Star Wars and WoW have the same problem

Funny how people are comparing this!

Why is it funny halfpint!!!

Because J allen brack joined SWG ( star wars galaxies ) Star wars mmorpg and let everyone in the game become the hardest class to be ( jedi ). The than ended, servers powered off because no one is playing.

J allen brack is now at BLIZZARD and COUGH COUGH COUGH…I wonder…

NOT ONLY does the STORYS similar in failure BUT THE GAMES are having a similar effect to the new president.

If I was a investor I would pull out asap!!!

No, that’s correct, they didn’t. But evidently you didn’t read my later replies. While the original movies still exist, they weren’t considered “cool” until the new movies came out. I can tell you from experience that kids had NO interest in the original Star Wars saga until after the new movies came out.

And yes, I’m using blanket statements there, but my son is involved in theater and I sometimes do backstage work for his company and yes, I was talking to them about Star Wars before the new movies came out.

Regardless, it doesn’t matter. Reading some of your other posts, you seem very angry about the new Star Wars movies, so I know this post won’t change anything and you’ll probably retort with some angry invective or something.

Just saying that Rise of Skywalker was pure fan-service

And i believe that Startkiller is part of the Legends timeline, which is not canon

I noticed that, but what’s really strange is how Episode 7/8 people see as just feminist fan-fiction, but yet these were the same people that also made Rogue One that was actually pretty good.

The reason is cause Rey is just a Mary Sue, and that she was marketed before the first movie even came out has a Strong Female Character, literally, that was her big selling point

And like i said before, her character did A LOT of dmg to the lore alongside with what they did to the legacy characters such has Luke and Han Solo

Thats why people straight up want this trilogy to not be considered canon


People always get up in defense when I say this.

I said “people” called him boring back then or a goodie two shoes.

Compared to the rest of the Star Wars Cast Luke does come out as whiny and goodie.

Thats his character and he grown trough out the movies, Rey doesnt even get that, i dont even know if she even has an actual personality to be fair


Rey has potential, or had.

Spoilers below:

They should have actually made her kill Chewie, would have totally removed her Mary Sue status.

This spoiler wasn’t even attempted to be hidden well.

Not sure how else you expect me to hide a Spoiler other than telling everyone it’s a spoiler.

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I mean, killing him off-screen was a bit… besides this movie has like 4 fake out deaths…

You entered a Star Wars discussion, you should expect spoilers

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Which was absurd. And I agree 100%. Rise of Skywalker was all forced Fanfare.

Also even if she did kill Chewie, she would still classify has a Mary Sue, if anything people would hate her even more for killing him off-screen

The first 2 movies just made her a complete Mary Sue and the third one didnt really had any possibility of fixing that, and shes still a Mary Sue in that movie.

Yeah but everyone tells me Luke isn’t a Mary Sue because he messes up in Empire, you can’t have it both ways. You can surely claim him a Mary Sue if A New Hope was the only film.

Cause he doesn’t classify has one, he constantly fails and pays for it

Rey basically never fails and has no real consequences for anything


I’m not denying she’s a Mary Sue.

Doesn’t change the fact that people thought Luke was boring back in the day.

Theres a difference in what the character is, and what people thing of said character

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Both are pretty similar in all honesty. There isn’t anything interesting enough in Luke to make me seriously dissect the two.

Pretty much this, rather than create a new original saga the sequels have basically thrown all previous lore out the window and disrespect the arcs before it by convoluting Force abilities, Jedis/Sith mysteries and totally rehashing the stories into a similar way.

Starkiller base = death star
the twist=uninspired and unoriginal.
star destroyer fleet=lame

People may say “Well these are for kids.”, Yeah ,ok, I get it, but in all honesty even the prequels and the originals had some mild form of common sense in it. Palpatine dismantled a republic to take over, he didn’t just magically appear (Snoke/First Order), Anakin didn’t just turn to the Dark Side because he was just angry for no reason at all, his story is much more tragic when you think of the 6 movies. He is fearful of his powers and his future, he reacts brashly towards people that wrong him, he lacks patience at times that a Jedi needs to resist the Dark Side temptations, all coupled with a fear of letting go and you have a slow descent into the Dark Side that by the original trilogies he’s just trapped even though deep inside he no longer wants to be a part of it…by then it’s too late, until he sees his only flesh and blood try and save him slowly being killed by someone he looked up to. Then he redeems himself through a beautiful sacrifice so that Luke can live…only to have ALL of that mean absolutely nothing come Rise of Skywalker.

…sorry I went on a rant.


Its the fact that you can relate to him, he fails, he learns from it, he grows.

Thats how you write a character.

You could look on Youtube for some videos about him

Heres a really detailed one comparing both: