I mean, I think after Episode 1 came out, people knew that what Star Wars movies were going to be from then on. Entertaining, lot’s of production value, but all the original and cool storytelling was used up in the original trilogy.
That’s ridiculous. Episode 3 wasn’t bad at all. And Palpative throughout the prequels was great. Only Anakin’s fall and romance with padme was bad. The story of the prequels was otherwise quite good. It built a universe, it established characters, it made you care about them and appreciate their development. Anakin loses to Dooku and then beats him. That alone makes him more interesting then Rey.
Both gems were crafted under intense pressure, and lost their value over time due to playing it too safe.
It’s pretty fair.
WoW lore has progressively gotten worse and worse. And also human centric.
The way they have ruined their main characters and cheapened and dumbed down the universe is exactly the same. The way the lore treats magic and death nowadays is the same way star wars ruined the Force. Jaina and Rey have incredible similarities. Unbeatable god like characters
Uh what? Care to offer any explanation for this at all? Why is it the fans fault the franchises turned to garbage?
They actually negate the victories of the original trilogy in a very poorly written fashion.
The healing thing by itself was such BS…
Yes , really the same problem.
That is , in both cases ;
It was BETTER when it was VAGUE.
Back in 1977 , yes , ostensibly the Empire was the bad guys.
But the Empire had the cool gear , the cool outfits , and the cool iconography. Darth Vader was cool , and Peter Cushing was certainly cool enough to carry Hammer Films for a decade.
Yes , ostensibly the Empire was the bad guys.
Granted , the Empire built a Death Star , and destroyed a planet with it.
But you didn’t really know why.
Perhaps it was something like the Allied carpet bombing of Axis cities in World War II ? That is ; Maybe they killed millions of innocents to save billions of innocents ?
Who really knew ?
It was about the same with the Horde ; The Horde was Orcs , Trolls , and Zombies with red flags.
So , yeah , "bad guys " , you GUESS.
Then both franchises began to elaborate.
In the case of Star Wars , yes , the Empire indeed turned out to be evil ;
As for the rebel alliance …dare I say it ( ? ) except for the , " Yay democracy ! " , " Yay Rainbow Coalition ! " , the fact is I wouldn’t want to live under the snobby , elitist boot heel of the Jedi Knights any more than I would want to live under the Empire .
As for World of Warcraft … well , I have learned , frankly , to ignore the last ten years of elaboration , have learned to stick to the broad strokes of a decade ago ,
when picking a side wasn’t a literal Judgement Day , but pretty much just an aesthetic choice.
Honestly that is an interesting take. Basically when both franchises had to delve into their substance they weren’t able to deliver in the same way is what you’re saying.
The problem is many franchises do that extremely well, and are made better for it. For example the Wotlk expansion was a full on delving into everything mysterious about the Scourge and Arthas, and it was a masterpiece storywise, if not 100% solid with some of the gameplay changes which is irrelevant to this topic anyways.
I haven’t seen the new one, but a friend who shares very similar, but more openminded tastes as I said it sucked.
No, Baby Yoda actually shows character development and faces consequences for his actions. When he does use his power it is limited and he suffers immensely for it.
His growing bond with the main character is outwardly cute yes but it also foreshadows a much larger plot element without throwing it in your face. If anything the cuteness adds a disarming element to the character that serves his mysteriousness well as he is also obviously a very important element to the story. Really I don’t see why people say is all he does is be cute, he is a dynamic and well fleshed out character in his own right that far surpasses what we have seen with characters in any of the aforementioned productions.
Star Wars doesn’t even have that anymore. The Art and Production left the room with Lucas.
They at least still have John Williams
The difference is that nobody plays WoW for the story, while for a movie it’s everything.
Yeah, saw spoiler free review in paper. Sounds like that film is just bad.
Currently enjoying the mandalorian. Bill Burr popped up on recent episode. Good times.
That didn’t used to be the case. Nobody bought wotlk because of the advertized game design changes to the overall game. They bought it for Arthas and playing as a DK for lore reasons.
Nowadays you can make that argument sure, and I’m one of them. I find myself having to ignore the lore to enjoy the game. But the game could be so much better if that weren’t the case.
for now, for now, because if I have seen something worse but I do not get so much to what would be a Rey Lore in the case of Jaina and Sylvia, just hope that more continues and happens in a trade of the new greats companies to carry the FEMALE EMPOWERMENT WITHOUT SENSE UP TO HIS MAXIMUM EXPRESSION.
Weird how a simple show but with a story driven by creative impulse rather than greed is miles better than the hundreds of millions of dollars main trilogy films.
EVery time I run SoO for mats and crap I nearly vomit at the plagiarism when I hit the end.
ugh…they couldnt even come up with an original storyline?
I’m just here to say that the “if you don’t like it do it yourself” argument is, as always, fundamentally flawed. Art is not above criticism, ever. You don’t have to be an artist to have an opinion on it. Saying otherwise is moronic.