Start your own group. Stop complaining about being declined 24/7. Start your own group

Stop ad-hominen (I am 47 anyway). Baddies just want to be carried by forcing good player to pick them into their groups. That is the truth you don’t want to admit. You can complain to mama Blizzard but she can take care of you all the time.

The only solution is to stop being bad at the game then.

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This sort of advice quickly escalates, and it never stops being basically useless.

  1. Your spec feels weak? Git gud!

  2. Your spec brings nothing to M+? Make your own groups!

  3. Your spec not favored in raids? Make your own guild!

  4. Tired of poor balancing decisions and oblivious devs? Make your own game!


“Make your own group” is actually legitimate advice though.

It takes four clicks to make a group.

Four clicks.



Making your own group is far from useless though, the people who refuse to make a group are often afraid of being in charge.

If overcoming fear is a major thing holding them back from progressing, they really just need to get over it.

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From the creators of “Your class at the bottom of the DPS chart/sucks at pvp? just git gud” now comes the new “You cant find a group? Start your own group” Lol.


When people get mad about suggestions like “git gud” or “make your own group” I assume it’s because they want to play some undergeared random offspec and expect everyone else to carry their extra weight.

You are welcome to play the game how you want, but don’t expect the rest of the player base (or the devs) to cater to it. Sorry, I have little desire to run you through a M+ when your ilvl is 170 and you haven’t run M0


It is at least worth discussing that certain classes and specs are seeing even greater difficulty doing the content they want to do. I mean, the solution IS to do what happens to be FOTM, but that’s a poor answer to the age old question of why Blizzard makes such blundering design choices over and over.

And this is in the face of beta testers who relentlessly gave feedback on the very issues we are seeing today. Take an elemental shaman; not performing well in M+ by design, not for lack of trying.

Again, though, this is not on the consumer to fix. It isn’t on the players to pick subpar specs and classes. They shouldn’t have to. It’s on the producer, Blizzard, to make real and tangible changes.


I started a new game and am having a lot more fun, does that count?

Maybe in bold letters so it is more likely to be noticed. Not that I think those people who complain about this are even capable of enough introspection to realize this is for them.

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You’re having so much fun you’re posting here and not on their forums.

Gonna guess you’re just a liar.

And start your own group if you don’t like how others are running theirs.


The player base ISN’T the gate that decides whether or not other players can access content. The player base does get to decide who they play with.

Make your own group, make friends, join a guild - all solutions to this issue.

I know easier to try and get papa blizzard to force people to accept you but they aren’t going to do that with all content. If you want that kind of content LFR and Heroic dungeons await you.

And you are wrong here too. I don’t do mythic plus dungeons outside of ones done with my guild. So no I am not benefitting from the current system because I am not part of the pugging scene.


Sure, but why make a run for my garbage MoTS key, knowing I don’t need gear from it, risk some idiot blowing up my IO for said pointless dungeon, when I can just bother some inflated keyboard turner to get in his key for an instance I actually need? It’s not that it’s hard or scary, it’s just inconvenient and stupid.

Very simple rules. “You have something I want, I have something you want”. But the current LFG doesn’t work on those rules. It goes more like this. “I have something I want, you have something I perceive to be something I don’t want, to get what I want.” Simple to fix and automate. Push button to find group. Group prospective people by their IO. Form group! Everybody wins! It’s literally the same thing! Probably more efficient because it covers oopsies by the idiots forming the groups. And we don’t have to be subjected to the fangs of our sophomoric peers!

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lol, sounds like something that would destroy the content and no one would do it.

There is no such thing as everybody wins. The people who like to select certain compositions wouldn’t win, the people who like to make sure they aren’t grouped with oceanic people or others wouldn’t win, the people who get put in a mythic dungeon with 3 warlocks wouldn’t win, etc.

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Semantics. The point I’m making is to keep the control out of the players hands. The game’s got hundreds of systems as it is. This should have been the first one re-vamped. Yeah it sounds casual. But lets be honest, if you’re not rolling with a guild, you’re casual. Allowing mainstream daily activities to be controlled by the whims of this player base does zero good for improving the experience and positivity of the game.

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Crass, mayhap; negative, to you it certainly seems, but it rings absolutely true. And I don’t intend to help anyone better themselves myself; I can no more do that than I can make another look past the exterior of a thing to glimpse the truth in it.

There are parts of the game where grouping is done automatically, i.e. the easier content and parts of the game where player selection of the team they have to work with works better.

They AREN’T controlling anything other than who they play with. Would you rather people get automatically grouped and then have someone leave 5 minutes in because they get grouped with someone with 300ms lag, get grouped with someone or two who doesn’t have an interrupt, get grouped with someone like me that has had decent IO ratings straight because I run with my guild and have been carried through content I wouldn’t normally be doing if I had to pug. The list is endless.

Your suggestions is like those people who want normal and heroic raids placed in the queue system so it is easy for them to get into groups. Completing ignoring the fact that more groups would fail with this system than complete the content.


blowing up my IO

Huh? Unpack this…because your Raider IO doesn’t go down as far as I know

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Stop telling other people what to do, you have no right to dictate to anyone how to play this game. If people dont want to run their own groups they dont have to, just like you dont have to act as if you are allowed to tell other people you dont even know what to do with their own time.

People that come on the forums and complain about other people complaining about aspects of the game are doing exactly what they are complaining about.

What is that called again? Hypocrisy?

While I imagine your reply comes truly from a place of honesty, this has NOT been my experience (or the experience of the 1 other person I play with).

I’ve now joined (3) of these “communities” and with the exception of 1 fantastic run… every single run had some rage quitting baby, or someone who had clearly somehow never run a dungeon before (but had the IO…) destroy the keys. My keys. Keys of others. Just a sloppy, freaking mess.