable (and obnoxious at the same time) would to be to buff cocoon in both shield size and CD, and buff forbrew pretty significantly maybe useable in stuns, lower cd, back up to 20-25% dmg reduction, buff mana regen out the wazzo, with maybe a slight healing buff.
They really just need a massive kit overhaul, if it dosent happen in 9.1 is gonna be a rough expansion for MWers, or everyone else for that matter if the buffs above take place.
Props for the post man. I mostly play my hpal and dpriest and have shelved my MW until buffs. I do play rbgs though and mess around as WW to help cap a friend.
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Do they need a major overhaul? I dont think so. Plenty of people enjoy the playstyle.
Even just implementing your two suggested improvements would help the spec tremendously and would be really easy to do. Fort Brew probably shouldn’t get all those buffs but maybe 2 of them.
Then something like reduce mana cost of some spells which is also easy to implement.
I’ll bet you a substantial amount of money it will be a lazy just massive % style buff instead of a good rework
I enjoyed the Legion play style, then I tolerated the BFA play style (mostly because with Way of the Crane I felt like I could impact the outcome of matches). MW right now is just in the worst spot it’s ever been - all of the stuff that made you feel like a competent melee healer is gone, now we are the “mobile” healer that can’t do any damage, has no good cool downs and has to stand still to turret heals. It is really awful.
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Worst part of that is that every class/spec in the game seems to be increasingly mobile, and/or increasingly capable of shutting down mobility. Can’t kite to stay alive if nearly every class/spec in the game can follow along easily, and/or just control your mobility. Mobility isn’t a suitable replacement for lacking a strong defensive toolkit anymore.
Thanks for your time,