Starsurge post-patch

I agree, I’m just saying that would explain why people have all these experiences of the move hitting so much harder than you’d expect given most players’ gear level lol

Just because theres not another ability that can do it doesn’t mean its inherently op dude lol false equivalences arent gonna work like that, homie. Its a nice ability, something boomies desperately needed. They are squishy and weak af in melee range and a rogue opener, or war charge on them is basically a death sentence in most situations, especially group combat. Just because in a specific set of circumstances happened, like catching someone at max range and kiting them out with starsurge doesnt mean it needs to be nerfed. Hunters can do this same thing, and people cry hard about them when it happens too. Rogues get the opener and at the current level cap of 25 with many other classes missing alot of their best pvp abilities, is like an auto win against most other classes if they have half a brain. Warlocks are even more OP than both of those, pretty much gonna win against anybody they catch in range. This game is rock paper scissors in pvp man you cannot just call for nerfs anytime one ability is good in certain circumstances.

None of you are going to be happy until balance druid is a forever dead meme spec bottom of the charts.

Leave us alone.

Not true. I want Balance to be awesome without having a silly (currently overtuned) spell.

I’d love if Starsurge was changed into like Starfall. Maybe it hit the target with Moonfire on it 3 times for it’s original damage (around 75 with some gear) every 2sec on a 6 second cooldown.

You’d get to keep the damage and when it eventually gets a spanking in it’s current form, it won’t make Balanced druids irritated.

At that point rename it Starfall though.

I’d rather Starsurge just be revamped to making your next Starfire be instant cast for double damage on a 30sec CD. That’d be nifty. Also funny next patch with more gear and talents.

its not tho, balance is a wasted slot in raid or pvp without it, if it was in the hands of like a mage or warlock, it would be overtuned. On a weak balance druid its fine. Like i get what your saying. if you isolate the spell it seems OP, but you gotta look at the context of whose hands its in. all this did was make balance viable in both pve and pvp and for some reason people cant stand that. Even with its current tuning balance is nowhere NEAR what rog/hunter/war is doing in dmg in pve and they are still very vulnerable and weak in pvp

go check out my 99 my parses on my hunter on sod. classic is not retail but if we’re talking about retail ive been 2600 and currently in a guild full of rank 1s. you can go look up my guild we also hold #1 rankings in bfd boss kill times right now.

and no rogue cc on classic/vanilla is not s tier. hunter and mage cc is s tier. rogue is A tier. if rogue cc was s tier you wouldnt need a goblin rocket helmet or iron grenades to beat an s tier cc class (hunter mage) player with half a brain which is why you see half the rogues in orgrimmar wearing one on the pvp era cluster.

you clearly must’ve never even watched any of the classic dueling tournaments and are going off of some sort of vague rememberance of your naive vanilla experience or you would actually have some sort of substance to any of the claims you’ve made rather than some random halfwitted personal insults which honestly i dont personally take offense to because you are a nobody.

hunters and mages are S tier kiting classes. I think you are either confusing or counting kiting as CC, and if that’s the case then I would agree. But I disagree with rogues not being an S tier CC class. I have also played rogue ALOT on classic. Being able to cc 3-4 targets and then burn down the FC in WSG in 6 seconds with thistle tea is not just “A tier”. Rogues had to use rocket helm and grenades on those 2 classes specifically because of their ranged kiting ability with rogue being melee, not because they are better at CC. However I got a feeling thats going to significantly change with shadowstrike and between the eyes being a thing now but I guess we will have to wait and see what they give to hunters/mages also.

