Starhub Singapore, Singtel, MyRepublic - Lots of Spikey World delay

Having same problem over here as well

Yeah me too !! Please do something before i unsub. Thanks!!

Im getting 1000+ ping this evening on frostmourne

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last net. sg - 0 410 410 1 3 33 2 - 0 410 410 1 2 28 2 - 0 410 410 1 3 30 2
unknown.telstraglobal. net - 0 410 410 2 4 84 4
i-93.sgpl-core02.telstraglobal. net - 0 410 410 2 5 38 3
i-15250.hkth-core02.telstraglobal. net - 0 410 410 37 39 64 39 - 0 410 410 150 152 178 152
i-0-0-0-14.sydo10.telstraglobal. net - 0 410 410 150 152 197 151
unknown.telstraglobal. net - 0 410 410 151 152 175 151
et-0-0-48-br01-eqsy4.as57976. net - 0 410 410 151 155 265 152
et-0-0-0-pe02-eqsy4.as57976. net - 22 221 174 173 175 238 175 - 25 207 156 173 173 183 174
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider


This maybe a hand off issue, as you all have the same exact ISP. Can anyone who hasn’t yet please run a WinMTR to host IP: for 10 minutes when the issue is occurring.

If we can get more examples we should be able to help look into this!

Note: I edited the title for better visibility and tracking.

Hi. I am encountering the same issues as well, same Internet provider. Here is my WinMTR report

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last - 0 679 679 2 8 79 5 - 0 679 679 4 13 70 8 - 1 671 669 5 13 107 20 - 0 679 679 4 14 84 21
unknown.telstraglobal. net - 0 679 679 5 15 118 14
i-93.sgpl-core02.telstraglobal. net - 0 679 679 6 15 85 11
i-15250.hkth-core02.telstraglobal. net - 0 679 679 44 54 153 60
i-10352.sydo-core03.telstraglobal. net - 0 679 679 154 162 276 166
i-0-0-0-14.sydo10.telstraglobal. net - 0 679 679 157 166 286 175
unknown.telstraglobal. net - 0 679 679 158 168 294 166 - 0 679 679 158 170 300 168
et-0-0-1-pe01-eqsy4.as57976. net - 20 385 311 175 187 361 189 - 27 330 243 176 185 265 181 - 26 334 248 176 185 264 182
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Here’s my winMTR report:

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
router.asus. com - 0 832 832 0 0 12 0 - 0 832 832 1 2 20 2 net. sg - 0 832 832 1 1 10 2 - 0 831 831 1 2 14 2
unknown.telstraglobal. net - 0 832 832 2 3 88 4
i-93.sgpl-core02.telstraglobal. net - 0 832 832 2 3 13 4
i-15250.hkth-core02.telstraglobal. net - 0 831 831 37 38 51 39
i-10352.sydo-core03.telstraglobal. net - 0 831 831 150 152 158 152 net - 0 831 831 154 155 211 155
unknown.telstraglobal. net - 0 832 832 155 156 197 160 - 0 832 832 151 155 287 152
et-0-0-1-pe01-eqsy4.as57976. net - 21 453 358 173 175 235 174 - 25 421 318 0 173 178 173 - 27 401 293 173 173 178 174
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last - 41 297 177 5 9 142 7 - 39 307 190 0 8 16 9 - 64 220 81 5 9 16 13 - 74 197 53 0 9 15 7 - 55 244 111 0 9 17 10 - 52 252 122 6 9 17 9 - 10 563 510 6 10 75 8
unknown.telstraglobal. net - 74 196 52 0 9 17 9
i-91.sgcn-core01.telstraglobal. net - 83 180 31 0 11 16 9
i-15251.hkth-core02.telstraglobal. net - 96 160 7 0 39 47 46
No response from host - 100 155 0 0 0 0 0
i-0-0-0-14.sydo10.telstraglobal. net - 99 156 2 0 152 152 152
No response from host - 100 155 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 155 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 155 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 155 0 0 0 0 0 - 30 357 253 0 176 201 174
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Here’s mine.
Notice the packet loss on the final 2 hops.

Side note: Can confirm if I were to use a VPN, the latency falls back to ‘normal’.

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
Linksys04339 0 654 654 0 1 100 1 0 654 654 3 8 123 9 0 654 654 4 8 79 10 0 654 654 5 10 127 7 0 654 654 5 13 126 66 0 654 654 4 9 126 9 0 654 654 6 10 82 10 0 654 654 5 10 119 8
unknown.telstraglobal. net 0 654 654 5 11 134 8
i-91.sgcn-core01.telstraglobal. net 0 654 654 6 11 127 12
i-15251.hkth-core02.telstraglobal. net 0 654 654 42 46 187 45 0 654 654 152 158 281 159 net 0 654 654 151 157 275 157
unknown.telstraglobal. net 0 654 654 148 154 240 150 0 654 654 149 158 292 153
et-0-0-0-pe02-eqsy4.as57976. net 24 339 260 173 180 303 176 23 343 265 172 177 274 178

