Starsurge post-patch

so you think starsurge is balanced?

More balanced than priests and hunters. Heres the thing right,
if you run sunfire you are an easy target to kill. You have no sustain.
If you run wild growth you have sustain for a bit but you will run out of mana and then you’re an ez kill

my point is that mages have a tool kit that is different from balance druids in sod. mages have literally the best cc abilites in the game in classic era and they have gotten them early enough that a few of them are in sod. balance druids may have root/slow immunity through shapeshift though it expunges a lot of mana to do so.

that being said balance druids having an ability that is like fireblast and but is more powerful makes sense to me as they in general have a less powerful kit if you compare every other spell.

on top of this starsurge is a rune ability not a spellbook ability. it makes a ton of sense from that aspect alone that starsurge is more powerful than fireblast.

you must not play classic era that much because the only people dueling outside of capital cities are arrogant r14 mages and spriests who think that they actually have skill at the game rather than their class completely carrying them. like my opinions i have given are unbiased but the shear about of noobs who have made mages on sod not even looking at the runes and such thinking that theyre going to blow over every other class in the game with 0 effort then when that doesnt work out for them have came and qq’d on the sod forums smh

edit: like if balance druids had a cyclone rune that went on a different article of armor or cyclone baked into the class then yea i would 1000% agree that starsurge may need to be looked at.

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Largely, yes. Many things across all classes deal similar or higher damage in full BFD gear. And druids have serious weaknesses in PvP, especially at 25 cap.

The reason it costs low mana has been addressed. If they wanted to rebalance the mana costs of druid’s entire kit, sure, they could bring Starsurge’s up. Otherwise, wanting it to be high mana cost is a non-starter for PvE reasons.

The only thing that’s arguably overtuned is its range. No reason it should be 35 base when the rest of our kit is 30.

The other thing is like, I dunno, maybe balance druid having some kind of natural win condition is good, actually? Other classes have these. If Rogue gets the jump on someone, they usually win unless they’re outplayed or the gear disparity is high (or they jumped a warrior lol).

I mean, I’m gonna be super real, 42 yard range is probably too good in a vacuum but if you’re dying literally to only Starsurge over a 24 second period (i’m assuming like 1000 HP here and OK gear from the druid) then the problem exists between the computer and chair

The only way the druid can cast other spells at all is by getting into range.

The real problem with Starsurge isn’t even here yet. Wait until Improved Starsurge gives it a 15% chance to stun and balance has travel form, that’s gonna be real toxic. But right now it’s not that big a deal.

starsurge needs to be tuned down 100%

Warriors cry about other classes being strong, more news at 11


Meanwhile Xaryu is bursting kids for 1.3k and winning duels against snutz and friends without even pressing the sheep key, back to you.

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let me get this right. u want to nerf the 2nd worst dps class in the game?next to shadowpirests? is that what you are saying?

just making sure we all understand how stupid that sounds


Get your warbringer rune.

Thanks, Squirtgun. Next up, is Flare completely broken? Some Rogue players think so, and they’re calling on their representatives at Blizzard to remove it from the game. All this and more, right after the break.


Degenerates already robbed druids of Faerie Fire on retail…

It is fine

are they actually? i main a rogue in classic era. i mean rogue is the hardest class to play in terms of high level pvp in classic era so i’m sure once all these noobs realize that the class is much more complex than a cc stunlock they will ree on the forums. if the hunter is ever free enough and you are exposed enough to be hit by flare then you deserve to be pulled out of stealth. god i pray blizzard doenst listen to all the speds who dont know how to play their class and instead of learning qq on the forums.

Rogue is significantly easier to play than most classes in era pvp

No, I was just joking about how everyone always wants the things and classes specifically made to counter them nerfed lol

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lol i smell noob bs. yea so what class is it easier to play against? name one actual viable pvp spec in classic era that in a 1v1 a rogue doesnt have an uphill battle to defeat. a rogue can beat any class in classic era though you have to massively outplay your opponent.

edit: youre probably one of those 0 macro/mouseover derps who sees less spells in the spell book and thinks “oh since i have less buttons on rogue that class must be easier”

If that’s all they had to do to beat you then this is an L2P issue.

ok sure then give druids the ability to ice barrier, sheep, frost nova and blink? 200 iq post bud

after careful consideration i think this boils down to a skill issue

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