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kiting is a direct byproduct of cc capablity. this is why you dont see a druid kiting a hunter or a frost mage because druid although having full snare immunity has worse cc than a hunter or mage. this is also why druids have a much harder time “kiting” rogues than these other two classes despite snare immunity. so no you’re wrong.

rogue has melee slow can can be removed via antivenom consumable, 2 in combat incaps a 6 second stun that requires 5 melee abilty hits to activate, and out of combat stun and incap both of which requiring a 3 minute cd vanish to exit combat vs a good player and in most cases a two trinkets equipped to prevent stealth removal to even use.

a mage can slow on gcd with multiple instant casts aoe channels 1.5 second casts etc, 25 second cd root that a 10min cd can activate twice, a 30 second incap that can be casted on gcd.

a hunter has a 35-40 yard range instant cast 4 second slow on a 12 second cooldown, a 6 second incap on a 30 second cooldown, a 10 second incap on a 15 second cooldown that can only be used out of combat which can be activated every 30 seconds with feign death, along with an aoe slow, a 20% chance melee range snare spammable, and another snare activateable on parry.

the main thing you have to notice that seprates these two S tier cc classes is cooldown timing. the reason why rogue is A tier is all but two of their cc abilities are tied to one cool down or another and this isn’t even mentioning their effectiveness in combat based upon the current state of the rogue. that is why in dueling tournaments the way these classes beat rogues is to expend all of rogues cooldown abilites half of which being croud control then proceding to kill them as their cc abilites do not have these longer cooldowns which is why they are s tier.

edit: in later expansions i would definitely agree with you especially with the addition of shadow step giving range to rogues gouge and shadow cloak to make rogue cc abilites more generally purposeful, but in classic nah A tier at best.

also i have a feeling with shadow strike theyre going to give rogues shadow dance and if they do the class will be busted in sod.

Yeah the first problem with hunters is chinera shot

You could probably take a nicer tone if you’re trying to convince someone to do something. Your points are valid though. Having beat my head against the wall for 20 levels as balance, I can say that there was no issue with the cd on starsurge. People just didn’t want wrath hitting harder than it, rightfully so. Part of the reason why is because it was on a 10 sec cd, not a 6 sec cd. Plus, there should be some cost to cast that thing. Fury of stormrage was the mana fix for balance. They don’t need more. When they run oom, they cast until they’re not oom. They aren’t meleeing anymore so that problem is solved. Now the problem is that they can kite anybody is pvp and basically do full damage. And that’s because starsurge is on a 6 sec cd and costs no mana. Make them have to use wrath once in a while in pvp. Also make Fury of stormrage prevent some spell knockback on wrath, because the knockback is horrible.

of course it is, it’s the same slot as beast mastery, guess why almost every hunter runs BM? because Chimera shot is bad, explosive shot and carve are even worse


Homie, you’ve got some real issues. You’re chasing parses at level 25? Let me be the first and prob last to tell you: Literally no one cares. (I suspect clout chasing is a real problem here.)

Also, hunter doesn’t have better CC than rogue. This is patently ridiculous. It just isn’t reality you’re engaging with.

As a rogue, the overwhelming majority of your pvp encounters won’t even see the other person move. The only time a properly specd rogue even sees a counter attack is if the gear differential is substantial (with the rogue having lesser gear), CDs are down, if you’ve made mistakes, or you’re dueling at the top level of competition. If rogue cooldowns are up, gear is relatively even (or in favor of rogue), and you’re not in the CDL, the opponent is likely not moving at all. Why? Because rogue is CC. Every other class in the game will at least see their opponent move at some point in the fight. Not rogue.

Finally, EVERYONE wears the rocket helm in era. Every. Single. Class.

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No druids aren’t mages, but balance is their spellcaster “mage” spec. You’re getting into semantics out of fear of losing your new powerful ability

Fury of Stormrage needs a rework. 12% chance should subsequently be applied to any spell, not just healing touch. And knockback protection makes total sense

Unfortunately that is just how this whole classic + experiment is gonna go.

PVP is just going to be a big fat L across the board.

Ridiculous, time to nerf hunters again!

Insults aren’t the argument you think they are.
0/10, not impressed.

Dude. Just use shield bash and lock the druid out of casting. You have an anti spell tool. You just didn’t use it.

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Oh the irony!