Starsurge post-patch

haunt doesn’t do a lot of damage and drain life is a dot so I’m not sure where you’re going with this

Not shocking. You are so confused little guy who thinks rogue doesn’t have S tier CC.

Prob never broke 1800 in arena and always blamed your random partner lol

The reason they did that is because regularly casting anything in SoD pvp that isn’t a 1 shot damage dealing ability or a full hp heal sets you further behind if you just ran around and pressed any instant button you have, this is why the game is so melee and hunter centric

a caster casting a spell within 30 yards of a group of enemies is just holding a big sign saying “Kill me”

Basically this, and balance druids have fewer ways of setting up long casts than anyone else. They basically only have roots, which is really unreliable and has to be cast in the first place, on top of the fact that you can’t use it indoors.

When balance druids get frost nova, spell pushback protection of any kind, or literally any kind of combo ability or set-up we can talk about having to hard cast more often or whatever lol

They still get clapped and theyre doing half the dmg of warriors in pve.

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This. A druid casting is a dead druid.

I’m just waiting for the blue note, eventually, that says “Starsurge has had its damage reverted from the 189% to 100% and mana cost increased from 1% to 5%.” just to make it still stronger than Starfire/Wrath but not the silliness it is now.

That, or Hunter’s will get nerfed again.

lol, the melee have decreed that balance shall go back to the bottom where we belong!

It isn’t currently silly. There are so many things in game outperforming this ability.

Here is an experiment. Have a warlock cast drain life and see if a druid can use starsurge to bring them down. Not only will the druid not even get close, but the self heal from the lock spell will keep them completely safe

Can you tell me another ability that is 42 Yards (talented, obviously) that can crit 400+, magical, instant cast, basically free, along with Sunfire (36, just step in right after Starsurge) right after (due to the 1sec delay before Starsurge hits) and then moving away from an enemy attempting to engage?

Someone mentioned earlier that it should compare to Fire Blast, which I agree. Even THAT has 20(26 talented) Range with a 10 second cooldown, pre-talent.

Honest question.

I’m talking from an extreme distance from the target.

I’m not mad about the damage as much as the cooldown. Put it back to 10 and leave the damage.

I’d rather it be 6 with a shorter range, if something had to change

But again, Druids are not the problem right now.

You’re not wrong.

Not to sound like a broken record but when I engaged a Hunter earlier and took 4 Claws for 176 to the face trying to beat down a Hunter (with assuming Monkey on, due to 3 dodges in a row or my bad luck :dracthyr_hehe_animated:) I was like “Oh.”

But, that’s for another topic.

First of all, I think I agree it has too much range. Where we disagree probably is by how much. I think it should have 36 with talents, 30 without, like the other nukes druids have.

Like, look, Druids are not mages and there are a bunch of reasons a move like this makes sense on Druids where it wouldn’t on a frost mage or whatever. Druids have virtually no control outside of roots. Roots is great defensively or as a means to take a melee player out of a fight, but it’s fickle and breaks pretty easily on damage. It also doesn’t interact with druid nukes at all, so there’s no big reward for doing it, you just get the damage and they’re on top of you again.

Druids kite by running around and keeping space. Once their zone is broken, they have very little way to continue dealing damage to opponents outside of instant casts. Their counterplay is basically just going bear and hoping someone saves them, which works well for a healer, but not so well for someone who’s supposed to be specialized in dealing damage.

In short, Druids just don’t have the control mechanisms required to hard cast in PVP, it’s the entire reason you heard for years that Moonkins were only viable as long as no one was looking at them funny. Their defenses are all designed to get someone off of them and keep running with instant cast healing spells. Even Moonkin form basically just gives Druids a bunch of armor and nothing else.

So, it’s either they design an entire new suite of control mechanics that make balance druid work with hard casts, or they make the abilities synergize with tools druids already have. Ergo, instant cast nukes they can use to control a zone of space.

I know retail is sort of a dirty word, but if you look at retail balance, it’s easy to see why they work better in PVP there than they do here. Typhoon, Bash in any form, mushrooms to slow, their own version of frost nova, their own version of disengage, cyclone, etc. all provide them with a variety of control mechanisms they can use for different situations.

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If it is critting for 400+ then that druid is wearing super bis equipment, and many classes wearing comparable equipment could pretty much global you.
A druid fully balance specced is not going to be able to really run away from too much since now they no longer have feline swiftness. If you step in closer to cast other dots you are probably going to get warbringer charged and killed pretty quickly or a paladin is throwing a shield at you and killing you within a hoj.


I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard. I mean a good 1 min :joy: :rofl: my sides hurt.

Well to be fair warriors have never been a good 1v1 class and level 25 warriors don’t have anything.

Err – not quite, I’m not wearing my BIS. I do have nice gear, but mine crits for 400 pretty comfortably (although not all the time).

Something no one’s talking about here though is that balance pre-BIS is extremely obtainable because most of it is just auction house greens with +nature or +arcane. That means even entry level balance druids are gonna hit sorta hard but they’ll have like no other stats (which is fine because they can continue to cast without mana toward the end of a fight).

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That HP value has got to be very low just wearing that type of gear.

Yes it surely is. It also looks weird to PUGs, who regularly ask me why I’m wearing 2-set from BFD, the epic crafting boots and have the trinket from the last boss but am also wearing like, Dervish Cape of Nature’s Wrath or whatever.

I’m glad that’s obvious. What should be equally obvious – but isn’t because you don’t play druid – is that no one in their right mind talents into that right now, taking Feline Swiftness instead.

If they do talent into range, they’re utterly immobile and will flop to anyone with half a brain cell in any realistic situation.

Starsurge’s range should nonetheless be brought to 30yd to match our other spells. But its damage and cooldown are completely fine and in-line with other classes.

I mean, PvE and PvP BIS are quite different. Anyone using a bunch of Arcane Wrath greens is going to have laughably low stamina, and will get globaled by literally anyone in PvP.

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