Just talking class design here… It is a world a part how insanely well thought out the FF online classes are all so well designed, fun, unique and balanced.
People should really check out FF just for the fact that the lead designer CARE about his customers and it shows!!
Just wished the game was more about pvp than pve, but globally they hit the nail with the work hour/progression curve and it feels REWARDING TO PLAY
GREAT game, check it out if you care about the money you give each month, i prefer to give it to a team that listen and care.
At the moment I hit 60 and WOWOWOW
This is definitely a “grass is always greener on the other side” moment.
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I think Final Fantasy 14 kind of sucks butt.
Please explain!!!
What about wow class design vs ff?
Hrmmm, is this a paid advertisement?
It sure sounds like one
By the way, I thought the story of FF14 was pretty good but the end game system is horrible.
No reason to stick with an MMO that has sub par end game because that is where you spend most of your time.
Really? Because I found level 1 to 20 to be complete garbage when I tried it back in 2019. But maybe they adjusted things? It didn’t feel rewarding at all to me. Enemies toppled over when I so much as breathed on them is what it felt like. Incredibly boring.
I just don’t like it. The combat feels slow and boring. Also, I abhor the art design. I’m not an anime fan. I don’t find a seemingly 8 year old busty little girl with funny looking ears in a skimpy outfit to be cool.
lol FFXIV is horrible and the classes aren’t all that fun imo. Not to mention the insane CDs. Customization makes sense because FF loves that stuff. If you prefer dress up over content then by all means have fun in FF.
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I mean I agree it’s a fantastic game, but you really came to the wrong crowd to talk about it. These forums take any opportunity possible to sh* on that game so you’re in for a bad time.
I’ve been playing it, though I’ve been leveling from the start. And early game I’m not in love with any of the classes. I’ve been told it gets better, but so far the GCD feels brutal compared to WoW. Also as a healer main, I don’t really like Scholar or White Mage, which feels kind of bad as it’s the first MMO/RPG I’ve ever played where I dislike the healers.
Now, I did try Red Mage last night and it plays well at 50. Honestly it’s not day and night compared to WoW, but I was enjoying it well enough.
I still don’t believe the class design is stellar but maybe I need to wait until max level, but leveling in WoW feels better solely because the FF14 GCD makes early on play very boring and unnecessarily slow.
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This is one of the main things I like about video games. However, in FF14, I just can’t get pass the anime looking art design.
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So, what would happen if I went to the FF14 official forum and started a thread about how great WoW is and how much better it is than FF14?
Naw. Some of us have actually played that game and I call it like I see it from my experience with it and my end result is that FFXIV is a horrible game. Tiny zones. MMO on rails. Tons of unneeded loading screens taking out the immersion. Tons of invisible walls preventing from exploring and losing immersion. Etc. Cool you like it though.
The “art” style looks like vomit
I don’t really care, because if they acted the same way you are, my reaction would be the same as it is now. It’s super immature to trash another game and the players just because you don’t like it.
So, yeah, you’re proving my point. Thanks I guess.
Eh who care about them. Most didnt even get past lvl 10 and feel the right to trash on the game.