Star Wars and WoW have the same problem

sigh. I’ve been having fun but I’ll add a like to this.

I felt like the preparing for war then Saurfang challenging Sylvannas was underwhelming.

The storyline could do with some more blood and battle, some more raw human emotions making their way into things. We need more main lore characters to die ect.
And not in some derpy way either. Unexpected deaths… things that make us all thankful to be alive.

But what if i don’t care about the storyline?

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Well Darth Maul was an alien plus a Sith so him surviving that is not that much of a stretch

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Revan is famous for almost conquering an entire system using Grand Admiral Thrawn style battle tactics while leaving the infrastructure intact for a major threat that was coming. He only failed because his apprentice bombarded his ship during a major battle.

Darth Traya thought it was the true Sith that Revan was seeking to fight with his preserved infrastructure. Of course the Rise of Skywalker prevents that in Canon leaving Revan as a Cunning Sith Commander of Armies sparing the infrastructure out of pragmatism.

Knowing Disney they probably wouldn’t resist the idea of making Grand Admiral Thrawn travel through Time(since Time Travel is a thing as of Rebels) and become Darth Revan’s Body Double and Chief Tactician just so that they could get away with making Revan female(as that’s an option in KotOR 1 and 2).

Considering what we know of Revan and how he is supposed to have a Star Forge which wouldn’t have been destroyed if he remained Sith it wouldn’t surprise me if he had Sith Ships capable of blowing up planets just like Palpatine did in Rise of Skywalker though the Star Forge would at least be explainable as either Rakata or Ancient Sith Tech unlike Palpatine’s fleet.

Rebels and sequel trilogy were a mistake

Still have no interest in watching star wars after the last jedi. On the plus side kathleen kennedy is more or less sidelined so she wont be able to ruin anymore movies of star wars.

There was more character in the post-RotJ video games than in these last 3 films.

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I don’t care about woke or non woke crap. I just want something that doesn’t feel like a Mary or Gary Sue.

Yeah, but unlike star wars there are too many players who invested too much of their life in Wow to give up . Some of them look at armory as a life achievement :rofl: :rofl: .

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My Darth Vader case full of original action figures would like a word with you about investment.


Yeah but BFA just copy and pasted mops storyline nothing new about that

Star Wars: Into the Reyverse

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Yeah exactly. BFA is to MoP what Force Awakens is to New Hope


Idk I think death should mean something. It used to be cool when 1 character is brought back through some extraordinary means in old fiction but now it feels cheap and bad and overdone.

Wow is only beautiful as an isolated 15 year old game.

Log into ESO, GW2, or even ffxiv and then go back to wow and its hard to stomach. Considering those are all old games too.

The only thing that keeps wow alive is the community, the fact theres a lot of crap to chase, and the fact we get a new xpac reliably and frequently.

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Feminism 10char

Here’s an unpopular opinion" Finn should have been the Jedi in training and Rey his love interest; she should have had just enough screen time for a kiss or two per movie.


Soooooooo spot on!!! 10/10

I don’t know how people can complain that the new trilogy negates the victories in the original trilogy when some of the EU material does the exact same thing and y’all are in here saying they should have used the EU. Palpatine surviving the Death Star…ridiculous clone-based plot devices…Han and Leia’s son falling to the dark side. That all came from the EU.

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Apt observation.

Both franchises brought their respective genres from a more academic (ie: nerdy) background towards something more mainstream and relatable. Both had showrunners that pioneered revolutionary strides in what their mediums could do. Those showrunners made some questionable decision, but are sorely missed now that it is in the hands of people who don’t respect the franchise

Warcraft is truly the Star Wars of fantasy