Another major flaw I haven’t seen anyone in this thread mention is the similarity of both now more and more having to rely on spin off material like books to explain things in the film or in the game in WoW’s case.
That should never be how it is.
Another major flaw I haven’t seen anyone in this thread mention is the similarity of both now more and more having to rely on spin off material like books to explain things in the film or in the game in WoW’s case.
That should never be how it is.
And thanks directly to Disney, they probably will.
I respectfully disagree with your thesis. Yes, DKs were a draw, but it was only because they skipped leveling and boosts weren’t available yet, I started putting them on all my friends’ servers so I had a character that could help in the first 60 levels. Never really enjoyed the class though, it was just OP at first and that’s fun until it isn’t.
As for Arthas, well, Arthas who? I literally resubbed because they introduced LFD (I still remember the phone conversation where my friend told me about it and convinced me to rejoin), and I’d been mad that the only semi-consistent way to run a dungeon while leveling was to get a capped character to nuke it for you while you /followed because dare not pull aggro!.
So I literally came back to wrath due to an introduced gameplay mechanic, I hate everything RTS, always skipped quest text in this game like mad, so had zero idea who Arthas even was, at least at first. I still don’t feel any sort of way about his character. If I wanted to play a game for the world building and storyline I’d still be playing the EQ series, I like their takes better but this has . . . the gameplay.
A very odd conclusion when Rian made the worst of the three movies, arguably the worst Star Wars in the whole franchise, and Luke’s exile was the least of that film’s problems.
Both can’t let go of their villains.
This is a very good point I’d never considered. With WoW, they’ve given us things like Onyxia’s skeleton as a boss lol
Yeah I remember watching Clone Wars TV show years ago and they brought back Darth Maul and I was like wtf this show was so good until that, it was so easy for me to see what a bad decision that was and I was only around 14 at the time
Troll post detected.
I feel lately even their art has gone hill. The new sets have overwhelmingly been so ugly.
Blizzard really is a shadow of its former self. It’s sad.
I actually don’t mind Darth Maul’s return. He was a mysterious character that died too soon, imo. It would’ve been great if he had been an antagonist until the third film.
Also, I think if Anakin can survive lava head to toe (was he cut in half as well? I can’t recall), it wasn’t a stretch to me that Maul could survive a drop into a trash vacuum.
Anakin only lost his limbs, had his legs cut above the knees, arms above the elbows. However the rest remained relatively intact. After being bi-sected and falling from such a height I just don’t see it. Not that I agree he should’ve died so easily in Phantom menace to begin with but if you’re gonna kill a character stick to it.
I somehow find this very hard to believe unless your kids were just so dopamine jaded because you gave them electronics at a young age or something, or they just straight up never had proper access to the movies.
I somehow find this very hard to believe
You can believe whatever you want, but you’re wrong.
I’ve got A New Hope on Laserdisc and a Laserdisc player, I have the all three original movies on VHS and a VHS player, I have the prequels and the remastered versions of the original movies on BluRay, and I have digital copies through… some streaming service or other. Amazon Prime, I think? I don’t remember. Access to the movies was not the issue.
Truth be told, I think it’s because I was such a fan that they found it geeky or nerdy, until the new movies came out which made it cool again. Kind of how neither of my kids like the 80s or 90s alternative music I listen to. It’s great music, but it’s “old music” to them.
I wonder… do you have kids of your own?
People argue that IP protections should last forever.
And thanks directly to Disney, they probably will.
Which means we’ll get bad sequels for the rest of eternity thanks to Disney and their shoddy services. Good thing humans don’t live more then a 100 years on average. I’d hate to be stuck around for that.
Star Wars 10,11, and 12 will be another retread, except this time they will blow up the “Death Cube” created by the “Second Organization”
Yup, jar jar binks the stormtrooper.
They made a fun reference to that, in a recent episode of “The Mandalorian.”
Some guys were trying to get him to take off his helmet, to see what he looks like. Then they joked, “Probably a gungan under there!”
Bill Burr’s Mayfield makes fun of Mando’s refusal to remove his helmet. He wonders if Mando is a Gungan underneath the armor and subsequently asks, " Is that why youssa don’t want to show your face? "
Actually I heard rumors of Darth Revan. I’m a little scared not because it’s Revan but what they’ll do to the guy.
I heard they said they won’t do another
Actually I heard rumors of Darth Revan. I’m a little scared not because it’s Revan but what they’ll do to the guy.
Hopefully if that’s true they come at a less politically ‘woke’ time then now if you know what I mean. Movies are supposed to be about escapism