Started ff online, and WOW the class design



Or you boost… For 25$… Vs 60$

I feel like this is a Coke or Pepsi thread…

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Are you Phillip DeFranco?

It is,

Just did lvl 15 first dungeon as a arcanist.

7 minutes

Why would you even be leveling an alt? Especially if you hate the story. That’s like, masochist level thinking.

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Don’t time for the FF grind fest.

I feel ya, I couldn’t either.

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Do people go to the FF forums to talk about WoW?

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I’ve tried to get into FF Online probably 12+ times. Just can’t do it. I’ll take WoW any day over FF.

I even put 300+ hours into ESO. Still came back to WoW. WoW and OSRS are the top two MMO’s out there, imo.

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For a single role and still need to go through the MSQ, with one of the worst level sync systems I’ve ever had the displeasure of using.

Story dungeons are in fact, very fast queues. Because everyone who wants their daily duty rewards, are queued for it as well.

The only times I ever saw abnormally high dps queues, was for the main story quest duties. They’re very long, cutscene heavy affairs that have fewer people queued for them. You have to do 2 or 3 of those. It’s not that bad.

Was trying to help someone get into FF14. Explaining class quests to unlock things etc. They eventually gave up, due to the massive back and forth and massive time sink the story was. They loved the story, but felt it was too drawn out and they eventually said screw it, taking a break.

Oooo. Going for the 2 in 1 i see hehe

Smn is my favorite job.

Yep. It’s just insecure people.

There are actually several things FF players would rather like SE to borrow from WoW, and it does get brought up on the forums. (A common one is copying WoW’s appearance tab for the glamour system, as the current glamour system is pretty terrible. Another one that gets brought up is people asking for challenging light party - 4-man - content, a la mythic+.)

Yeah, I hear this a lot, and my friends all say the same. I just finished ARR, and I took a pause before going into Heavensward because the story was starting to frustrate me. I think doing the patch stories all at once compared to spread out per patch felt horrific because it felt as bad as the weekly filler “story content” Legion gave us. I also have yet to find a single character I actively care about other than Y’Shtola (sp?) so it’s been difficult to get into the story.

My Scholar is almost 60, and my experience in dungeoning with it has been being bullied by tanks for not letting them do big pulls “like they were used to”, so I’ve been burned kind of bad for healing. I just got White Mage last night (30) so very early on there.

I didn’t want to spend extra money to skip everything because I wanted to try the game and have it capture me by its own merit, and it has! But not in class design or instanced content yet. I’m obsessed with the logs and professions.

The love fades. I always come back.

I’ve played ESO since it launched, and I’ll often take a break from WoW when a new chapter comes out to poke around, but after a few weeks I’m back on my druid.

WoW has its hooks in me. I’m not entirely happy with the current game state, but it’s still my favorite MMO.

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Lvl 30 is around 8-10 hours… After that you lvl as you like and no more main story quests

seems like if it was that good you would be playing it and not commenting about it on another game’s forum.

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