Started ff online, and WOW the class design

I just need to get there then, that does sound nice. And I will eventually, though my main goal is still getting a house eventually. Unless I fall in absolute love with a class, I can’t see myself being interested in the instanced content outside of daily queues.

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Housing is hard. I camped for days to get the chance at a house.

And you can’t even let your sub expire, because you have to enter it once every 45 days or it gets evicted.

Yeah, and a big concern of mine is if I can’t get one I’ll lose interest in the game. The logs and my goals in professions all have a finite ending. What makes me more interested in it than WoW is that housing content, and I don’t know if apartments will do it for me.

We’ll see though, I have so much I want to still do. There are so many fish to catch.

Good luck getting a house! Ishgard housing neighborhoods are coming with Endwalker. Not only does this mean new houses to try for in Ishgard, but a lot of people will probably be transferring their existing homes from Mist/Goblet/Lavender Beds/Shirogane, which means you’ll see lots of empty lots pop up in the other wards!

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My wife is super excited because we both love Ishgard.

RIght now, our houses are in the MIsts and the Goblet.

The Goblet sucks, hard. The Mists are nice since it’s close to Limsa which is the defacto main hub.

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I’m also really hoping for a Necromancer or otherwise Scythe wielder for the melee. Maybe closer to FFXI’s Dark Knight. Maybe give it some weird name since we already have a DRK.

Given we know it’s sharing armor with DRG, and the hints from YoshiP…I hope it is.

Or it could be another Sage out of nowhere. But I’m hoping that since they already had the “wow” surprise job (well we knew it was gonna be a healer, but the execution was out of left field), the melee is going to be the suspected one.

Limsa is where I started and the Mist is sort of where I’d like, though I also liked Gridania. I have yet to get to Ishgard so I don’t know what that looks like, but I’ll have to see!

Ever since Wildstar died and I lost that house, I’ve been looking for another option. I’ve seen the cool things people can do with their apartments but that’s too small scale for me, haha.

As a fellow WildStar refugee… god I miss my WildStar housing so much. ;_;

FFXIV housing is a pale shadow of WildStar housing, but if you have the patience to work with the glitches (there are ways to finagle manipulating things on the Y axis, even though the game technically doesn’t let you), you can definitely create some amazing things.

Wife spends HOURS trying to glitch things in the house.

I go there, repair and meld and then leave, LOL.

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It’s a flow chart more or less:

Is it potentially leading customers to competitors? Move/delete

Is it correct political stance? That is going to stay up forever, or until it becomes so toxic that it’s closed. Only for a similarly named thread to take it’s place. Some super obvious concern troll threads are left for weeks at a time, because the base premise was “correct”

Is it wrongthink? Delete, even on a Sunday.

Is it something the player base keeps asking for? Start merging all threads onto one mega thread to more easily ignore it.

Oh believe me, one of my friends built a maze in his apartment, complete with a loft/second story with some clever use of wall jumping and clipping textures.

And yeah, Wildstar’s housing was God tier. Nothing will compare, so I’m trying to get something close to it, haha.

Unless they arbitrarily declare an event as damaging enough to halt that. Then you just can’t get a house.

Those california wild fires a few years ago were enough for square to just arbitrarily turn off house decay for like a year. Was ridiculous.

I love FF14, but they desperately need to overhaul how housing works. Restricting players to a singular house per credit card, not account, and implementing bid mechanics on houses coming up for sale (instead of awful multi hour long click spam games), or even allowing direct player to player house sales, would go a LONG way.

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Now you’ve done it. I should be working, but I’m tumbling down memory lane browsing my screenshots of my favorite WildStar housing plots. :sob:

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Oh no! Memory lane can be so dangerous, now I want to do that!

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I disagree with the player to player housing - that would just destroy the market and then nobody would able to afford them except the super rich.

People would just buy them and flip them.

Yeah, this is what happened before SE implemented the random timer for plots being relinquished. A few incredibly wealthy players/FCs gobbled up the vast majority of the housing plots and then “flipped” them, selling them for 5-10x the actual cost of the plot.

The timer is a pain in the butt, but unless SE decides to completely revamp housing to be instanced and available to everyone (a la WildStar), I think it’s a decent solution to prevent house flipping like we had previously.

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Housing wasn’t even on my radar back then - but that was probably why lol.

We didn’t get our houses until just before the COVID freeze.

Which is worse, a super high goal (earning enough gil to buy it), or a complete inability to buy a house. Because I’d take the difficult goal every day.

Of course, I made all of my gil back before they nerfed crafting levels being hard. Now it’s trivial to max crafting, so there’s not as much profit to be made.(easily my most hated change in shadowbringers)

Neither are amazing, but if the super high gil ceiling would have precluded me from ever getting a house.

So the random chance system is more accessible and fair.

You’re also going into the realm of “pay to win” as a LOT of people buy gil these days.

You at least understand that already exists right? People still sell FCs that have a house attached to it. Afaik, it’s not even punished, if it’s a gil transaction.

That’s basically the only way that mediums and larger trade hands anymore.