Issue still persisting. Ran WINMTR for 10 mins.
| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last - 0 606 606 0 0 13 0
router.asus .com - 0 606 606 0 0 13 0 - 0 606 606 1 2 19 2 - 0 606 606 1 2 8 2 - 0 606 606 2 2 17 2
unknown.telstraglobal. net - 0 606 606 2 4 82 3
i-93.sgpl-core02.telstraglobal. net - 0 606 606 2 4 17 4
i-15250.hkth-core02.telstraglobal. net - 0 606 606 37 38 45 40 - 0 606 606 151 152 164 152 net - 0 606 606 155 156 211 155
unknown.telstraglobal. net - 0 606 606 155 156 186 157 - 0 606 606 151 155 264 199
et-0-0-1-pe01-eqsy4.as57976. net - 25 307 232 173 176 237 174 - 24 311 237 173 174 182 174 - 27 290 212 173 173 176 174
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Thank you all for the WinMTR tests! Could we also grab looking glass tests to check the connection from our servers?

Has anyone tried a different ISP, VPN, or a third party DNS service likeGoogle DNS? It is not directly supported as it is a third party application, but can help isolate the issue. These can help reroute the traffic or if there’s a DNS issue, address those concerns.

Hi Caterpepi,

The issue is still ongoing, same in-game home & world latency ranges.
There seems to be no issues based on traceroutes because the end latency is around 170ms (which is the norm right now).

As per Blizzard’s looking glass page, there is no option for Oceanic servers, only seeing US servers in the droplist.

I’m unable to test with a different ISP.
Always using Google’s public DNS ( & anyway.
VPN wise (using NordVPN), no issues.

Is Blizzard able to communicate with our ISP here and check if there is any network/hands off issue?

Same, no option for oceanic via looking glass.

Other ISP like Singtel etc, has no issue with the MS. Seems isolated to Starhub.

When connected via VPN no issue as well.

Unable to use looking glass, no oceanic option / Dath’Remar not listed.
Issue with Starhub only on my side (1500ms / spike to 4000+ms)
Using Singtel from office and ms is within 120/150ms range

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
Linksys06273 - 0 1550 1550 0 0 1 0 - 0 1550 1550 1 2 29 3 - 0 1550 1550 1 2 10 2 - 0 1551 1551 2 2 18 3
unknown.telstraglobal. net - 0 1550 1550 2 4 130 3
i-93.sgpl-core02.telstraglobal. net - 0 1550 1550 2 4 8 5
i-25250.hkth-core02.telstraglobal. net - 0 1550 1550 33 34 48 36
i-10352.sydo-core03.telstraglobal. net - 0 1550 1550 150 152 155 153 net - 0 1550 1550 145 147 191 146
unknown.telstraglobal. net - 0 1550 1550 146 147 186 147 - 0 1550 1550 148 152 261 149
et-0-0-1-pe01-eqsy4.as57976. net - 26 772 577 0 171 234 170 - 29 718 510 0 169 170 169 - 29 732 527 168 169 170 169
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____

Issue starts in Netherland with
et-0-0-1-pe01-eqsy4.as57976. net (
Address type|IPv4
Hostname|et-0-0-1-pe01-eqsy4.as57976. net

WinMTR with Singtel as ISP - No issue - For comparison with Starhub
| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last - 0 17 17 1 1 3 1 - 0 17 17 1 1 3 1 - 0 17 17 1 3 28 1 - 0 17 17 1 1 2 1 - 0 17 17 1 1 1 1 - 0 17 17 1 7 62 62
ip-202-147-32-126.asianetcom. net - 0 17 17 2 2 2 2
te0-0-2-0.wr1.sin0.10026.telstraglobal. net - 8 13 12 3 5 7 5
xe-0-1-1.gw1.sin2.pacnet. net - 0 17 17 2 4 30 3
po11-0-0.gw5.sin1.10026.telstraglobal. net - 0 17 17 3 3 5 4
i-92.sgpl-core02.telstraglobal. net - 0 17 17 3 4 5 4
i-15150.sgcn-core01.telstraglobal. net - 0 17 17 4 5 6 5
i-15251.hkth-core02.telstraglobal. net - 0 17 17 34 35 36 36
i-10352.sydo-core03.telstraglobal. net - 0 17 17 163 163 165 165 net - 0 17 17 191 197 236 191
unknown.telstraglobal. net - 0 17 17 147 148 164 147
et-0-0-48-br01-eqsy4.as57976. net - 0 17 17 198 198 199 199
et-0-0-0-pe01-eqsy4.as57976. net - 0 17 17 168 168 171 168 - 0 17 17 168 168 168 168 - 0 17 17 168 168 168 168
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider


Same here, no looking glass option for Oceanic. Tried using a Google DNS and the problem still persists. The problem occurred on Wednesday evening (9 Jan) as well, though was fine on Thursday (10 Jan).

