Starsurge post-patch

chimera shot hits for half the damage and has a 12% base mana cost… BUT HUNTERSSSSS

are you ok?

Including an ele shaman (3 second cast, 30 yard range) requiring a 20 yard flame shock to crit to a 42 yard instant 1% mana spell is a bit off. Ele is probably one of the worst specs in the game right now

The entire foundation of rogue PvP is built around advantage. You get to select your encounters, you have S tier CC and S tier capacity to reset the fight if something is going wrong.

Rogue offensive PoV is super simplistic compared to most classes simply because you pretty much always know when and where the fight is going to happen. You also know the cooldowns you will have since you’re dictating the dance. That alone makes it so much easier to be rogue

People mad boomy isn’t a free kill anymore like it is in era lol so funny

It hits like around 200 and that’s with multiple raid gear pieces, has a 6 second cooldown. Most 1v1 encounters don’t even last over 6 seconds. A hunter engaged me and hit a 104 auto shot, 112 claw, and 108 multi shot all within the first global of engaging me. Guess what happens the next global? Similar numbers while I stand there trying to spam fires before I die because if globals


you did not answer my question in this post. i asked which class in a 1v1 that rogue doesn’t have an uphill battle against. the correct answer is maybe spriest or lock before they get rank 14 gear and become unkillable. everything other than that specific instance is an uphill battle. though i would like to hear your answer.

but ok to summarize this you think that since rogue has stealth and “S tier CC” that they’re better than any other class in a duel. you have essentially only stated that since a rogue usually run away from a fight better than any other class that makes them S tier. also you’re stating since you can see your own cooldowns (as every class can see their own cooldowns) you know how well you will do in a fight (as every class can)… great logic.

to address the only point you’ve made that isnt gibberish “S tier CC”. id argue that no in terms of effective utiliziation of cc, rogues probably are A tier at best S tier being reserved for hunters and mages. and every other class that doesnt have better cc than you is either going to outlive you or beat you in a damage race unless you play flawlessly meaning perfectly deadzoning warriors, getting every necessary restealth on paladins, having expert totem control/combat point management and chain lightning interrupt on ele/resto, not being max range kited by druids, rank 14 spriest you will lose to same with rank 14 warlock theres no outplaying either if you disagree go watch any rank 1 pvp tournament.

defeating every class is an uphill battle. rogue is a very difficult nuanced class to actually perform well with in classic era. you do have to thoroughly outplay your opponents. not it is not easy vs anyone with an ounce of skill.

edit: the reason why mages and hunters are S tier whereas rogues are not is because unique rogue cc (blind sap gouge) is counterable and can be much more easily gotten out of than both mages and hunters tool kits, poison totem, beserker rage, bubble, etc. and are much more difficult to capitalize on. if you poly someone youre going to be able to drink and eat to full and/or get off that shatter crit. when you scatter trap someone as hunter you are going to be able to get off that massive aim shot followed by concussive to start kiting again. blind is almost useless with dots on you. there is no jail out of free card unless you are full running from the fight.

Think you just sound like a really bad rogue.

I’ve played rogue for years in vanilla and haven’t ever felt that uphill battle feeling you’re describing

this is literally all he does. very mature.

“YoU jUsT sOuNd lIkE NoOb bEcaUsE iN vAnIlLa i WaS gOoD” great counter argument there buddy. nah dude against people who are actually good at the game rogue is much harder than other classes. against people who are bad at the game sure rogue is easy but what class isn’t lol.

I’m not actually engaging your comments because they are largely baseless.

You are likely just bad at the game. Don’t worry, most are

Man shut up, leave balance druids alone, this is all they have.

“I can’t free kill boomies anymore reeeeee”

gotta be the most false hypocritical thing ive read all night bravo

it’s level 25 pvp lol

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I don’t necessarily think it needs a high mana cost, but from someone who hasn’t played balance druid and is looking in from the outside, lowering the cost from 3% base mana to 1% base mana seems like a bit overkill. It goes from 24-27 mana down to 8-9 mana, while an okay-geared druid at 25 can have 1.8-2k mana unbuffed, up to 2.4-2.5k mana with BiS gear, and around 500 more with full buffs. At that point, it seems like the only point of Starsurge having any mana cost is to interrupt mana regen.

Again, just what it looks like from an outside perspective.

interrupting the mana regen is probably the reason why it still has a cost so druids can’t go “infinite”. The balance druid talent tree is also kind of horrendous, about half the talents actually buff their dps skills. They needed a hard hitting instant spell badly. Druid also just dumps a lot of their mana shifting if they ever do get caught and I think blizzard is noticing this. Having medium/high mana cost spells on top of this would be extremely painful.

If interrupting mana regen actually is the reason it has a cost, even such a low cost, then yeah, going from 3% base mana to 1% base mana isn’t as much overkill as I first thought.

why they would make an instant-cast nuke do damage is beyond me

but I guess these are the same people who think homogenizing the classes in an rpg is a good idea

Probably for the same reason they made Haunt and Drain Life instant.

And here I was, thinking that powerful instant spam was retail like gameplay and actual casting, which provides counterplay, was the classic way. I guess times changes and world of instantcraft ist classic now, too.

For real though, why introduce this many overtuned instant spells to classic in the first place?


It is level 25. The base DMG of the spell is high but its ratios are weak.

It is fine. Wait to see how it scales