so go write something better than they do. Nobody can. I guarantee no matter how good the new Star Wars or Shadowlands is, y’all gonna keep watchin the movies and playing the game, and complaining how bad it is. Easy solution, don’t buy what you don’t like. If this movie woulda lost money,maybe they’d think that maybe something was wrong, but if a company can make terrible movies, yet still make hundreds of millions of dollars, why would they waste time and money changing things?
It’s true, I still play WoW but definitely not for the story. Likewise I’ve probably seen the OG Star Wars trilogy about 150 times total, and that all occurred long before the prequels and the sequels. Now the franchise just doesn’t interest me, because I’ve got the first three memorized so I feel like I’m just seeing rehashes of the same stuff, which technically I kind of am.
Solo, big nope, there’s only one Han and it’s Harrison Ford, retire the character. Rogue One, space battle was cool otherwise nope. Episode VII, cool but highly derivative and I wouldn’t watch it twice let alone dozens of times. Episode VIII, fell asleep in the theater both times I tried to watch it, I was that unengaged. I might see episode IX eventually just to finish the trilogy, kind of how I watched episodes II and III of the prequels even though I thought Phantom Menace was a dumpster fire (and I’d say the prequels are lucky if all three have a combined total of a half hour of good footage); back then I still had hope I guess. I kind of want to see how it ends, but I’m also quite sure at this point I’ll be disappointed.
I’ve been talking to people and realized at this point in my life I’m no longer really a Star Wars fan, I liked the old ones when I was a kid, that’s the only love I have for it is nostalgia, they could never make another one and I’d be fine with that. Just like once someone figures out a better game than WoW, I won’t even look back fondly, I’ll just be like, “yeah that was a good game, but I’m so glad I found something better.” Zero nostalgia for this franchise, as I actively disliked all RTS games, didn’t think Blizzard was particularly cool or cute ever (“Zug Zug” when I click, it’s funny), they just made a better version of Everquest, the game I still enjoy more thematically (Iksar are a cooler race than any in this game) but I refuse to play it because I’m not into punishment fantasy and even the sequel, though less punishing, leaves something to be desired.
In short, show me a better game and I’m there. I have zero loyalty to this company, their IP, or anything else but the gameplay. And the game does look pretty good, especially compared to others in the genre, I’ll grant you that.
Actually on star wars, I’ve stopped watching anything SW related after what they did to Luke.
Grew up with SW, a fan of the books and original 3 movies but that was the last straw.
Don’t know about others but they’ll never see another dime from me
Wow wise, while the story has much to be desired and some mechanics could be improved, i do enjoy other parts of the game as well as the social aspect with guildies
Yeah with Luke and bringing Palpatine back… I hope they just give the new Star Wars the DBZ:GT treatment and just say they aren’t canon .
How many times we gotta teach you this lesson old man?
So why not go watch the old movies for context then produce the new trilogy with something original? Trying to copy something that was already well done and throwing your own spin on it 9/10 times doesn’t work. They were better off coming up with a new story so fans weren’t comparing it to the originals, which is hard not to do when they’re so similar but vastly different in story quality.
or maybe just come down off the ego mountain and reverse their decision about using EU content? There are reams of great stories there to be used.
Nah, it’s Star Wars. Just rehash old stories and brand it as new, the suckers will buy it anyway before they realize it’s bad!
I do not think that Blizzard still reaches that problem, because Star wars is even worse, but we must see the course of the franchise if it reaches that level Blizzard.
^ This is exactly what I’m saying. The older movies (yes even the prequels) are timeless. They shouldn’t of tried to give us something we already had. A brand new story would have been way better
Have you been watching the show? Your statement contradicts the latest episode. Also, people need to stop calling him a baby. He’s 50 years old lol
First of all, it was Lucas that said the EU wasn’t canon, and I don’t blame Disney for not wanting to go through a million different stories and check lore before they write anything.
That said, I believe shows like Mandalorian are going to be used to reintroduce the EU in a more controlled fashion. Rather than spread across comics, books, videogames, etc. It’ll be in movie and TV format, and they can carefully choose what they want, instead of being forced to use and consider all of it. As you said, “There are reams,” which is probably an understatement.
I wish I could discuss the third movie and how it broke from the originals…
If you think Blizzard doesn’t have that problem you obviously haven’t been paying attention to the lore for at least the past 3 expansions.
I think its because the main measure of success now is $, so they clam up and cant create original content due to the pressure to meet their main KPI. While shareholders are the top dog, nothing will change. I can imagine the Disney bosses saying something like “yeah yeah the reviews are trash, but did we make money?!” lol
Asked and answered:
Not to mention people have been requesting the return of the old cast in new movies for decades. You can’t just throw them in a film and expect a child or teenager to know their backstory.
I had to see Force Awakens twice in the theater, because I spent half the first movie explaining to my nieces who everyone was and why “old people” were in it. Just a sign of the times, I guess. New is better; everything is disposable.
It wasn’t until after my nieces saw Force Awakens that they became interested in the originals. Until then, they’d only watched the prequels.
there were a few duds like miticlorians and jar jar,
theory is jar jar was a secret sith lord originally. but apparently traumatised children who didnt like the funny guy being sneaky evil
I thought OP was going to say both have a sycophantic fanbase that lap up whatever drek is served to them without question or without the application of critical thinking, and will attack anyone that dares react to their beloved franchise with anything other than zealous praise.
But I was wrong. Silly me.
I can’t remember any of the music in the new Star Wars movies, I would say it could be Williams’ best, but can’t hear any of it half the time.
I like all of them, and watched the originals as an adult overseas. Yes, I’m that old
Oh come on, Brooks has perfectly made 3 different blizzard franchise stories worse by being involved. And with Golden helping we can expect it to continue to get much worse. How dare you complain about those 2…