Same here, unplayable lag on Oceanic
US servers are fine though


| WinMTR statistics |

| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


| - 0 | 1092 | 1092 | 1 | 2 | 27 | 3 |

| - 0 | 1092 | 1092 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 2 |

| - 0 | 1092 | 1092 | 1 | 2 | 18 | 2 |

| 0 | 1092 | 1092 | 2 | 4 | 91 | 9 |

| 0 | 1092 | 1092 | 2 | 3 | 12 | 4 |

| 1 | 1088 | 1087 | 33 | 34 | 44 | 34 |

| 0 | 1092 | 1092 | 146 | 148 | 157 | 150 |

| 0 | 1092 | 1092 | 150 | 151 | 199 | 151 |

| 0 | 1092 | 1092 | 147 | 148 | 181 | 147 |

| 0 | 1092 | 1092 | 147 | 150 | 250 | 148 |

| 28 | 517 | 374 | 169 | 171 | 233 | 169 |

| - 32 | 484 | 332 | 168 | 169 | 175 | 169 |


WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

1 Like

Hi There,

I am having the exact same issue as these troubled souls, I would really appreciate if we can get a fix for this, also still wondering when the SEA Cable will be repaired or an alternative provided for SEA based players, Oceanic servers are the only option for now, but it would be much appreciated if you could have an SEA dedicated server, people are slowly losing interest in this game, due to such issues. I have been playing wow for 8 years, I quit in Legion, got excited about BFA and came back only to get 1-9K MS this is not very great.

Also We are missing out on our World Quests and other things on a daily basis because of this issue. Its very annoying, I have dedicated hours to play WOW and now this is wasting my time, let alone reducing my game time.

Please Kindly FIX this at the earliest. Thanks!

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last - 0 381 381 4 7 53 7 - 0 381 381 7 10 50 8 - 0 381 381 7 10 50 9 - 0 381 381 6 10 62 9
- 0 381 381 7 12 87 9
- 0 381 381 7 12 62 11
- 0 381 381 38 41 102 39
0 381 381 155 159 202 155
- 1 377 376 154 158 200 157
- 0 381 381 151 154 191 153 - 1 377 376 155 161 227 157
- 22 205 161 173 178 232 179 - 14 245 211 173 176 217 173 - 23 201 156 0 175 185 175
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

1 Like

Same issue for me. Cant do anything raids, m+ total waste of my Saturday
Please do something about it.
Can Blizzard contact Starhub for the handshake issue?
It is affecting a lot of people.

ISP: Starhub

Using their dual broadband plan - cable connection in study room where i play WoW, fiber connection in living room.

Was having the same exact latency issue on my cable connection. So last night I used a long ethernet cable to hook up my pc to the living room fiber router and the latency was fine at 150ms which is the normal latency i get.

fwiw traceroute from the 2 connections:

Starhub Cable

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 13 ms 9 ms 7 ms
3 7 ms 7 ms 6 ms
4 12 ms 6 ms 7 ms
5 9 ms 10 ms 10 ms
6 8 ms 9 ms 7 ms []
7 8 ms 10 ms 7 ms
8 9 ms 10 ms 7 ms
9 7 ms 10 ms 7 ms unknown.telstraglobalnet []
10 15 ms 9 ms 11 ms i-91.sgcn-core01.telstraglobalnet []
11 49 ms 43 ms 41 ms i-15251.hkth-core02.telstraglobalnet []
12 157 ms 160 ms 158 ms
13 154 ms 154 ms 154 ms []
14 153 ms 158 ms 154 ms unknown.telstraglobalnet []
15 159 ms 162 ms 158 ms et-0-0-48-br01-eqsy4.as57976net []
16 173 ms 178 ms 174 ms et-0-0-0-pe01-eqsy4.as57976net []
17 176 ms 175 ms 174 ms
18 175 ms * 173 ms

Trace complete.

Starhub Fiber

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 2 ms 5 ms 5 ms []
2 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
3 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
4 4 ms 3 ms 3 ms unknown.telstraglobalnet []
5 3 ms 5 ms 5 ms i-91.sgcn-core01.telstraglobalnet []
6 33 ms 33 ms 33 ms i-15251.hkth-core02.telstraglobalnet []
7 151 ms 151 ms 150 ms
8 171 ms 150 ms 150 ms i-0-0-0-14.sydo10.telstraglobalnet []
9 149 ms 148 ms 148 ms unknown.telstraglobalnet []
10 267 ms 147 ms 147 ms et-0-0-48-br01-eqsy4.as57976net []
11 149 ms 148 ms 148 ms et-0-0-0-pe02-eqsy4.as57976net []
12 149 ms 149 ms 149 ms

Trace complete.

Maybe we should all reach out to StarHub too.
Since based on the forward trace, packet loss occurs on the last 2 hops. They might just be able to get something done, maybe.