Starsurge post-patch

  • Starsurge rune ability damage increased 182%.
  • Starsurge cooldown reduced to 6 seconds (was 10 seconds).
  • Starsurge mana cost reduced to 1% of base mana (was 3% of base mana).

Way to make an undertuned ability way overtuned, all I gotta say lol. Originally read this and went oh okay cool balance got a buff

Then 1v1’d a druid who did nothing but spam sunfire, moonfire and starsurge (starsurge hit, not crit for 250 damage) and went oh… I see.

250 damage instant cast on 6s cooldown costing 1% of base mana.


Who are the amateurs in charge of balancing and can we get some people who know what they are doing, please?


LOl get gud.


oh no the most OP classes in the game can’t 1v1 every other class anymore


I think your small brain is missing the point here, but okay continue commenting toxic things on WoW forums thinking you’re cool! What a life to live

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Can’t beat ‘em … then join ‘em. :man_shrugging:t2:


a lot of classes hit this hard bud. you should post on your sod character so it’s easier to understand how/why you are struggling.


Warrior is never good in 1v1 lol.

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Spamming sunfire, moonfire, and starsurge is just the… nature of druids.


if we look at how they balanced fireblast we can look at how they SHOULD balance this ability

20 yd range
high mana cost
10 sec cooldown was fine (talented down like to like 6-8 like Fireblast can be)

I think it’s just a bit too good. May need it’s damage reduced by 10% or so. That or just nerf hunters.


The Starsurge buff is mad scientist thinking and I love it. Blizzard just looked the ability and said “stuff it, triple the damage and see what happens”.

This is what SoD is about.


what about a druids and mages toolkit have such simularities that cause you to believe that both fireblast and starsurge should be identical? sounds like youre one of those dudes grossly in favor of class homogenization which is why retail is such trash relatively speaking


im saying based on their original design of the ability with the 10 sec cooldown im speculating thats where they came up with the design of the ability from Fireblast

Fireblasts high instant damage and relatively low cooldown at 10 seconds is balanced by costing high mana and having a lower range, putting the mage in more danger.

this is how balance works. you weigh things and decide is there too many pros and not enough cons with this ability?

Starsurge needs more cons if its to stay high damage instant cast with a low cooldown. this is fact.

You know whats funny. I still cant compete with it when you stun charge me. Cry more bro


My brothers Starsurge hits for 180-200 at level 25 with no spell power gear. For It to hit for 250 guy must be full stacked with spell power gear near 70-100 spellnpower. Any class with that much spellnpower gear would hit like a truck. Love the fake boosted numbers. Lava burst with 70-100 spell power would hit for over 500 crits with a 100% crit chance


You faced a full BFD geared druid. Tons of things in SoD are hitting for that damage in BFD gear, including melee instants. Lava Burst is hitting 2-3x as hard with Overload.

What should they have done rather than spam instants? Used a glacially slow Wrath or Starfire that becomes a 30 minute cast due to pushback? lol.

Starsurge’s mana cost is low because the rest of druid’s spells are exorbitantly high cost and inefficient in classic, such that they’re OOMing from ~3-4 shifts, or merely from maintaining DoTs in PvE. It literally can’t be high cost because of PvE, and their unwillingness to rebalance base non-rune abilities.

The only egregious thing about Starsurge right now is the fact that it’s 5 yards longer range than all our other spells at base. That’s weird and unnecessary.

No, you’re comparing apples to oranges with an arbitrary supposition about the developers’ reasoning based on precisely zero evidence.


starsurge was a misteak

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so all your normal abilities cost high mana right… so the solution is to give you an inbalanced skill that costs almost no mana. if you use these abilities together your mana efficiency will be balanced! Or…

you just dont use those abilities… you just use starsurge! wheres your balance now if you just cut out the high mana cost abilities?

if this is your stance for why starsurge is balanced is because “our other abilities cost tons of mana!” then let me propose a new ability for the warrior

Balanced Strike: costs 1 rage
10 second cooldown
20 yard range
100% weapon damage

I know it seems overpowered at only costing one rage but if we use it with the rest of the warriors toolkit it balances out! ya!

Starsurge range is a little too high but it doesn’t need a damage cut. Balance druid damage is still pretty bad, even with the burst being pretty good.

I think 30 yards buffed by nature’s reach to 36 would be fine. It doesn’t need to be 20 yards and it doesn’t need to have a high mana cost, the low mana cost is there because druids had mana problems to begin with.

You keep comparing everything to Warriors, sorry you’re not the main character anymore.

What is it with warriors always having the worst class balance takes anyway. Every time any other class gets a buff you guys take it personally lmao


This is a dumb argument. You don’t just use Starsurge under any circumstances. If anyone lost to that, they’d deserve it.

You’re saying balance druids just shouldn’t use any DoTs, shouldn’t ever shapeshift/powershift, shouldn’t ever heal? Good luck with any of that. lmao

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