This spec has circled the drain and now exists in the trap beneath the sink.
Well said, thank you.
Lets make sure this stays at the tippy top
No changes to MW in the January 4th hotfixes
back to sitting in lfg for 15 minutes and hope someone is willing to play with a MW
honestly every mistweaver should just get a free character boost at this point
I’m hardly playing arenas at this point, just leveling my alts lol.
Put your arms around me, baby
Put your arms around me, baby
I just wanna fly
36 Hours left on my sub. This spec is chronically sh*t
You know… seeing as it’s gone on so long… even if they buff MWs now, we’re still gunna get dumpstered bc every FotM is rolling in gear (practically handed to them on a silver platter) that we got locked out of for several weeks bc we’re not in the least competitive rn.
Golf clap
Getting real sick and tired of Blizzard duckin’ me… real sick and tired…
Thanks for your time,
- Dematerialize
- Nimble Brew (2min stun removal CD)
- Cocoon while stunned
- Stagger mechanic from Brewmaster
- Revert nerf to Fortifying Brew
- Healing Elixirs proc automatically below 30% hp
- Jade Statue should be baseline
- Reduce mana cost of Enveloping Mists by 15%
- Allow cancel Roll/Chi Torpedo
Any single one of these changes would be massive for MWs in PvP. If we were able to get several… we might just be viable again.
I really like most of these changes, except this one, with mind games being a thing I’d prefer not to have an auto heal proc at low health.
I agree, plus I enjoy control over my Elixirs.
but imagine not having bear form as a basically spammable defensive cooldown, and you have to hard cast everything but rejuv
that is what life is like as a mistweaver
MW life: the only Healer who’s instant cast heals can be kicked.
Make sure you all send thru feedback in game, even if it helps a little it’d be great.
Should be fine, you just upgrade your gear from capping weekly
What? Do you seriously not understand the problem and how it’s snowballing out of control?
- MWs came into SL gutted
- Blizzard has done nothing to address it
- Multitudes of classes came into SL OP (for whatever reasons)
- Blizzard has done nothing to address it (or very little)
- The multitude of OP classes are climbing the ladder and getting geared - the majority of MWs are not able to climb
- Thus, the longer this goes on, the larger the power gap becomes w MWs becoming increasingly underpowered in PVP due to A). unaddressed spec issues and now B). falling behind in gearing
It’s getting to the point that they’ll have to break MWs just to make them competitive - something they could have avoided by addressing the problems early on.
I get it… you play a Priest and everything’s fine for you. Good for you. It’s not good for MWs though; in fact, it’s horrible. Capping Conquest isn’t gunna do jack all when MWs have to play 20x better than most other classes just to get anywhere rating-wise; trying to maintain a decent rating without dipping is even harder. To make matters even worse (how could it be worse, right) there’s a growing stigma against MWs; we’re being shut out of practically everything. PVP-wise, we’re forced to roll w the “No CR” or “First time PVPing” crowd, which is making us look even worse and only reinforcing the stigma.
I don’t wanna see the game slow down. I don’t wanna see everyone else get nerfed. I just wanna be able to play the class/spec I love and not have to feel like I’m holding my team back just bc I play a MW. Is that really so much to ask?
Thanks for your time,
I mean okay, I play holy but whatever and I’ll get my MW to 1800 like I do every season, I’m saying that you can upgrade gear retroactively so you’ll be fine to get caught up in gear once MW isn’t tuned poorly regardless as long as you’ve been getting your weekly piece from vault. It’s why I’m not worried about my bad gear, it will be 220 in the end regardless since this char stops at 1800